#!/usr/bin/env python
import sys
import xapian
o_index_stripchars = True
md5wpref = "XM"
# Handle caps/diac-stripping option. If the db is raw the prefixes are
# wrapped with ":"
def wrap_prefix(prefix):
if o_index_stripchars:
return prefix
return ":" + prefix + ":"
def init_stripchars(xdb):
global o_index_stripchars
global md5wpref
t = xdb.allterms()
for term in t:
if term.term.find(":") == 0:
o_index_stripchars = False
md5wpref = wrap_prefix("XM")
# Retrieve named value from document data record.
# The record format is a sequence of nm=value lines
def get_attribute(xdb, docid, fld):
doc = xdb.get_document(docid)
data = doc.get_data()
s = data.find(fld+"=")
if s == -1:
return ""
e = data.find("\n", s)
return data[s+len(fld)+1:e]
# Convenience: retrieve postings as Python list
def get_postlist(xdb, term):
ret = list()
for posting in xdb.postlist(term):
return ret
# Return list of docids having same md5 including self
def get_dups(xdb, docid):
doc = xdb.get_document(int(docid))
# It would be more efficient to retrieve the value, but it's
# binary so we'd have to decode it
md5term = doc.termlist().skip_to(md5wpref).term
if not md5term.startswith(md5wpref):
posts = get_postlist(xdb, md5term)
return posts
# Retrieve all sets of duplicates:
# walk the list of all MD5 terms, look up their posting lists, and
# store the docids where the list is longer than one.
def find_all_dups(xdb):
alldups = list()
# Walk the MD5 terms
t = xdb.allterms()
for term in t:
if not term.term.startswith(md5wpref):
# Check postlist for term, if it's not of length 1, we have a dup
dups = get_postlist(xdb, term.term)
if len(dups) != 1:
return alldups
# Print docid url ipath for list of docids
def print_urlipath(xdb, doclist):
for docid in doclist:
url = get_attribute(xdb, docid, "url")
ipath = get_attribute(xdb, docid, "ipath")
print docid, url, ipath
########## Main program
if len(sys.argv) < 2:
print >> sys.stderr, "Usage: %s /path/to/db [docid [docid ...]]" % \
print >> sys.stderr, " will print all sets of dups if no docid is given"
print >> sys.stderr, " else only the duplicates for the given docids"
xdbpath = sys.argv[1]
xdb = xapian.Database(xdbpath)
if len(sys.argv) == 2:
# No docid args,
alldups = find_all_dups(xdb)
for dups in alldups:
print_urlipath(xdb, dups)
for docid in sys.argv[2:]:
dups = get_dups(xdb, docid)
if dups is not None and len(dups) > 1:
print_urlipath(xdb, dups)
except Exception, e:
print >> sys.stderr, "Xapian error: %s" % str(e)