Commit Date  
updated for fc12: depend on xapian-core, use qt4
[d876f2] by dockes dockes
2010-01-10 Tree
add option to print abstracts
[b3c8a8] by dockes dockes
2010-01-07 Tree
[3a2296] by dockes dockes
2010-01-07 Tree
distclean removes rclexecm.pyc
[22a0ec] by dockes dockes
2010-01-07 Tree
moved initial db open and possible message boxe...
[c09593] by dockes dockes
2010-01-07 Tree
field values were not used in case term expansi...
[8ddea4] by dockes dockes
2010-01-07 Tree
adapt kio and recollq to the new internfile int...
[9f0043] by dockes dockes
2010-01-06 Tree
add libz
[8bc35e] by dockes dockes
2010-01-06 Tree
1.13 tests txt mods + solaris port (FNM_LEADING...
[aed54e] by dockes dockes
2010-01-05 Tree
web update for 1.13
[7941e1] by dockes dockes
2010-01-05 Tree

[558d5d] by dockes dockes
2010-01-05 Tree
1.13.00: fixed doc ortographic typos
[52d572] by dockes dockes
2010-01-05 Tree

[ed3a47] by dockes dockes
2009-12-31 Tree
[676348] by dockes dockes
2009-12-31 Tree
handle --without-gui config inside recollinstal...
[df98b0] by dockes dockes
2009-12-31 Tree
typo in WIHOUT_X11
[f8a1c2] by dockes dockes
2009-12-20 Tree
There was an error in the mimemap format in the...
[4f7fed] by dockes dockes
2009-12-17 Tree

[10580e] by dockes dockes
2009-12-14 Tree
snapshot du jour
[d9bea4] by dockes dockes
2009-12-14 Tree
add --enable-camelcase doc + fix typo in doc Ma...
[ded7d8] by dockes dockes
2009-12-14 Tree
add --enable-camelcase option to configure
[69c27d] by dockes dockes
2009-12-14 Tree
use : as separator in localfields value before ...
[1ab7ea] by dockes dockes
2009-12-14 Tree
fix pointer casting to make gcc happy
[b10548] by dockes dockes
2009-12-14 Tree
typo: keywords->keyword in prefixes
[8bf083] by dockes dockes
2009-12-14 Tree
iscmd: supplement -x with -d test not a dir
[a8e6ce] by dockes dockes
2009-12-14 Tree
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Showing results of 1644