git clone recoll1-code

File Date Author Commit
confgui 2007-09-26 dockes dockes [f8b743] *** empty log message ***
i18n 2007-09-18 dockes dockes [8afe21] changes by Giovanni Cannizzaro
images 2007-08-31 dockes dockes [e0c8ca] *** empty log message ***
mtpics 2006-12-19 dockes dockes [6127cb] *** empty log message ***
advsearch.ui 2007-01-08 dockes dockes [b14d3e] lost sizers?
advsearch.ui.h 2006-09-04 dockes dockes [c5b545] mostly cosmetic changes to prepare for a future...
advsearch_w.cpp 2007-08-31 dockes dockes [5dd238] pressing CR in advsearch would run query twice ...
advsearch_w.h 2007-08-31 dockes dockes [5dd238] pressing CR in advsearch would run query twice ...
guiutils.cpp 2007-09-08 dockes dockes [e6c082] change hghlight text size limit to configurable...
guiutils.h 2007-09-08 dockes dockes [e6c082] change hghlight text size limit to configurable...
idxthread.cpp 2007-05-21 dockes dockes [a5efd7] make sure signals are only handled by the main ...
idxthread.h 2006-04-12 dockes dockes [9086c6] improve indexing status reporting
main.cpp 2007-06-08 dockes dockes [6d8040] added file system usage check
plaintorich.cpp 2007-09-08 dockes dockes [094033] comment
plaintorich.h 2007-06-25 dockes dockes [d58f02] plaintorich: only setup beacons if needed
preview.ui 2007-05-23 dockes dockes [217432] in preview window if search line empty look for...
preview.ui.h 2006-09-04 dockes dockes [c5b545] mostly cosmetic changes to prepare for a future...
preview_w.cpp 2007-09-08 dockes dockes [e6c082] change hghlight text size limit to configurable...
preview_w.h 2007-07-20 dockes dockes [7f5a9a] preview: dont search for anchors if we have none
rclmain.ui 2007-09-08 dockes dockes [9db7ab] renamed preferencesQuery_PrefsAction to queryPr...
rclmain_w.cpp 2007-09-20 dockes dockes [308bec] restore cursor if cant start query
rclmain_w.h 2007-08-01 dockes dockes [e883b2] Allow stem expansion for several (all) stemming...
recoll.h 2006-10-11 dockes dockes [99372e] 1st full version of aspell support 2007-09-21 dockes dockes [25a967] *** empty log message ***
recollmain.ui.h 2006-09-04 dockes dockes [c5b545] mostly cosmetic changes to prepare for a future...
reslist.cpp 2007-08-07 dockes dockes [f48376] qt3 adjustments
reslist.h 2007-08-02 dockes dockes [767e4c] added gotofirstpage action
searchclause_w.cpp 2006-12-04 dockes dockes [f8a066] qt4 ckpt
searchclause_w.h 2006-12-04 dockes dockes [f8a066] qt4 ckpt
sort.ui 2006-12-05 dockes dockes [9a7d46] avoid generating abstracts before theyre needed...
sort.ui.h 2006-09-04 dockes dockes [c5b545] mostly cosmetic changes to prepare for a future...
sort_w.cpp 2007-06-19 dockes dockes [66b4dd] fix sort state restoration which didnt work
sort_w.h 2006-12-05 dockes dockes [9a7d46] avoid generating abstracts before theyre needed...
spell.ui 2006-12-19 dockes dockes [be05ea] merge stemExpand into termExpand. return term f...
spell_w.cpp 2007-02-19 dockes dockes [0ea2a9] stemming language choice was not observed in te...
spell_w.h 2006-12-22 dockes dockes [d9a8d5] *** empty log message ***
ssearch_w.cpp 2007-08-01 dockes dockes [e883b2] Allow stem expansion for several (all) stemming...
ssearch_w.h 2006-12-04 dockes dockes [5c8d9b] qt4 compiles and sort of works
ssearchb.ui 2006-12-21 dockes dockes [432509] tooltips
ssearchb.ui.h 2006-09-04 dockes dockes [c5b545] mostly cosmetic changes to prepare for a future...
uiprefs.ui 2007-09-08 dockes dockes [e6c082] change hghlight text size limit to configurable...
uiprefs.ui.h 2006-09-04 dockes dockes [c5b545] mostly cosmetic changes to prepare for a future...
uiprefs_w.cpp 2007-09-08 dockes dockes [e6c082] change hghlight text size limit to configurable...
uiprefs_w.h 2007-08-01 dockes dockes [e883b2] Allow stem expansion for several (all) stemming...
viewaction.ui 2007-01-24 dockes dockes [542c57] change MyDialog and Form1 dialog captions
viewaction_w.cpp 2007-09-08 dockes dockes [3a817b] added missing space in string
viewaction_w.h 2006-12-18 dockes dockes [99ec1a] qt4