--- a/src/qtgui/reslist.cpp
+++ b/src/qtgui/reslist.cpp
@@ -10,6 +10,7 @@
#include <qapplication.h>
#include <qvariant.h>
#include <qevent.h>
+#include <qmenu.h>
#include <qpushbutton.h>
#include <qlayout.h>
#include <qtooltip.h>
@@ -19,18 +20,8 @@
#include <qimage.h>
#include <qclipboard.h>
#include <qscrollbar.h>
-#if (QT_VERSION < 0x040000)
-#include <qpopupmenu.h>
#ifndef __APPLE__
#include <qx11info_x11.h>
-#include <q3popupmenu.h>
-#include <q3stylesheet.h>
-#include <q3mimefactory.h>
-#define QStyleSheetItem Q3StyleSheetItem
-#define QMimeSourceFactory Q3MimeSourceFactory
#include "debuglog.h"
@@ -75,367 +66,54 @@
ResList *m_parent;
-class PlainToRichQtReslist : public PlainToRich {
- virtual ~PlainToRichQtReslist() {}
- virtual string startMatch() {return string("<termtag>");}
- virtual string endMatch() {return string("</termtag>");}
-static PlainToRichQtReslist g_hiliter;
-ResList::ResList(QWidget* parent, const char* name)
- : QTEXTBROWSER(parent, name)
- if (!name)
- setName("resList");
- setReadOnly(TRUE);
- setUndoRedoEnabled(FALSE);
- languageChange();
- setTabChangesFocus(true);
- (void)new HelpClient(this);
- HelpClient::installMap(this->name(), "RCL.SEARCH.RESLIST");
- // signals and slots connections
- connect(this, SIGNAL(linkClicked(const QString &, int)),
- this, SLOT(linkWasClicked(const QString &, int)));
#if 0
- // See comments in "highlighted
- connect(this, SIGNAL(highlighted(const QString &)),
- this, SLOT(highlighted(const QString &)));
- connect(this, SIGNAL(headerClicked()), this, SLOT(showQueryDetails()));
- connect(this, SIGNAL(doubleClicked(int,int)),
- this, SLOT(doubleClicked(int, int)));
-#if (QT_VERSION >= 0x040000)
- connect(this, SIGNAL(selectionChanged()), this, SLOT(selecChanged()));
- m_curPvDoc = -1;
- m_lstClckMod = 0;
- m_listId = 0;
- m_pager = new QtGuiResListPager(this, prefs.respagesize);
- m_pager->setHighLighter(&g_hiliter);
- // These have to exist somewhere for translations to work
-#ifdef __GNUC__
- __attribute__((unused))
- static const char* strings[] = {
- QT_TR_NOOP("<p><b>No results found</b><br>"),
- QT_TR_NOOP("Documents"),
- QT_TR_NOOP("out of at least"),
- QT_TR_NOOP("for"),
- QT_TR_NOOP("Previous"),
- QT_TR_NOOP("Next"),
- QT_TR_NOOP("Unavailable document"),
- QT_TR_NOOP("Preview"),
- QT_TR_NOOP("Open"),
- QT_TR_NOOP("(show query)"),
- QT_TR_NOOP("<p><i>Alternate spellings (accents suppressed): </i>"),
- };
-int ResList::newListId()
- static int id;
- return ++id;
-extern "C" int XFlush(void *);
-void ResList::setDocSource(RefCntr<DocSequence> ndocsource)
- m_baseDocSource = ndocsource;
- setDocSource();
-// Reapply parameters. Sort params probably changed
-void ResList::setDocSource()
- if (m_baseDocSource.isNull())
- return;
- resetList();
- m_listId = newListId();
- m_docSource = m_baseDocSource;
- // Filtering must be done before sorting, (which usually
- // truncates the original list)
- if (m_baseDocSource->canFilter()) {
- m_baseDocSource->setFiltSpec(m_filtspecs);
- } else {
- if (m_filtspecs.isNotNull()) {
- string title = m_baseDocSource->title() + " (" +
- string((const char*)tr("filtered").utf8()) + ")";
