/* Copyright (C) 2004 J.F.Dockes
* This program is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify
* it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by
* the Free Software Foundation; either version 2 of the License, or
* (at your option) any later version.
* This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful,
* but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of
* GNU General Public License for more details.
* You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License
* along with this program; if not, write to the
* Free Software Foundation, Inc.,
* 59 Temple Place - Suite 330, Boston, MA 02111-1307, USA.
#include "autoconfig.h"
#include <stdio.h>
#include <errno.h>
#ifndef _WIN32
#include <langinfo.h>
#include <sys/param.h>
#include "wincodepages.h"
#include <limits.h>
#include "safesysstat.h"
#include "safeunistd.h"
#ifdef __FreeBSD__
#include <osreldate.h>
#include <algorithm>
#include <list>
#include <iostream>
#include <sstream>
#include <cstdlib>
#include <cstring>
#include "cstr.h"
#include "pathut.h"
#include "rclutil.h"
#include "rclconfig.h"
#include "conftree.h"
#include "log.h"
#include "smallut.h"
#include "textsplit.h"
#include "readfile.h"
#include "fstreewalk.h"
#include "cpuconf.h"
#include "execmd.h"
using namespace std;
// Static, logically const, RclConfig members are initialized once from the
// first object build during process initialization.
// We default to a case- and diacritics-less index for now
bool o_index_stripchars = true;
bool o_uptodate_test_use_mtime = false;
string RclConfig::o_localecharset;
string RclConfig::o_origcwd;
bool ParamStale::needrecompute()
LOGDEB2("ParamStale:: needrecompute. parent gen " << (parent->m_keydirgen) << " mine " << (savedkeydirgen) << "\n" );
if (active && parent->m_keydirgen != savedkeydirgen) {
LOGDEB2("ParamState:: needrecompute. conffile " << (conffile) << "\n" );
savedkeydirgen = parent->m_keydirgen;
string newvalue;
if (!conffile)
return false;
conffile->get(paramname, newvalue, parent->m_keydir);
if (newvalue.compare(savedvalue)) {
savedvalue = newvalue;
LOGDEB2("ParamState:: needrecompute. return true newvalue [" << (newvalue) << "]\n" );
return true;
return false;
void ParamStale::init(ConfNull *cnf)
conffile = cnf;
active = false;
if (conffile)
active = conffile->hasNameAnywhere(paramname);
savedkeydirgen = -1;
ParamStale::ParamStale(RclConfig *rconf, const string& nm)
: parent(rconf), conffile(0), paramname(nm),
active(false), savedkeydirgen(-1)
void RclConfig::zeroMe() {
m_ok = false;
m_keydirgen = 0;
m_conf = 0;
mimemap = 0;
mimeconf = 0;
mimeview = 0;
m_fields = 0;
m_ptrans = 0;
m_stopsuffixes = 0;
m_maxsufflen = 0;
initParamStale(0, 0);
bool RclConfig::isDefaultConfig() const
string defaultconf = path_cat(path_homedata(),
string specifiedconf = path_canon(m_confdir);
return !defaultconf.compare(specifiedconf);
RclConfig::RclConfig(const string *argcnf)
: m_oldstpsuffstate(this, "recoll_noindex"),
m_stpsuffstate(this, "noContentSuffixes"),
m_skpnstate(this, "skippedNames"),
m_rmtstate(this, "indexedmimetypes"),
m_xmtstate(this, "excludedmimetypes"),
m_mdrstate(this, "metadatacmds")
if (o_origcwd.empty()) {
char buf[MAXPATHLEN];
if (getcwd(buf, MAXPATHLEN)) {
o_origcwd = string(buf);
} else {
fprintf(stderr, "recollxx: can't retrieve current working directory: relative path translations will fail\n");
// Compute our data dir name, typically /usr/local/share/recoll
