Commit Date  
use and_maybe in adv search
[615a52] by dockes dockes
2005-11-16 Tree
stem expansion was never done for adv search
[43c3ea] by dockes dockes
2005-11-14 Tree
slightly better status printing while loading p...
[e5329a] by dockes dockes
2005-11-06 Tree
limit path therm length through hashing
[48948b] by dockes dockes
2005-11-06 Tree
debug message
[a1ba08] by dockes dockes
2005-11-05 Tree
separate file and document dates (mainly for em...
[5ebcb0] by dockes dockes
2005-11-05 Tree
small installation tweaks
[5854ec] by dockes dockes
2005-10-20 Tree
implemented filtering on file subtree
[9fb52e] by dockes dockes
2005-10-19 Tree
most of adv search working. Still need subtree/...
[ce740a] by dockes dockes
2005-10-19 Tree
re-port to linux
[1293f0] by dockes dockes
2005-04-06 Tree
*** empty log message ***
[68fb37] by dockes dockes
2005-04-05 Tree
*** empty log message ***
[50b927] by dockes dockes
2005-04-04 Tree
mail handling 1st working version
[04b279] by dockes dockes
2005-03-31 Tree
mail ckpt
[d392d3] by dockes dockes
2005-03-25 Tree
implemented stem databases
[1a897c] by dockes dockes
2005-02-10 Tree
*** empty log message ***
[fe550b] by dockes dockes
2005-02-08 Tree
fixed next/prev screen pb + pb with accents whe...
[3649eb] by dockes dockes
2005-02-08 Tree
phrases ok except for preview position
[458880] by dockes dockes
2005-02-08 Tree
fixes in textsplit
[4c54a8] by dockes dockes
2005-02-08 Tree
simple term highlighting in query preview
[2a0204] by dockes dockes
2005-02-07 Tree
uncompression+linux port
[74434a] by dockes dockes
2005-02-04 Tree
*** empty log message ***
[d8b253] by dockes dockes
2005-02-01 Tree
added external filters and pdf handling
[d0aaf9] by dockes dockes
2005-02-01 Tree
*** empty log message ***
[cc512e] by dockes dockes
2005-02-01 Tree
first incarnation of indexing thread
[a93e61] by dockes dockes
2005-01-31 Tree
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Showing results of 63