- m_docSource =
- RefCntr<DocSequence>(new DocSeqFiltered(m_docSource,m_filtspecs,
- title));
- }
- }
- if (m_sortspecs.isNotNull()) {
- string title = m_baseDocSource->title() + " (" +
- string((const char *)tr("sorted").utf8()) + ")";
- m_docSource = RefCntr<DocSequence>(new DocSeqSorted(m_docSource,
- m_sortspecs,
- title));
- }
- // Reset the page size in case the preference was changed
- m_pager->setPageSize(prefs.respagesize);
- m_pager->setDocSource(m_docSource);
- resultPageNext();
-void ResList::setSortParams(DocSeqSortSpec spec)
- LOGDEB(("ResList::setSortParams\n"));
- m_sortspecs = spec;
-void ResList::setFilterParams(const DocSeqFiltSpec& spec)
- LOGDEB(("ResList::setFilterParams\n"));
- m_filtspecs = spec;
-void ResList::resetList()
- m_curPvDoc = -1;
- // There should be a progress bar for long searches but there isn't
- // We really want the old result list to go away, otherwise, for a
- // slow search, the user will wonder if anything happened. The
- // following helps making sure that the textedit is really
- // blank. Else, there are often icons or text left around
- clear();
- QTEXTBROWSER::append(".");
- clear();
-#if (QT_VERSION < 0x040000)
- XFlush(qt_xdisplay());
+FILE *fp;
+void logdata(const char *data)
+ if (fp == 0)
+ fp = fopen("/tmp/recolltoto.html", "a");
+ if (fp)
+ fprintf(fp, "%s", data);
-#ifndef __APPLE__
- XFlush(QX11Info::display());
-bool ResList::displayingHistory()
- // We want to reset the displayed history if it is currently
- // shown. Using the title value is an ugly hack
- string htstring = string((const char *)tr("Document history").utf8());
- if (m_docSource.isNull() || m_docSource->title().empty())
- return false;
- return m_docSource->title().find(htstring) == 0;
-void ResList::languageChange()
- setCaption(tr("Result list"));
-bool ResList::getTerms(vector<string>& terms,
- vector<vector<string> >& groups, vector<int>& gslks)
- return m_baseDocSource->getTerms(terms, groups, gslks);
-list<string> ResList::expand(Rcl::Doc& doc)
- if (m_baseDocSource.isNull())
- return list<string>();
- return m_baseDocSource->expand(doc);
-// Get document number from paragraph number
-int ResList::docnumfromparnum(int par)
- if (m_pager->pageNumber() < 0)
- return -1;
- std::map<int,int>::iterator it = m_pageParaToReldocnums.find(par);
- int dn;
- if (it != m_pageParaToReldocnums.end()) {
- dn = m_pager->pageNumber() * prefs.respagesize + it->second;
- } else {
- dn = -1;
- }
- return dn;
-// Get paragraph number from document number
-int ResList::parnumfromdocnum(int docnum)
- if (m_pager->pageNumber() < 0)
- return -1;
- int winfirst = m_pager->pageNumber() * prefs.respagesize;
- if (docnum - winfirst < 0)
- return -1;
- docnum -= winfirst;
- for (std::map<int,int>::iterator it = m_pageParaToReldocnums.begin();
- it != m_pageParaToReldocnums.end(); it++) {
- if (docnum == it->second)
- return it->first;
- }
- return -1;
-// Return doc from current or adjacent result pages. We can get called
-// for a document not in the current page if the user browses through
-// results inside a result window (with shift-arrow). This can only
-// result in a one-page change.