m_datadir = path_pkgdatadir();
// We only do the automatic configuration creation thing for the default
// config dir, not if it was specified through -c or RECOLL_CONFDIR
bool autoconfdir = false;
// Command line config name overrides environment
if (argcnf && !argcnf->empty()) {
m_confdir = path_absolute(*argcnf);
if (m_confdir.empty()) {
m_reason =
string("Cant turn [") + *argcnf + "] into absolute path";
} else {
const char *cp = getenv("RECOLL_CONFDIR");
if (cp) {
m_confdir = path_canon(cp);
} else {
autoconfdir = true;
m_confdir = path_cat(path_homedata(), path_defaultrecollconfsubdir());
// Note: autoconfdir and isDefaultConfig() are normally the same. We just
// want to avoid the imperfect test in isDefaultConfig() if we actually know
// this is the default conf
if (!autoconfdir && !isDefaultConfig()) {
if (!path_exists(m_confdir)) {
m_reason = "Explicitly specified configuration "
"directory must exist"
" (won't be automatically created). Use mkdir first";
if (!path_exists(m_confdir)) {
if (!initUserConfig())
// This can't change once computed inside a process. It would be
// nicer to move this to a static class initializer to avoid
// possible threading issues but this doesn't work (tried) as
// things would not be ready. In practise we make sure that this
// is called from the main thread at once, by constructing a config
// from recollinit
if (o_localecharset.empty()) {
#ifndef _WIN32
const char *cp;
cp = nl_langinfo(CODESET);
// We don't keep US-ASCII. It's better to use a superset
// Ie: me have a C locale and some french file names, and I
// can't imagine a version of iconv that couldn't translate
// from iso8859?
// The 646 thing is for solaris.
if (cp && *cp && strcmp(cp, "US-ASCII")
#ifdef sun
&& strcmp(cp, "646")
) {
o_localecharset = string(cp);
} else {
// Use cp1252 instead of iso-8859-1, it's a superset.
o_localecharset = string(cstr_cp1252);
o_localecharset = winACPName();
LOGDEB1("RclConfig::getDefCharset: localecharset [" <<
o_localecharset << "]\n");
const char *cp;
// Additional config directory, values override user ones
if ((cp = getenv("RECOLL_CONFTOP"))) {
// User config
// Additional config directory, overrides system's, overridden by user's
if ((cp = getenv("RECOLL_CONFMID"))) {
// Base/installation config
m_cdirs.push_back(path_cat(m_datadir, "examples"));
string cnferrloc;
for (vector<string>::const_iterator it = m_cdirs.begin();
it != m_cdirs.end(); it++) {
if (it != m_cdirs.begin())
cnferrloc += string(" or ");
cnferrloc += *it;
// Read and process "recoll.conf"
if (!updateMainConfig())
// Other files
mimemap = new ConfStack<ConfTree>("mimemap", m_cdirs, true);
if (mimemap == 0 || !mimemap->ok()) {
m_reason = string("No or bad mimemap file in: ") + cnferrloc;
mimeconf = new ConfStack<ConfSimple>("mimeconf", m_cdirs, true);
if (mimeconf == 0 || !mimeconf->ok()) {
m_reason = string("No/bad mimeconf in: ") + cnferrloc;
mimeview = new ConfStack<ConfSimple>("mimeview", m_cdirs, false);
if (mimeview == 0)
mimeview = new ConfStack<ConfSimple>("mimeview", m_cdirs, true);
if (mimeview == 0 || !mimeview->ok()) {
m_reason = string("No/bad mimeview in: ") + cnferrloc;
if (!readFieldsConfig(cnferrloc))
// Default is no threading
m_thrConf = {{-1, 0}, {-1, 0}, {-1, 0}};
m_ptrans = new ConfSimple(path_cat(m_confdir, "ptrans").c_str());
m_ok = true;
initParamStale(m_conf, mimemap);
bool RclConfig::updateMainConfig()
ConfStack<ConfTree> *newconf =
