--- a/website/BUGS.html
+++ b/website/BUGS.html
@@ -39,6 +39,23 @@
work. You need to use the GUI preferences tool to change the
--page-index option to --page-label for the evince command line
used for PDF.</li>
+ <li id="aspelljessie">
+ The aspell command used to generate the orthographic correction
+ dictionary is broken on Debian Jessie, because of an aspell
+ packaging mistake which will not be fixed for the release. Try the
+ following command, replacing 'en' by your language code:
+ <pre><tt>
+ /usr/bin/aspell --lang=en --encoding=utf-8 create master /tmp/dict.rws
+ </tt></pre>
+ If it complains about a missing <tt>/usr/share/aspell/en.dat</tt>,
+ the workaround is to link the <tt>.dat</tt> files from
+ <tt>/usr/lib/aspell</tt> to <tt>/usr/share/aspell</tt>:
+ <pre><tt>
+ cd /usr/share/aspell
+ sudo ln -s /usr/lib/aspell/*.dat .
+ </tt></pre>
+ </li>
<li>It will sometimes happen that the result list paragraph format stored in
the Qt preferences file will get garbled, causing result lists with no