-bool ResList::getDoc(int docnum, Rcl::Doc &doc)
- LOGDEB(("ResList::getDoc: docnum %d winfirst %d\n", docnum,
- m_pager->pageNumber() * prefs.respagesize));
- if (docnum < 0)
- return false;
- if (m_pager->pageNumber() < 0)
- return false;
- int winfirst = m_pager->pageNumber() * prefs.respagesize;
- // Is docnum in current page ? Then all Ok
- if (docnum >= winfirst && docnum < winfirst + int(m_curDocs.size())) {
- doc = m_curDocs[docnum - winfirst];
- return true;
- }
- // Else we accept to page down or up but not further
- if (docnum < winfirst && docnum >= winfirst - prefs.respagesize) {
- resultPageBack();
- } else if (docnum < winfirst + int(m_curDocs.size()) + prefs.respagesize) {
- resultPageNext();
- }
- winfirst = m_pager->pageNumber() * prefs.respagesize;
- if (docnum >= winfirst && docnum < winfirst + int(m_curDocs.size())) {
- doc = m_curDocs[docnum - winfirst];
- return true;
- }
- return false;
-void ResList::keyPressEvent(QKeyEvent * e)
- if (e->key() == Qt::Key_Q && (e->state() & Qt::ControlButton)) {
- recollNeedsExit = 1;
- return;
- } else if (e->key() == Qt::Key_Prior || e->key() == Qt::Key_Backspace) {
- resPageUpOrBack();
- return;
- } else if (e->key() == Qt::Key_Next || e->key() == Qt::Key_Space) {
- resPageDownOrNext();
- return;
- }
- QTEXTBROWSER::keyPressEvent(e);
-void ResList::contentsMouseReleaseEvent(QMouseEvent *e)
- m_lstClckMod = 0;
- if (e->state() & Qt::ControlButton) {
- m_lstClckMod |= Qt::ControlButton;
- }
- if (e->state() & Qt::ShiftButton) {
- m_lstClckMod |= Qt::ShiftButton;
- }
- QTEXTBROWSER::contentsMouseReleaseEvent(e);
-// Return total result list count
-int ResList::getResCnt()
- if (m_docSource.isNull())
- return -1;
- return m_docSource->getResCnt();
-void ResList::highlighted(const QString& )
- // This is supposedly called when a link is preactivated (hover or tab
- // traversal, but is not actually called for tabs. We would have liked to
- // give some kind of visual feedback for tab traversal
-#if 1 || (QT_VERSION < 0x040000)
-#define SCROLLYPOS contentsY()
-#define SCROLLYPOS verticalScrollBar()->value()
-// Page Up/Down: we don't try to check if current paragraph is last or
-// first. We just page up/down and check if viewport moved. If it did,
-// fair enough, else we go to next/previous result page.
-void ResList::resPageUpOrBack()
- int vpos = SCROLLYPOS;
- moveCursor(QTEXTBROWSER::MovePgUp, false);
- if (vpos == SCROLLYPOS)
- resultPageBack();
-void ResList::resPageDownOrNext()
- int vpos = SCROLLYPOS;
- moveCursor(QTEXTBROWSER::MovePgDown, false);
- LOGDEB(("ResList::resPageDownOrNext: vpos before %d, after %d\n",
- vpos, SCROLLYPOS));
- if (vpos == SCROLLYPOS)
- resultPageNext();
-// Show previous page of results. We just set the current number back
-// 2 pages and show next page.
-void ResList::resultPageBack()
- m_pager->resultPageBack();
- displayPage();
-// Go to the first page
-void ResList::resultPageFirst()
- // In case the preference was changed
- m_pager->setPageSize(prefs.respagesize);
- m_pager->resultPageFirst();
- displayPage();
-void ResList::append(const QString &text)
- QTEXTBROWSER::append(text);
-#if 0
- {
- FILE *fp = fopen("/tmp/debugreslist", "a");
- fprintf(fp, "%s\n", (const char *)text.utf8());
- fclose(fp);
- }
+#define logdata(X)
+// /// QtGuiResListPager methods:
bool QtGuiResListPager::append(const string& data)
- LOGDEB1(("QtGuiReslistPager::append: %s\n", data.c_str()));
+ LOGDEB2(("QtGuiReslistPager::appendString : %s\n", data.c_str()));
+ logdata(data.c_str());
return true;
-bool QtGuiResListPager::append(const string& data, int i, const Rcl::Doc& doc)
- LOGDEB1(("QtGuiReslistPager::append: %d %s %s\n",
- i, doc.url.c_str(), doc.ipath.c_str()));
- m_parent->setCursorPosition(0,0);
+bool QtGuiResListPager::append(const string& data, int docnum,
+ const Rcl::Doc& doc)