new ConfStack<ConfTree>("recoll.conf", m_cdirs, true);
if (newconf == 0 || !newconf->ok()) {
if (m_conf)
return false;
string where;
stringsToString(m_cdirs, where);
m_reason = string("No/bad main configuration file in: ") + where;
m_ok = false;
initParamStale(0, 0);
return false;
delete m_conf;
m_conf = newconf;
initParamStale(m_conf, mimemap);
bool bvalue = false;
if (getConfParam("nocjk", &bvalue) && bvalue == true) {
} else {
int ngramlen;
if (getConfParam("cjkngramlen", &ngramlen)) {
TextSplit::cjkProcessing(true, (unsigned int)ngramlen);
} else {
bvalue = false;
if (getConfParam("nonumbers", &bvalue) && bvalue == true) {
bvalue = false;
if (getConfParam("dehyphenate", &bvalue)) {
bvalue = true;
if (getConfParam("skippedPathsFnmPathname", &bvalue) && bvalue == false) {
static int m_index_stripchars_init = 0;
if (!m_index_stripchars_init) {
getConfParam("indexStripChars", &o_index_stripchars);
getConfParam("testmodifusemtime", &o_uptodate_test_use_mtime);
m_index_stripchars_init = 1;
if (getConfParam("cachedir", m_cachedir)) {
m_cachedir = path_canon(path_tildexpand(m_cachedir));
return true;
ConfNull *RclConfig::cloneMainConfig()
ConfNull *conf = new ConfStack<ConfTree>("recoll.conf", m_cdirs, false);
if (conf == 0 || !conf->ok()) {
m_reason = string("Can't read config");
return 0;
return conf;
// Remember what directory we're under (for further conf->get()s), and
// prefetch a few common values.
void RclConfig::setKeyDir(const string &dir)
if (!dir.compare(m_keydir))
m_keydir = dir;
if (m_conf == 0)
if (!m_conf->get("defaultcharset", m_defcharset, m_keydir))
bool RclConfig::getConfParam(const string &name, int *ivp, bool shallow) const
string value;
if (!getConfParam(name, value, shallow))
return false;
errno = 0;
long lval = strtol(value.c_str(), 0, 0);
if (lval == 0 && errno)
return 0;
if (ivp)
*ivp = int(lval);
return true;
bool RclConfig::getConfParam(const string &name, bool *bvp, bool shallow) const
if (!bvp)
return false;
*bvp = false;
string s;
if (!getConfParam(name, s, shallow))
return false;
*bvp = stringToBool(s);
return true;
bool RclConfig::getConfParam(const string &name, vector<string> *svvp,
bool shallow) const
if (!svvp)
return false;
string s;
if (!getConfParam(name, s, shallow))
return false;
return stringToStrings(s, *svvp);
bool RclConfig::getConfParam(const string &name, vector<int> *vip,
bool shallow) const
if (!vip)
return false;
vector<string> vs;
if (!getConfParam(name, &vs, shallow))
return false;
for (unsigned int i = 0; i < vs.size(); i++) {
char *ep;
vip->push_back(strtol(vs[i].c_str(), &ep, 0));
if (ep == vs[i].c_str()) {
LOGDEB("RclConfig::getConfParam: bad int value in [" << (name) << "]\n" );
return false;
return true;
void RclConfig::initThrConf()
// Default is no threading
m_thrConf = {{-1, 0}, {-1, 0}, {-1, 0}};
vector<int> vq;
vector<int> vt;
if (!getConfParam("thrQSizes", &vq)) {
LOGINFO("RclConfig::initThrConf: no thread info (queues)\n" );
goto out;
// If the first queue size is 0, autoconf is requested.
if (vq.size() > 0 && vq[0] == 0) {
CpuConf cpus;
if (!getCpuConf(cpus) || cpus.ncpus < 1) {
LOGERR("RclConfig::initThrConf: could not retrieve cpu conf\n" );
cpus.ncpus = 1;
if (cpus.ncpus != 1) {
LOGDEB("RclConfig::initThrConf: autoconf requested. " <<
cpus.ncpus << " concurrent threads available.\n");
// Arbitrarily set threads config based on number of CPUS. This also
// depends on the IO setup actually, so we're bound to be wrong...
