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rclimg    188 lines (171 with data), 5.5 kB

#!/usr/bin/env perl -w
# @(#$Id: rclimg,v 1.5 2008-10-09 06:41:21 dockes Exp $  (C) 2007 Cedric Scott
# This program is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify
# it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by
# the Free Software Foundation; either version 2 of the License, or
# (at your option) any later version.
# This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful,
# but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of
# GNU General Public License for more details.
# You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License
# along with this program; if not, write to the
# Free Software Foundation, Inc.,
# 59 Temple Place - Suite 330, Boston, MA  02111-1307, USA.

# Extract image tags with exiftool and convert the data to html for
# recoll indexing.

# maps image file tags to xapian tags
$tagMap = {
	'subject' => 'subject',
	'title' => 'title',
	'headline' => 'title',
	'caption' => 'caption',
	'caption-abstract' => 'caption',
	'author' => 'author',
	'creator' => 'creator',
	'from' => 'from',
	'keywords' => 'keywords',
	'keyword' => 'keyword',
	'tag' => 'tag',

# set to non-zero if tags which map to xapian tags are to output
# in the body as well as the header
$headAndBody = 1;

# xapianTag
# returns a xapian tag to be used for this tag
sub xapianTag {
	my $imgtag = shift;
	while ( ( $tagre, $xapiantag) = each %{$tagMap} ) {
		return $xapiantag  if $imgtag =~ /^$tagre$/i;
	return undef;

sub imgTagsToHtml {
    my $imageFile = shift;
    my $output = "";
    $imageFile = '-' if $imageFile eq '';
    unless ( open(IMGF, $imageFile)  ) {
	print STDERR "$0: can't open file $imageFile\n";
	return $output; # file doesn't exist or can't be read
    $info = ImageInfo(\*IMGF);
    return $output unless $info;
    $fields = [];
    $other = [];
    $titleHtmlTag = "";
    foreach $tagname ( sort keys %{$info} ) {
	$xapiantag = xapianTag($tagname);
	if (defined $xapiantag ) {
	    push @{$fields}, [ $xapiantag, $info->{$tagname} ];
	    if ($xapiantag eq 'title') {
		$titleHtmlTag = "<title>$info->{$tagname}</title>";
	    push @{$other}, [ $tagname, $info->{$tagname} ] if $headAndBody;
	} else {
	    push @{$other}, [ $tagname, $info->{$tagname} ];
    $output = "<html>\n<head>\n$titleHtmlTag\n" .
    "<meta http-equiv=\"Content-Type\" content=\"text/html;charset=UTF-8\">\n";
    foreach $tagpair ( @{$fields} ) {
	($tagname, $value) = @{$tagpair};
	$output = $output . "<meta name=\"$tagname\" content=\"$value\">\n";
    $output = $output . "</head><body>\n";
    foreach $tagpair (@{$other} ) {
	($tagname, $value) = @{$tagpair};
	$output = $output . sprintf("%30s : %s<br>\n", $tagname, $value);
    $output = $output . "</body>\n</html>\n";
    return $output;

# Code for the rclexecm filter<->indexer protocol from here

# Get one line from stdin (from recollindex), exit on eof
sub readlineorexit {
    my $s = <STDIN>;
    unless ($s) {
        # print STDERR "RCLIMG: EOF\n";
	exit 0;
    return $s

# Read one named parameter
sub readparam {
    my $s = readlineorexit();
    if ($s eq "\n") {
        return ("","");
    my @l = split(' ', $s);

    if (scalar(@l) != 2) {
        print STDERR "RCLIMG: bad line:", $s;
	exit 1;
    my $paramname = lc $l[0];
    my $paramsize = $l[1];
    if ($paramsize > 0) {
        my $n = read STDIN, $paramdata, $paramsize;
        if ($n != $paramsize) {
    	    print STDERR "RCLIMG: [$paramname] expected $paramsize, got $n\n";
            exit 1;
    # print STDERR "RCLIMG: [$paramname] $paramsize bytes: [$paramdata]\n";
    return ($paramname, $paramdata);

# Main program starts here. Talks the rclexecm protocol

# JFD: replaced the "use" call with a runtime load with error checking,
# for compat with the missing filter detection code.
#use Image::ExifTool qw(:Public);
eval {require Image::ExifTool; Image::ExifTool->import(qw(:Public));}; 
if ($@) {
	print "RECFILTERROR HELPERNOTFOUND Perl::Image::ExifTool\n";

binmode(STDIN)      || die "cannot binmode STDIN";
binmode(STDOUT)     || die "cannot binmode STDOUT";

#print STDERR "RCLIMG: Starting\n";
$| = 1;
while (1) {
    # print STDERR "RCLIMG: waiting for command\n";

    my %params = ();
    # Read at most 10 parameters (we only actually use one), stop at empty line
    for($i = 1; $i < 10; $i++) {
        my ($name, $value) = readparam;
        if ($name eq "") {
        $params{$name} = $value;
    unless (defined $params{"filename:"}) {
        print STDERR "RCLIMG: no filename ??\n";
	# Recoll is requesting next subdocument (it shouldn't cause we 
	# returned eofnext last time), but we have none, just say so:
        print "Eofnow:0\nDocument: 0\n\n";

    print "Mimetype: 9\ntext/html";
    my $data = imgTagsToHtml($params{"filename:"});
    my $l = length($data);
    print "Document: $l\n";
    # print STDERR "RCLIMG: writing $l bytes of data\n";
    print $data;
    # Say we have no further documents for this file
    print "Eofnext: 0\n";
    # End of output parameters: print empty line
    print "\n";
    # print STDERR "RCLIMG: done writing data\n";
#print STDERR "RCLIMG: Exiting\n";