+ LOGDEB2(("QtGuiReslistPager::appendDoc: blockCount %d, %s\n",
+ m_parent->document()->blockCount(), data.c_str()));
+ logdata(data.c_str());
+ int blkcnt0 = m_parent->document()->blockCount();
+ m_parent->m_curDocs.push_back(doc);
+ m_parent->moveCursor(QTextCursor::End, QTextCursor::MoveAnchor);
+ m_parent->textCursor().insertBlock();
+ m_parent->insertHtml(QString::fromUtf8(data.c_str()));
+ m_parent->moveCursor(QTextCursor::Start, QTextCursor::MoveAnchor);
- m_parent->m_pageParaToReldocnums[m_parent->paragraphs()] = i;
- m_parent->m_curDocs.push_back(doc);
- return append(data);
+ int blkcnt1 = m_parent->document()->blockCount();
+ for (int block = blkcnt0; block < blkcnt1; block++) {
+ m_parent->m_pageParaToReldocnums[block] = docnum;
+ }
+ return true;
string QtGuiResListPager::trans(const string& in)
return string((const char*)ResList::tr(in.c_str()).utf8());
string QtGuiResListPager::detailsLink()
string chunk = "<a href=\"H-1\">";
@@ -443,21 +121,24 @@
chunk += "</a>";
return chunk;
const string& QtGuiResListPager::parFormat()
return prefs.creslistformat;
string QtGuiResListPager::nextUrl()
return "n-1";
string QtGuiResListPager::prevUrl()
return "p-1";
string QtGuiResListPager::pageTop()
- m_parent->clear();
return string();
@@ -500,6 +181,358 @@
+/////// /////// End reslistpager methods
+class PlainToRichQtReslist : public PlainToRich {
+ virtual ~PlainToRichQtReslist() {}
+ virtual string startMatch() {
+ return string("<span style='color: ")
+ + string((const char *)prefs.qtermcolor.ascii()) + string("'>");
+ }
+ virtual string endMatch() {return string("</span>");}
+static PlainToRichQtReslist g_hiliter;
+ResList::ResList(QWidget* parent, const char* name)
+ : QTextBrowser(parent, name)
+ if (!name)
+ setName("resList");
+ setReadOnly(TRUE);
+ setUndoRedoEnabled(FALSE);
+ setOpenLinks(FALSE);
+ languageChange();
+ setTabChangesFocus(true);
+ (void)new HelpClient(this);
+ HelpClient::installMap(this->name(), "RCL.SEARCH.RESLIST");
+ // signals and slots connections
+ connect(this, SIGNAL(anchorClicked(const QUrl &)),
+ this, SLOT(linkWasClicked(const QUrl &)));
+#if 0
+ // See comments in "highlighted
+ connect(this, SIGNAL(highlighted(const QString &)),
+ this, SLOT(highlighted(const QString &)));
+ connect(this, SIGNAL(headerClicked()), this, SLOT(showQueryDetails()));
+ setContextMenuPolicy(Qt::CustomContextMenu);
+ connect(this, SIGNAL(customContextMenuRequested(const QPoint&)),
+ this, SLOT(createPopupMenu(const QPoint&)));
+ m_curPvDoc = -1;
+ m_lstClckMod = 0;
+ m_listId = 0;
+ m_pager = new QtGuiResListPager(this, prefs.respagesize);
+ m_pager->setHighLighter(&g_hiliter);
+ // These have to exist somewhere for translations to work
+#ifdef __GNUC__
+ __attribute__((unused))
+ static const char* strings[] = {
+ QT_TR_NOOP("<p><b>No results found</b><br>"),
+ QT_TR_NOOP("Documents"),
+ QT_TR_NOOP("out of at least"),
+ QT_TR_NOOP("for"),
+ QT_TR_NOOP("Previous"),
+ QT_TR_NOOP("Next"),
+ QT_TR_NOOP("Unavailable document"),
+ QT_TR_NOOP("Preview"),
+ QT_TR_NOOP("Open"),
+ QT_TR_NOOP("(show query)"),
+ QT_TR_NOOP("<p><i>Alternate spellings (accents suppressed): </i>"),
+ };
+int ResList::newListId()
+ static int id;
+ return ++id;
+extern "C" int XFlush(void *);
+void ResList::setDocSource(RefCntr<DocSequence> ndocsource)
+ m_baseDocSource = ndocsource;
+ setDocSource();
+// Reapply parameters. Sort params probably changed
+void ResList::setDocSource()
+ if (m_baseDocSource.isNull())
+ return;
+ resetList();
+ m_listId = newListId();
+ m_docSource = m_baseDocSource;
+ // Filtering must be done before sorting, (which usually
+ // truncates the original list)
+ if (m_baseDocSource->canFilter()) {
+ m_baseDocSource->setFiltSpec(m_filtspecs);
+ } else {
+ if (m_filtspecs.isNotNull()) {
+ string title = m_baseDocSource->title() + " (" +