if (cpus.ncpus == 1) {
// Somewhat counter-intuitively (because of possible IO//)
// it seems that the best config here is no threading
} else if (cpus.ncpus < 4) {
// Untested so let's guess...
m_thrConf = {{2, 2}, {2, 2}, {2, 1}};
} else if (cpus.ncpus < 6) {
m_thrConf = {{2, 4}, {2, 2}, {2, 1}};
} else {
m_thrConf = {{2, 5}, {2, 3}, {2, 1}};
goto out;
} else if (vq.size() > 0 && vq[0] < 0) {
// threads disabled by config
goto out;
if (!getConfParam("thrTCounts", &vt) ) {
LOGINFO("RclConfig::initThrConf: no thread info (threads)\n" );
goto out;
if (vq.size() != 3 || vt.size() != 3) {
LOGINFO("RclConfig::initThrConf: bad thread info vector sizes\n" );
goto out;
// Normal case: record info from config
for (unsigned int i = 0; i < 3; i++) {
m_thrConf.push_back({vq[i], vt[i]});
ostringstream sconf;
for (unsigned int i = 0; i < 3; i++) {
sconf << "(" << m_thrConf[i].first << ", " << m_thrConf[i].second <<
") ";
LOGDEB("RclConfig::initThrConf: chosen config (ql,nt): " << (sconf.str()) << "\n" );
pair<int,int> RclConfig::getThrConf(ThrStage who) const
if (m_thrConf.size() != 3) {
LOGERR("RclConfig::getThrConf: bad data in rclconfig\n" );
return pair<int,int>(-1,-1);
return m_thrConf[who];
vector<string> RclConfig::getTopdirs() const
vector<string> tdl;
if (!getConfParam("topdirs", &tdl)) {
LOGERR("RclConfig::getTopdirs: no top directories in config or bad list format\n" );
return tdl;
for (vector<string>::iterator it = tdl.begin(); it != tdl.end(); it++) {
*it = path_tildexpand(*it);
*it = path_canon(*it);
return tdl;
// Get charset to be used for transcoding to utf-8 if unspecified by doc
// For document contents:
// If defcharset was set (from the config or a previous call, this
// is done in setKeydir), use it.
// Else, try to guess it from the locale
// Use cp1252 (as a superset of iso8859-1) as ultimate default
// For filenames, same thing except that we do not use the config file value
// (only the locale).
const string& RclConfig::getDefCharset(bool filename) const
if (filename) {
return o_localecharset;
} else {
return m_defcharset.empty() ? o_localecharset : m_defcharset;
// Get all known document mime values. We get them from the mimeconf
// 'index' submap.
// It's quite possible that there are other mime types in the index
// (defined in mimemap and not mimeconf, or output by "file -i"). We
// just ignore them, because there may be myriads, and their contents
// are not indexed.
// This unfortunately means that searches by file names and mime type
// filtering don't work well together.
