#ifndef lint
static char rcsid[] = "@(#$Id: searchdata.cpp,v 1.9 2007-01-18 12:09:58 dockes Exp $ (C) 2006 J.F.Dockes";
* This program is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify
* it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by
* the Free Software Foundation; either version 2 of the License, or
* (at your option) any later version.
* This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful,
* but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of
* GNU General Public License for more details.
* You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License
* along with this program; if not, write to the
* Free Software Foundation, Inc.,
* 59 Temple Place - Suite 330, Boston, MA 02111-1307, USA.
// Handle translation from rcl's SearchData structures to Xapian Queries
#include <string>
#include <vector>
#include "xapian.h"
#include "rcldb.h"
#include "searchdata.h"
#include "debuglog.h"
#include "smallut.h"
#include "textsplit.h"
#include "unacpp.h"
#include "utf8iter.h"
using namespace std;
namespace Rcl {
typedef vector<SearchDataClause *>::iterator qlist_it_t;
typedef vector<SearchDataClause *>::const_iterator qlist_cit_t;
bool SearchData::toNativeQuery(Rcl::Db &db, void *d, const string& stemlang)
Xapian::Query xq;
// Walk the clause list translating each in turn and building the
// Xapian query tree
for (qlist_it_t it = m_query.begin(); it != m_query.end(); it++) {
Xapian::Query nq;
if (!(*it)->toNativeQuery(db, &nq, stemlang)) {
LOGERR(("SearchData::toNativeQuery: failed\n"));
m_reason = (*it)->getReason();
return false;
// If this structure is an AND list, must use AND_NOT for excl clauses.
// Else this is an OR list, and there can't be excl clauses
Xapian::Query::op op;
if (m_tp == SCLT_AND) {
op = (*it)->m_tp == SCLT_EXCL ?
Xapian::Query::OP_AND_NOT: Xapian::Query::OP_AND;
} else {
op = Xapian::Query::OP_OR;
xq = xq.empty() ? nq : Xapian::Query(op, xq, nq);
// Add the file type filtering clause if any
if (!m_filetypes.empty()) {
list<Xapian::Query> pqueries;
Xapian::Query tq;
for (vector<string>::iterator it = m_filetypes.begin();
it != m_filetypes.end(); it++) {
string term = "T" + *it;
LOGDEB(("Adding file type term: [%s]\n", term.c_str()));
tq = tq.empty() ? Xapian::Query(term) :
Xapian::Query(Xapian::Query::OP_OR, tq, Xapian::Query(term));
xq = xq.empty() ? tq : Xapian::Query(Xapian::Query::OP_FILTER, xq, tq);
*((Xapian::Query *)d) = xq;
return true;
// Add clause to current list. OR lists cant have EXCL clauses.
bool SearchData::addClause(SearchDataClause* cl)
if (m_tp == SCLT_OR && (cl->m_tp == SCLT_EXCL)) {
LOGERR(("SearchData::addClause: cant add EXCL to OR list\n"));
m_reason = "No Negative (AND_NOT) clauses allowed in OR queries";
return false;
return true;
// Make me all new
void SearchData::erase() {
m_tp = SCLT_AND;
for (qlist_it_t it = m_query.begin(); it != m_query.end(); it++)
delete *it;
// Am I a file name only search ? This is to turn off term highlighting
bool SearchData::fileNameOnly()
for (qlist_it_t it = m_query.begin(); it != m_query.end(); it++)
if (!(*it)->isFileName())
return false;
return true;
// Extract all terms and term groups
bool SearchData::getTerms(vector<string>& terms,
vector<vector<string> >& groups,
vector<int>& gslks) const
for (qlist_cit_t it = m_query.begin(); it != m_query.end(); it++)
(*it)->getTerms(terms, groups, gslks);
return true;
// Splitter callback for breaking a user query string into simple
// terms and phrases.
class wsQData : public TextSplitCB {
vector<string> terms;
bool takeword(const std::string &term, int , int, int) {
LOGDEB1(("wsQData::takeword: %s\n", term.c_str()));
return true;
/// Translate user string (ie: term1 "a phrase" term3) into a xapian
/// query tree
// This used to be a static function, but we couldn't just keep adding
// parameters to the interface!
class StringToXapianQ {
StringToXapianQ(Db& db, const string &stmlng)
: m_db(db), m_stemlang(stmlng)
{ }
bool translate(const string &iq,
const string &prefix,
string &ermsg,
list<Xapian::Query> &pqueries,
int slack = 0, bool useNear = false);
bool getTerms(vector<string>& terms,
vector<vector<string> >& groups)
terms.insert(terms.end(), m_terms.begin(), m_terms.end());
groups.insert(groups.end(), m_groups.begin(), m_groups.end());
return true;
void maybeStemExp(bool dont, const string& term, list<string>& exp,
string& sterm);
Db& m_db;
const string& m_stemlang;
// Single terms and phrases resulting from breaking up text;
vector<string> m_terms;
vector<vector<string> > m_groups;
/** Unaccent and lowercase term, possibly expand stem and wildcards
* @param nostemexp don't perform stem expansion. This is mainly used to
* prevent stem expansion inside phrases. 2 other factors can turn
* stem expansion off: a null stemlang, resulting from a global user
* preference, or a capitalized term.