+ string((const char*)tr("filtered").utf8()) + ")";
+ m_docSource =
+ RefCntr<DocSequence>(new DocSeqFiltered(m_docSource,m_filtspecs,
+ title));
+ }
+ }
+ if (m_sortspecs.isNotNull()) {
+ string title = m_baseDocSource->title() + " (" +
+ string((const char *)tr("sorted").utf8()) + ")";
+ m_docSource = RefCntr<DocSequence>(new DocSeqSorted(m_docSource,
+ m_sortspecs,
+ title));
+ }
+ // Reset the page size in case the preference was changed
+ m_pager->setPageSize(prefs.respagesize);
+ m_pager->setDocSource(m_docSource);
+ resultPageNext();
+void ResList::setSortParams(DocSeqSortSpec spec)
+ LOGDEB(("ResList::setSortParams\n"));
+ m_sortspecs = spec;
+void ResList::setFilterParams(const DocSeqFiltSpec& spec)
+ LOGDEB(("ResList::setFilterParams\n"));
+ m_filtspecs = spec;
+void ResList::resetList()
+ m_curPvDoc = -1;
+ // There should be a progress bar for long searches but there isn't
+ // We really want the old result list to go away, otherwise, for a
+ // slow search, the user will wonder if anything happened. The
+ // following helps making sure that the textedit is really
+ // blank. Else, there are often icons or text left around
+ clear();
+ QTextBrowser::append(".");
+ clear();
+#ifndef __APPLE__
+ XFlush(QX11Info::display());
+bool ResList::displayingHistory()
+ // We want to reset the displayed history if it is currently
+ // shown. Using the title value is an ugly hack
+ string htstring = string((const char *)tr("Document history").utf8());
+ if (m_docSource.isNull() || m_docSource->title().empty())
+ return false;
+ return m_docSource->title().find(htstring) == 0;
+void ResList::languageChange()
+ setCaption(tr("Result list"));
+bool ResList::getTerms(vector<string>& terms,
+ vector<vector<string> >& groups, vector<int>& gslks)
+ return m_baseDocSource->getTerms(terms, groups, gslks);
+list<string> ResList::expand(Rcl::Doc& doc)
+ if (m_baseDocSource.isNull())
+ return list<string>();
+ return m_baseDocSource->expand(doc);
+// Get document number from paragraph number
+int ResList::docnumfromparnum(int par)
+ if (m_pager->pageNumber() < 0)
+ return -1;
+ std::map<int,int>::iterator it;
+ // Try to find the first number < input and actually in the map
+ // (result blocks can be made of several text blocks)
+ while (par > 0) {
+ it = m_pageParaToReldocnums.find(par);
+ if (it != m_pageParaToReldocnums.end())
+ break;
+ par--;
+ }
+ int dn;
+ if (it != m_pageParaToReldocnums.end()) {
+ dn = m_pager->pageNumber() * prefs.respagesize + it->second;
+ } else {
+ dn = -1;
+ }
+ return dn;
+// Get paragraph number from document number
+pair<int,int> ResList::parnumfromdocnum(int docnum)
+ LOGDEB(("parnumfromdocnum: docnum %d\n", docnum));
+ if (m_pager->pageNumber() < 0) {
+ LOGDEB(("parnumfromdocnum: no page return -1,-1\n"));
+ return pair<int,int>(-1,-1);
+ }
+ int winfirst = m_pager->pageNumber() * prefs.respagesize;
+ if (docnum - winfirst < 0) {
+ LOGDEB(("parnumfromdocnum: not in win return -1,-1\n"));
+ return pair<int,int>(-1,-1);
+ }
+ docnum -= winfirst;
+ for (std::map<int,int>::iterator it = m_pageParaToReldocnums.begin();
+ it != m_pageParaToReldocnums.end(); it++) {
+ if (docnum == it->second) {
+ int first = it->first;
+ int last = first+1;
+ std::map<int,int>::iterator it1;
+ while ((it1 = m_pageParaToReldocnums.find(last)) !=
+ m_pageParaToReldocnums.end() && it1->second == docnum) {
+ last++;
+ }
+ LOGDEB(("parnumfromdocnum: return %d,%d\n", first, last));
+ return pair<int,int>(first, last);
+ }
+ }
+ LOGDEB(("parnumfromdocnum: not found return -1,-1\n"));
+ return pair<int,int>(-1,-1);
+// Return doc from current or adjacent result pages. We can get called
+// for a document not in the current page if the user browses through
+// results inside a result window (with shift-arrow). This can only
+// result in a one-page change.