vector<string> RclConfig::getAllMimeTypes() const
return mimeconf ? mimeconf->getNames("index") : vector<string>();
// Things for suffix comparison. We define a string class and string
// comparison with suffix-only sensitivity
class SfString {
SfString(const string& s) : m_str(s) {}
bool operator==(const SfString& s2) {
string::const_reverse_iterator r1 = m_str.rbegin(), re1 = m_str.rend(),
r2 = s2.m_str.rbegin(), re2 = s2.m_str.rend();
while (r1 != re1 && r2 != re2) {
if (*r1 != *r2) {
return 0;
++r1; ++r2;
return 1;
string m_str;
class SuffCmp {
int operator()(const SfString& s1, const SfString& s2) {
//cout << "Comparing " << s1.m_str << " and " << s2.m_str << endl;
r1 = s1.m_str.rbegin(), re1 = s1.m_str.rend(),
r2 = s2.m_str.rbegin(), re2 = s2.m_str.rend();
while (r1 != re1 && r2 != re2) {
if (*r1 != *r2) {
return *r1 < *r2 ? 1 : 0;
++r1; ++r2;
return 0;
typedef multiset<SfString, SuffCmp> SuffixStore;
#define STOPSUFFIXES ((SuffixStore *)m_stopsuffixes)
bool RclConfig::inStopSuffixes(const string& fni)
LOGDEB2("RclConfig::inStopSuffixes(" << (fni) << ")\n" );
// Beware: both needrecompute() need to be called always hence the
// bizarre way we do things
bool needrecompute = m_stpsuffstate.needrecompute();
needrecompute = m_oldstpsuffstate.needrecompute() || needrecompute;
if (needrecompute || m_stopsuffixes == 0) {
// Need to initialize the suffixes
if ((m_stopsuffixes = new SuffixStore) == 0) {
LOGERR("RclConfig::inStopSuffixes: out of memory\n" );
return false;
// Let the old customisation have priority: if recoll_noindex
// from mimemap is set, it the user's (the default value is
// gone). Else use the new variable
vector<string> stoplist;
if (!m_oldstpsuffstate.savedvalue.empty()) {
stringToStrings(m_oldstpsuffstate.savedvalue, stoplist);
} else {
stringToStrings(m_stpsuffstate.savedvalue, stoplist);
for (vector<string>::const_iterator it = stoplist.begin();
it != stoplist.end(); it++) {
if (m_maxsufflen < it->length())
m_maxsufflen = int(it->length());
// Only need a tail as long as the longest suffix.
int pos = MAX(0, int(fni.length() - m_maxsufflen));
string fn(fni, pos);
SuffixStore::const_iterator it = STOPSUFFIXES->find(fn);
if (it != STOPSUFFIXES->end()) {
LOGDEB2("RclConfig::inStopSuffixes: Found (" << (fni) << ") [" << ((*it).m_str) << "]\n" );
return true;
} else {
LOGDEB2("RclConfig::inStopSuffixes: not found [" << (fni) << "]\n" );
return false;
string RclConfig::getMimeTypeFromSuffix(const string& suff) const
string mtype;
mimemap->get(suff, mtype, m_keydir);
return mtype;
string RclConfig::getSuffixFromMimeType(const string &mt) const
string suffix;
vector<string>sfs = mimemap->getNames(cstr_null);
string mt1;
for (vector<string>::const_iterator it = sfs.begin();
it != sfs.end(); it++) {
if (mimemap->get(*it, mt1, cstr_null))
if (!stringicmp(mt, mt1))
return *it;
return cstr_null;
/** Get list of file categories from mimeconf */
bool RclConfig::getMimeCategories(vector<string>& cats) const
if (!mimeconf)
return false;
cats = mimeconf->getNames("categories");
return true;
bool RclConfig::isMimeCategory(string& cat) const
for (vector<string>::iterator it = cats.begin(); it != cats.end(); it++) {
if (!stringicmp(*it,cat))
return true;
return false;
/** Get list of mime types for category from mimeconf */
bool RclConfig::getMimeCatTypes(const string& cat, vector<string>& tps) const
if (!mimeconf)
return false;
string slist;
if (!mimeconf->get(cat, slist, "categories"))
return false;
stringToStrings(slist, tps);
return true;
string RclConfig::getMimeHandlerDef(const string &mtype, bool filtertypes)
string hs;
if (filtertypes) {
if(m_rmtstate.needrecompute()) {
stringToStrings(stringtolower((const string&)m_rmtstate.savedvalue),
if (m_xmtstate.needrecompute()) {
stringToStrings(stringtolower((const string&)m_xmtstate.savedvalue),
if (!m_restrictMTypes.empty() &&
