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--- a/website/features.html
+++ b/website/features.html
@@ -255,18 +255,14 @@
-        <li><span class="application">RTF</span> files with <a href=
-        "http://www.gnu.org/software/unrtf/unrtf.html">unrtf</a>. Please
-        note that up to version
-        0.21, <span class="command">unrtf</span> mostly does not work
-        with non western-european character sets. If you have a need
-        for indexing, ie, russian or chinese RTF files, I have
-        produced a modified version which works much better (as
-        indicated by my tests and a few external ones). You can
-        download the <a href="unrtf/unrtf-0.22.2beta.tar.gz">source
-        here</a>. The development is hosted
-        on <a href="http://www.bitbucket.org/medoc/unrtf-int">
-         bitbucket.org</a>.</li>  
+        <li><span class="application">RTF</span> files with 
+          <a href="http://www.gnu.org/software/unrtf/unrtf.html">
+            unrtf</a>. Please note that up to version 0.21.3, 
+          <span class="command">unrtf</span> mostly does not work
+          with non western-european character sets. If you have a need
+          for indexing, e.g., russian or chinese RTF files, make sure
+          that you have 0.21.3 or newer. Unrtf is easy to build from
+          source.</li>
         <li><span class="application">TeX</span> with <span class=
         "command">untex</span>. If there is no untex package for