+bool ResList::getDoc(int docnum, Rcl::Doc &doc)
+ LOGDEB(("ResList::getDoc: docnum %d winfirst %d\n", docnum,
+ m_pager->pageNumber() * prefs.respagesize));
+ if (docnum < 0)
+ return false;
+ if (m_pager->pageNumber() < 0)
+ return false;
+ int winfirst = m_pager->pageNumber() * prefs.respagesize;
+ // Is docnum in current page ? Then all Ok
+ if (docnum >= winfirst && docnum < winfirst + int(m_curDocs.size())) {
+ doc = m_curDocs[docnum - winfirst];
+ return true;
+ }
+ // Else we accept to page down or up but not further
+ if (docnum < winfirst && docnum >= winfirst - prefs.respagesize) {
+ resultPageBack();
+ } else if (docnum < winfirst + int(m_curDocs.size()) + prefs.respagesize) {
+ resultPageNext();
+ }
+ winfirst = m_pager->pageNumber() * prefs.respagesize;
+ if (docnum >= winfirst && docnum < winfirst + int(m_curDocs.size())) {
+ doc = m_curDocs[docnum - winfirst];
+ return true;
+ }
+ return false;
+void ResList::keyPressEvent(QKeyEvent * e)
+ if (e->key() == Qt::Key_Q && (e->state() & Qt::ControlButton)) {
+ recollNeedsExit = 1;
+ return;
+ } else if (e->key() == Qt::Key_Prior || e->key() == Qt::Key_Backspace) {
+ resPageUpOrBack();
+ return;
+ } else if (e->key() == Qt::Key_Next || e->key() == Qt::Key_Space) {
+ resPageDownOrNext();
+ return;
+ }
+ QTextBrowser::keyPressEvent(e);
+void ResList::mouseReleaseEvent(QMouseEvent *e)
+ m_lstClckMod = 0;
+ if (e->state() & Qt::ControlButton) {
+ m_lstClckMod |= Qt::ControlButton;
+ }
+ if (e->state() & Qt::ShiftButton) {
+ m_lstClckMod |= Qt::ShiftButton;
+ }
+ QTextBrowser::mouseReleaseEvent(e);
+// Return total result list count
+int ResList::getResCnt()
+ if (m_docSource.isNull())
+ return -1;
+ return m_docSource->getResCnt();
+void ResList::highlighted(const QString& )
+ // This is supposedly called when a link is preactivated (hover or tab
+ // traversal, but is not actually called for tabs. We would have liked to
+ // give some kind of visual feedback for tab traversal
+// Page Up/Down: we don't try to check if current paragraph is last or
+// first. We just page up/down and check if viewport moved. If it did,
+// fair enough, else we go to next/previous result page.