!m_restrictMTypes.count(stringtolower(mtype))) {
LOGDEB2("RclConfig::getMimeHandlerDef: not in mime type list\n" );
return hs;
if (!m_excludeMTypes.empty() &&
m_excludeMTypes.count(stringtolower(mtype))) {
LOGDEB2("RclConfig::getMimeHandlerDef: in excluded mime list\n" );
return hs;
if (!mimeconf->get(mtype, hs, "index")) {
LOGDEB1("getMimeHandler: no handler for '" << (mtype) << "'\n" );
return hs;
const vector<MDReaper>& RclConfig::getMDReapers()
string hs;
if (m_mdrstate.needrecompute()) {
// New value now stored in m_mdrstate.savedvalue
string& sreapers = m_mdrstate.savedvalue;
if (sreapers.empty())
return m_mdreapers;
string value;
ConfSimple attrs;
valueSplitAttributes(sreapers, value, attrs);
vector<string> nmlst = attrs.getNames(cstr_null);
for (vector<string>::const_iterator it = nmlst.begin();
it != nmlst.end(); it++) {
MDReaper reaper;
reaper.fieldname = fieldCanon(*it);
string s;
attrs.get(*it, s);
stringToStrings(s, reaper.cmdv);
return m_mdreapers;
bool RclConfig::getGuiFilterNames(vector<string>& cats) const
if (!mimeconf)
return false;
cats = mimeconf->getNamesShallow("guifilters");
return true;
bool RclConfig::getGuiFilter(const string& catfiltername, string& frag) const
if (!mimeconf)
return false;
if (!mimeconf->get(catfiltername, frag, "guifilters"))
return false;
return true;
bool RclConfig::valueSplitAttributes(const string& whole, string& value,
ConfSimple& attrs)
/* There is currently no way to escape a semi-colon */
string::size_type semicol0 = whole.find_first_of(";");
value = whole.substr(0, semicol0);
string attrstr;
if (semicol0 != string::npos && semicol0 < whole.size() - 1) {
attrstr = whole.substr(semicol0+1);
// Handle additional attributes. We substitute the semi-colons
// with newlines and use a ConfSimple
if (!attrstr.empty()) {
for (string::size_type i = 0; i < attrstr.size(); i++) {
if (attrstr[i] == ';')
attrstr[i] = '\n';
} else {
return true;
bool RclConfig::getMissingHelperDesc(string& out) const
string fmiss = path_cat(getConfDir(), "missing");
if (!file_to_string(fmiss, out))
return false;
return true;
void RclConfig::storeMissingHelperDesc(const string &s)
string fmiss = path_cat(getCacheDir(), "missing");
FILE *fp = fopen(fmiss.c_str(), "w");
if (fp) {
if (s.size() > 0 && fwrite(s.c_str(), s.size(), 1, fp) != 1) {
LOGERR("storeMissingHelperDesc: fwrite failed\n" );
// Read definitions for field prefixes, aliases, and hierarchy and arrange
// things for speed (theses are used a lot during indexing)
bool RclConfig::readFieldsConfig(const string& cnferrloc)
LOGDEB2("RclConfig::readFieldsConfig\n" );
m_fields = new ConfStack<ConfSimple>("fields", m_cdirs, true);
if (m_fields == 0 || !m_fields->ok()) {
m_reason = string("No/bad fields file in: ") + cnferrloc;
return false;
// Build a direct map avoiding all indirections for field to
// prefix translation
// Add direct prefixes from the [prefixes] section
vector<string>tps = m_fields->getNames("prefixes");
for (vector<string>::const_iterator it = tps.begin();
it != tps.end(); it++) {
string val;
m_fields->get(*it, val, "prefixes");
ConfSimple attrs;
FieldTraits ft;
if (!valueSplitAttributes(val, ft.pfx, attrs)) {
LOGERR("readFieldsConfig: bad config line for [" << *it << "]: [" << (val) << "]\n" );
return 0;
string tval;
if (attrs.get("wdfinc", tval))
ft.wdfinc = atoi(tval.c_str());
if (attrs.get("boost", tval))
ft.boost = atof(tval.c_str());
if (attrs.get("pfxonly", tval))
ft.pfxonly = stringToBool(tval);
if (attrs.get("noterms", tval))
ft.noterms = stringToBool(tval);
m_fldtotraits[stringtolower(*it)] = ft;
LOGDEB2("readFieldsConfig: [" << *it << "] -> [" << (ft.pfx) << "] " << (ft.wdfinc) << " " << (ft.boost) << "\n" );
// Add prefixes for aliases and build alias-to-canonic map while
// we're at it. Having the aliases in the prefix map avoids an
// additional indirection at index time.