* @param term input single word
* @param exp output expansion list
* @param sterm output lower-cased+unaccented version of the input term
* (only if stem expansion actually occured, else empty)
void StringToXapianQ::maybeStemExp(bool nostemexp,
const string& term,
list<string>& exp,
string &sterm)
LOGDEB2(("maybeStemExp: term [%s] stemlang [%s] nostemexp %d\n",
term.c_str(), m_stemlang.c_str(), nostemexp));
if (term.empty()) {
// term1 is lowercase and without diacritics
string term1;
dumb_string(term, term1);
bool haswild = term.find_first_of("*?") != string::npos;
// No stemming if there are wildcards or prevented globally.
if (haswild || m_stemlang.empty())
nostemexp = true;
if (!nostemexp) {
// Check if the first letter is a majuscule in which
// case we do not want to do stem expansion. Note that
// the test is convoluted and possibly problematic
string noacterm, noaclowterm;
if (unacmaybefold(term, noacterm, "UTF-8", false) &&
unacmaybefold(noacterm, noaclowterm, "UTF-8", true)) {
Utf8Iter it1(noacterm);
Utf8Iter it2(noaclowterm);
if (*it1 != *it2)
nostemexp = true;
if (nostemexp && !haswild) {
// Neither stemming nor wildcard expansion: just the word
} else {
list<TermMatchEntry> l;
if (haswild) {
m_db.termMatch(Rcl::Db::ET_WILD, m_stemlang, term1, l);
} else {
sterm = term1;
m_db.termMatch(Rcl::Db::ET_STEM, m_stemlang, term1, l);
for (list<TermMatchEntry>::const_iterator it = l.begin();
it != l.end(); it++) {
// Do distribution of string vectors: a,b c,d -> a,c a,d b,c b,d
void multiply_groups(vector<vector<string> >::const_iterator vvit,
vector<vector<string> >::const_iterator vvend,
vector<string>& comb,
vector<vector<string> >&allcombs)
// Remember my string vector and compute next, for recursive calls.
vector<vector<string> >::const_iterator myvit = vvit++;
// Walk the string vector I'm called upon and, for each string,
// add it to current result, an call myself recursively on the
// next string vector. The last call (last element of the vector of
// vectors), adds the elementary result to the output
// Walk my string vector
for (vector<string>::const_iterator strit = (*myvit).begin();
strit != (*myvit).end(); strit++) {
// Add my current value to the string vector we're building
if (vvit == vvend) {
// Last call: store current result
} else {
// Call recursively on next string vector
multiply_groups(vvit, vvend, comb, allcombs);
// Pop the value I just added (make room for the next element in my
// vector)
static void addPrefix(list<string>& terms, const string& prefix)
if (prefix.empty())
for (list<string>::iterator it = terms.begin(); it != terms.end(); it++)
it->insert(0, prefix);
* Turn string into list of xapian queries. There is little
* interpretation done on the string (no +term -term or filename:term
* stuff). We just separate words and phrases, and interpret
* capitalized terms as wanting no stem expansion.
* The final list contains one query for each term or phrase
* - Elements corresponding to a stem-expanded part are an OP_OR
* composition of the stem-expanded terms (or a single term query).
* - Elements corresponding to a phrase are an OP_PHRASE composition of the
* phrase terms (no stem expansion in this case)
* @return the subquery count (either or'd stem-expanded terms or phrase word
* count)
bool StringToXapianQ::translate(const string &iq,
const string &prefix,
string &ermsg,
list<Xapian::Query> &pqueries,
int slack, bool useNear)
LOGDEB2(("StringToXapianQ:: query string: [%s]\n", iq.c_str()));
// Split into words and phrases (word1 word2 "this is a phrase"):
list<string> phrases;
stringToStrings(iq, phrases);
// Then process each word/phrase: split into terms and transform
// into appropriate Xapian Query
try {
for (list<string>::iterator it = phrases.begin();
it != phrases.end(); it++) {
LOGDEB(("strToXapianQ: phrase or word: [%s]\n", it->c_str()));
// If there are both spans and single words in this element,
// we need to use a word split, else a phrase query including
// a span would fail if we didn't adjust the proximity to
// account for the additional span term which is complicated.
wsQData splitDataS, splitDataW;
TextSplit splitterS(&splitDataS, (TextSplit::Flags)
TextSplit splitterW(&splitDataW, (TextSplit::Flags)
(TextSplit::TXTS_NOSPANS |
wsQData *splitData = &splitDataS;
if (splitDataS.terms.size() > 1 &&
splitDataS.terms.size() != splitDataW.terms.size())
splitData = &splitDataW;
LOGDEB1(("strToXapianQ: splitter term count: %d\n",
switch(splitData->terms.size()) {
case 0: continue;// ??