+void ResList::resPageUpOrBack()
+ int vpos = verticalScrollBar()->value();
+ moveCursor(QTextBrowser::MovePgUp, false);
+ if (vpos == verticalScrollBar()->value())
+ resultPageBack();
+void ResList::resPageDownOrNext()
+ int vpos = verticalScrollBar()->value();
+ moveCursor(QTextBrowser::MovePgDown, false);
+ LOGDEB(("ResList::resPageDownOrNext: vpos before %d, after %d\n",
+ vpos, verticalScrollBar()->value()));
+ if (vpos == verticalScrollBar()->value())
+ resultPageNext();
+// Show previous page of results. We just set the current number back
+// 2 pages and show next page.
+void ResList::resultPageBack()
+ m_pager->resultPageBack();
+ displayPage();
+// Go to the first page
+void ResList::resultPageFirst()
+ // In case the preference was changed
+ m_pager->setPageSize(prefs.respagesize);
+ m_pager->resultPageFirst();
+ displayPage();
+void ResList::append(const QString &text)
+ LOGDEB2(("QtGuiReslistPager::appendQString : %s\n",
+ (const char*)text.utf8()));
+ QTextBrowser::append(text);
// Fill up result list window with next screen of hits
void ResList::resultPageNext()
@@ -510,19 +543,10 @@
void ResList::displayPage()
- // Query term colorization
- static QStyleSheetItem *item;
- if (!item) {
- item = new QStyleSheetItem(styleSheet(), "termtag" );
- }
- if (item)
- item->setColor(prefs.qtermcolor);
+ clear();
LOGDEB0(("ResList::resultPageNext: hasNext %d hasPrev %d\n",
m_pager->hasPrev(), m_pager->hasNext()));
emit prevPageAvailable(m_pager->hasPrev());
@@ -538,61 +562,56 @@
LOGDEB(("ResList::previewExposed: doc %d\n", docnum));
// Possibly erase old one to white
- int par;
- if (m_curPvDoc != -1 && (par = parnumfromdocnum(m_curPvDoc)) != -1) {
- QColor color("white");
- setParagraphBackgroundColor(par, color);
+ pair<int,int> blockrange;
+ if (m_curPvDoc != -1) {
+ blockrange = parnumfromdocnum(m_curPvDoc);
+ if (blockrange.first != -1) {
+ for (int blockn = blockrange.first;
+ blockn < blockrange.second; blockn++) {
+ QTextBlock block = document()->findBlockByNumber(blockn);
+ QTextCursor cursor(block);
+ QTextBlockFormat format = cursor.blockFormat();
+ format.clearBackground();
+ cursor.setBlockFormat(format);
+ }
+ }
m_curPvDoc = -1;
+ // Set background for active preview's doc entry
m_curPvDoc = docnum;
- par = parnumfromdocnum(docnum);
+ blockrange = parnumfromdocnum(docnum);
// Maybe docnum is -1 or not in this window,
- if (par < 0)
+ if (blockrange.first < 0)
- setCursorPosition(par, 1);
- ensureCursorVisible();
// Color the new active paragraph
QColor color("LightBlue");
- setParagraphBackgroundColor(par, color);
-// SELECTION BEWARE: these emit simple text if the list format is
-// Auto. If we get back to using Rich for some reason, there will be
-// need to extract the simple text here.