tps = m_fields->getNames("aliases");
for (vector<string>::const_iterator it = tps.begin();
it != tps.end(); it++){
string canonic = stringtolower(*it); // canonic name
FieldTraits ft;
map<string, FieldTraits>::const_iterator pit =
if (pit != m_fldtotraits.end()) {
ft = pit->second;
string aliases;
m_fields->get(canonic, aliases, "aliases");
vector<string> l;
stringToStrings(aliases, l);
for (vector<string>::const_iterator ait = l.begin();
ait != l.end(); ait++) {
if (pit != m_fldtotraits.end())
m_fldtotraits[stringtolower(*ait)] = ft;
m_aliastocanon[stringtolower(*ait)] = canonic;
// Query aliases map
tps = m_fields->getNames("queryaliases");
for (vector<string>::const_iterator it = tps.begin();
it != tps.end(); it++){
string canonic = stringtolower(*it); // canonic name
string aliases;
m_fields->get(canonic, aliases, "queryaliases");
vector<string> l;
stringToStrings(aliases, l);
for (vector<string>::const_iterator ait = l.begin();
ait != l.end(); ait++) {
m_aliastoqcanon[stringtolower(*ait)] = canonic;
#if 0
for (map<string, FieldTraits>::const_iterator it = m_fldtotraits.begin();
it != m_fldtotraits.end(); it++) {
LOGDEB("readFieldsConfig: [" << *it << "] -> [" << (it->second.pfx) << "] " << (it->second.wdfinc) << " " << (it->second.boost) << "\n" );
vector<string> sl = m_fields->getNames("stored");
if (!sl.empty()) {
for (vector<string>::const_iterator it = sl.begin();
it != sl.end(); it++) {
string fld = fieldCanon(stringtolower(*it));
// Extended file attribute to field translations
vector<string>xattrs = m_fields->getNames("xattrtofields");
for (vector<string>::const_iterator it = xattrs.begin();
it != xattrs.end(); it++) {
string val;
m_fields->get(*it, val, "xattrtofields");
m_xattrtofld[*it] = val;
return true;
// Return specifics for field name:
bool RclConfig::getFieldTraits(const string& _fld, const FieldTraits **ftpp,
bool isquery) const
string fld = isquery ? fieldQCanon(_fld) : fieldCanon(_fld);
map<string, FieldTraits>::const_iterator pit = m_fldtotraits.find(fld);
if (pit != m_fldtotraits.end()) {
*ftpp = &pit->second;
LOGDEB1("RclConfig::getFieldTraits: [" << (_fld) << "]->[" << (pit->second.pfx) << "]\n" );
return true;
} else {
LOGDEB1("RclConfig::getFieldTraits: no prefix for field [" << (fld) << "]\n" );
*ftpp = 0;
return false;
set<string> RclConfig::getIndexedFields() const
set<string> flds;
if (m_fields == 0)
return flds;
vector<string> sl = m_fields->getNames("prefixes");
flds.insert(sl.begin(), sl.end());
return flds;
string RclConfig::fieldCanon(const string& f) const
string fld = stringtolower(f);
map<string, string>::const_iterator it = m_aliastocanon.find(fld);
if (it != m_aliastocanon.end()) {
LOGDEB1("RclConfig::fieldCanon: [" << (f) << "] -> [" << (it->second) << "]\n" );
return it->second;
LOGDEB1("RclConfig::fieldCanon: [" << (f) << "] -> [" << (fld) << "]\n" );
return fld;
string RclConfig::fieldQCanon(const string& f) const
string fld = stringtolower(f);
