Commit Date  
remove recoll query text from compared test out...
[85426a] by dockes dockes
2009-01-27 Tree
Emit a_b intermediary span when splitting a_b.c
[6169fd] by dockes dockes
2009-01-27 Tree
modified the time at which we unaccent so that ...
[7dcc7c] by dockes dockes
2009-01-26 Tree

[30c467] by dockes dockes
2009-01-26 Tree

[6f084d] by dockes dockes
2009-01-26 Tree
[0ddebe] by dockes dockes
2009-01-26 Tree
add overloaded neutchars with different parameters
[dc7c31] by dockes dockes
2009-01-26 Tree
tested and decided against cacheing iconv_open
[79c1f8] by dockes dockes
2009-01-26 Tree
temp ckpt: need to test on real unix
[4c82cd] by dockes dockes
2009-01-23 Tree
avoid name duplication
[7b1c4c] by dockes dockes
2009-01-23 Tree
one button for choosing native editors
[6d7b31] by dockes dockes
2009-01-23 Tree
simplified javascrip: no ie here!
[893dc4] by dockes dockes
2009-01-23 Tree
[765b6c] by dockes dockes
2009-01-23 Tree
use normal text/html ext app for viewing help
[e9aad2] by dockes dockes
2009-01-23 Tree
accept additional path argument to execmd::which
[27fbdc] by dockes dockes
2009-01-23 Tree
allow toggle show text/fields in preview
[631fad] by dockes dockes
2009-01-22 Tree
added saveToFile menu entry to reslist
[bc207a] by dockes dockes
2009-01-21 Tree
added optional extended file attributes support
[229645] by dockes dockes
2009-01-21 Tree
[420e25] by dockes dockes
2009-01-21 Tree
try to use wvWare if present and antiword fails
[876747] by dockes dockes
2009-01-21 Tree
initialize the error buffer for gnu strerror_r
[e8d288] by dockes dockes
2009-01-21 Tree
fix errno printing
[1173e0] by dockes dockes
2009-01-21 Tree
fixed typo that would prevent stopfile use
[7cb106] by dockes dockes
2009-01-21 Tree
added compressedfilemaxkbs
[d0a8a3] by dockes dockes
2009-01-17 Tree
added compressedfilemaxkbs
[bf1670] by dockes dockes
2009-01-17 Tree
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Showing results of 1450