-#if (QT_VERSION >= 0x040000)
-// I have absolutely no idea why this nonsense is needed to get
-// q3textedit to copy to x11 primary selection when text is
-// selected. This used to be automatic, and, looking at the code, it
-// should happen inside q3textedit (the code here is copied from the
-// private copyToClipboard method). To be checked again with a later
-// qt version. Seems to be needed at least up to 4.2.3
-void ResList::selecChanged()
- QClipboard *clipboard = QApplication::clipboard();
- if (hasSelectedText()) {
- disconnect(QApplication::clipboard(), SIGNAL(selectionChanged()),
- this, 0);
- clipboard->setText(selectedText(), QClipboard::Selection);
- connect(QApplication::clipboard(), SIGNAL(selectionChanged()),
- this, SLOT(clipboardChanged()));
- }
-void ResList::selecChanged(){}
+ for (int blockn = blockrange.first+1;
+ blockn < blockrange.second; blockn++) {
+ QTextBlock block = document()->findBlockByNumber(blockn);
+ QTextCursor cursor(block);
+ QTextBlockFormat format;
+ format.setBackground(QBrush(color));
+ cursor.mergeBlockFormat(format);
+ setTextCursor(cursor);
+ ensureCursorVisible();
+ }
// Double click in res list: add selection to simple search
-void ResList::doubleClicked(int, int)
+void ResList::mouseDoubleClickEvent(QMouseEvent *event)
+ QTextBrowser::mouseDoubleClickEvent(event);
if (hasSelectedText())
-void ResList::linkWasClicked(const QString &s, int clkmod)
+void ResList::linkWasClicked(const QUrl &url)
+ QString s = url.toString();
LOGDEB(("ResList::linkWasClicked: [%s]\n", s.ascii()));
int i = atoi(s.ascii()+1) -1;
int what = s.ascii()[0];
@@ -601,7 +620,7 @@
emit headerClicked();
case 'P':
- emit docPreviewClicked(i, clkmod);
+ emit docPreviewClicked(i, m_lstClckMod);
case 'E':
emit docEditClicked(i);
@@ -616,44 +635,32 @@
-RCLPOPUP *ResList::createPopupMenu(const QPoint& pos)
- LOGDEB2(("ResList::createPopupMenu(%d, %d)\n", pos.x(), pos.y()));
- int para = paragraphAt(pos);
- LOGDEB2(("ResList::createPopupMenu(): para %d\n", para));
- if (para == 0) {
- // There is a bug in qt3 paragraphAt() when the click is inside
- // a table. paragraphAt() calls textcursor::place() which
- // fails because of a positioning problem inside the paragraph
- // (the paragraph is found but place() returns an error
- // anyway). Try to find the paragraph myself:
- for (;para < paragraphs(); para++) {
- QRect rect = paragraphRect(para);
- if (pos.y() >= rect.y() && pos.y() < rect.y() + rect.height())
- break;
- }
- if (para == paragraphs())
- para = 0;
- }
- m_popDoc = docnumfromparnum(para);
+void ResList::createPopupMenu(const QPoint& pos)
+ LOGDEB(("ResList::createPopupMenu(%d, %d)\n", pos.x(), pos.y()));
+ QTextCursor cursor = cursorForPosition(pos);
+ int blocknum = cursor.blockNumber();
+ LOGDEB(("ResList::createPopupMenu(): block %d\n", blocknum));
+ m_popDoc = docnumfromparnum(blocknum);
if (m_popDoc < 0)
- return 0;
- RCLPOPUP *popup = new RCLPOPUP(this);
- popup->insertItem(tr("&Preview"), this, SLOT(menuPreview()));
- popup->insertItem(tr("&Open"), this, SLOT(menuEdit()));
- popup->insertItem(tr("Copy &File Name"), this, SLOT(menuCopyFN()));
- popup->insertItem(tr("Copy &URL"), this, SLOT(menuCopyURL()));
+ return;
+ QMenu *popup = new QMenu(this);
+ popup->addAction(tr("&Preview"), this, SLOT(menuPreview()));
+ popup->addAction(tr("&Open"), this, SLOT(menuEdit()));
+ popup->addAction(tr("Copy &File Name"), this, SLOT(menuCopyFN()));
+ popup->addAction(tr("Copy &URL"), this, SLOT(menuCopyURL()));
Rcl::Doc doc;
if (getDoc(m_popDoc, doc) && !doc.ipath.empty()) {
- popup->insertItem(tr("&Write to File"), this, SLOT(menuSaveToFile()));
- }
- popup->insertItem(tr("Find &similar documents"), this, SLOT(menuExpand()));
- popup->insertItem(tr("Preview P&arent document/folder"),
+ popup->addAction(tr("&Write to File"), this, SLOT(menuSaveToFile()));
+ }
+ popup->addAction(tr("Find &similar documents"), this, SLOT(menuExpand()));
+ popup->addAction(tr("Preview P&arent document/folder"),
this, SLOT(menuPreviewParent()));
- popup->insertItem(tr("&Open Parent document/folder"),
+ popup->addAction(tr("&Open Parent document/folder"),
this, SLOT(menuOpenParent()));
- return popup;
+ popup->popup(mapToGlobal(pos));
void ResList::menuPreview()