case 1: // Not a real phrase: one term
string term = splitData->terms.front();
list<string> exp;
string sterm;
maybeStemExp(false, term, exp, sterm);
m_terms.insert(m_terms.end(), exp.begin(), exp.end());
// Push either term or OR of stem-expanded set
addPrefix(exp, prefix);
Xapian::Query xq(Xapian::Query::OP_OR,
exp.begin(), exp.end());
// Give a relevance boost to the original term
if (!sterm.empty()) {
xq = Xapian::Query(Xapian::Query::OP_OR,
xq, Xapian::Query(sterm, 10));
// Phrase/near
Xapian::Query::op op = useNear ? Xapian::Query::OP_NEAR :
list<Xapian::Query> orqueries;
bool hadmultiple = false;
vector<vector<string> >groups;
for (vector<string>::iterator it = splitData->terms.begin();
it != splitData->terms.end(); it++) {
// Some version of xapian will accept only one OR clause
// inside NEAR, all others must be leafs
bool nostemexp =
(op == Xapian::Query::OP_PHRASE || hadmultiple) ?
true : false;
string sterm;
maybeStemExp(nostemexp, *it, exp, sterm);
groups.push_back(vector<string>(exp.begin(), exp.end()));
addPrefix(exp, prefix);
exp.begin(), exp.end()));
if (exp.size() > 1)
hadmultiple = true;
splitData->terms.size() + slack));
// Add NEAR/PHRASE groups to the highlighting data. Must
// push all combinations
vector<vector<string> > allcombs;
vector<string> comb;
multiply_groups(groups.begin(), groups.end(), comb, allcombs);
m_groups.insert(m_groups.end(), allcombs.begin(),
} catch (const Xapian::Error &e) {
ermsg = e.get_msg();
} catch (const string &s) {
ermsg = s;
} catch (const char *s) {
ermsg = s;
} catch (...) {
ermsg = "Caught unknown exception";
if (!ermsg.empty()) {
LOGERR(("stringToXapianQueries: %s\n", ermsg.c_str()));
return false;
return true;
// Try to translate field specification into field prefix. This should
// probably be an Rcl::Db method and much more configurable (store
// prefix translation list in config ?)
static string fieldToPrefix(const string& i_field)
static map<string, string> fldToPrefs;
if (fldToPrefs.empty()) {
fldToPrefs["title"] = "S";
fldToPrefs["caption"] = "S";
fldToPrefs["subject"] = "S";
fldToPrefs["author"] = "A";
fldToPrefs["from"] = "A";
fldToPrefs["keyword"] = "K";
string fld(i_field);
map<string, string>::const_iterator it = fldToPrefs.find(fld);
if (it != fldToPrefs.end())
return it->second;
return "";
// Translate a simple OR, AND, or EXCL search clause.
bool SearchDataClauseSimple::toNativeQuery(Rcl::Db &db, void *p,
const string& stemlang)
Xapian::Query *qp = (Xapian::Query *)p;
*qp = Xapian::Query();
Xapian::Query::op op;
switch (m_tp) {
case SCLT_AND: op = Xapian::Query::OP_AND; break;
// EXCL will be set with AND_NOT in the list. So it's an OR list here
case SCLT_OR:
case SCLT_EXCL: op = Xapian::Query::OP_OR; break;
LOGERR(("SearchDataClauseSimple: bad m_tp %d\n", m_tp));
return false;
string prefix;
if (!m_field.empty())
prefix = fieldToPrefix(m_field);
list<Xapian::Query> pqueries;
StringToXapianQ tr(db, stemlang);
if (!tr.translate(m_text, prefix, m_reason, pqueries))
return false;
if (pqueries.empty()) {
LOGERR(("SearchDataClauseSimple: resolved to null query\n"));
return true;
tr.getTerms(m_terms, m_groups);
*qp = Xapian::Query(op, pqueries.begin(), pqueries.end());
return true;
// Translate a FILENAME search clause.
bool SearchDataClauseFilename::toNativeQuery(Rcl::Db &db, void *p,
const string& stemlang)
Xapian::Query *qp = (Xapian::Query *)p;
*qp = Xapian::Query();
list<string> names;
db.filenameWildExp(m_text, names);
// Build a query out of the matching file name terms.
*qp = Xapian::Query(Xapian::Query::OP_OR, names.begin(), names.end());
return true;
// Translate NEAR or PHRASE clause.
bool SearchDataClauseDist::toNativeQuery(Rcl::Db &db, void *p,
const string& stemlang)
Xapian::Query *qp = (Xapian::Query *)p;
*qp = Xapian::Query();
list<Xapian::Query> pqueries;
Xapian::Query nq;
string prefix;
if (!m_field.empty())
prefix = fieldToPrefix(m_field);
// Use stringToXapianQueries to lowercase and simplify the phrase
// terms etc. The result should be a single element list
string s = string("\"") + m_text + string("\"");
bool useNear = m_tp == SCLT_NEAR;
StringToXapianQ tr(db, stemlang);
if (!tr.translate(s, prefix, m_reason, pqueries, m_slack, useNear))
return false;
if (pqueries.empty()) {
LOGERR(("SearchDataClauseDist: resolved to null query\n"));
return true;
tr.getTerms(m_terms, m_groups);
*qp = *pqueries.begin();
return true;
} // Namespace Rcl