map<string, string>::const_iterator it = m_aliastoqcanon.find(fld);
if (it != m_aliastoqcanon.end()) {
LOGDEB1("RclConfig::fieldQCanon: [" << (f) << "] -> [" << (it->second) << "]\n" );
return it->second;
return fieldCanon(f);
vector<string> RclConfig::getFieldSectNames(const string &sk, const char* patrn)
if (m_fields == 0)
return vector<string>();
return m_fields->getNames(sk, patrn);
bool RclConfig::getFieldConfParam(const string &name, const string &sk,
string &value) const
if (m_fields == 0)
return false;
return m_fields->get(name, value, sk);
string RclConfig::getMimeViewerAllEx() const
string hs;
if (mimeview == 0)
return hs;
mimeview->get("xallexcepts", hs, "");
return hs;
bool RclConfig::setMimeViewerAllEx(const string& allex)
if (mimeview == 0)
return false;
if (!mimeview->set("xallexcepts", allex, "")) {
m_reason = string("RclConfig:: cant set value. Readonly?");
return false;
return true;
string RclConfig::getMimeViewerDef(const string &mtype, const string& apptag,
bool useall) const
LOGDEB2("RclConfig::getMimeViewerDef: mtype [" << (mtype) << "] apptag [" << (apptag) << "]\n" );
string hs;
if (mimeview == 0)
return hs;
if (useall) {
// Check for exception
string excepts = getMimeViewerAllEx();
vector<string> vex;
stringToTokens(excepts, vex);
bool isexcept = false;
for (vector<string>::iterator it = vex.begin();
it != vex.end(); it++) {
vector<string> mita;
stringToTokens(*it, mita, "|");
if ((mita.size() == 1 && apptag.empty() && mita[0] == mtype) ||
(mita.size() == 2 && mita[1] == apptag && mita[0] == mtype)) {
// Exception to x-all
isexcept = true;
if (isexcept == false) {
mimeview->get("application/x-all", hs, "view");
return hs;
// Fallthrough to normal case.
if (apptag.empty() || !mimeview->get(mtype + string("|") + apptag,
hs, "view"))
mimeview->get(mtype, hs, "view");
return hs;
bool RclConfig::getMimeViewerDefs(vector<pair<string, string> >& defs) const
if (mimeview == 0)
return false;
vector<string>tps = mimeview->getNames("view");
for (vector<string>::const_iterator it = tps.begin();
it != tps.end();it++) {
defs.push_back(pair<string, string>(*it, getMimeViewerDef(*it, "", 0)));
return true;
bool RclConfig::setMimeViewerDef(const string& mt, const string& def)
if (mimeview == 0)
return false;
bool status;
if (!def.empty())
status = mimeview->set(mt, def, "view");
status = mimeview->erase(mt, "view");
if (!status) {
m_reason = string("RclConfig:: cant set value. Readonly?");
return false;
return true;
bool RclConfig::mimeViewerNeedsUncomp(const string &mimetype) const
string s;
vector<string> v;
if (mimeview != 0 && mimeview->get("nouncompforviewmts", s, "") &&
stringToStrings(s, v) &&
find_if(v.begin(), v.end(), StringIcmpPred(mimetype)) != v.end())
return false;
return true;
string RclConfig::getMimeIconPath(const string &mtype, const string &apptag)
string iconname;
if (!apptag.empty())
mimeconf->get(mtype + string("|") + apptag, iconname, "icons");
if (iconname.empty())
mimeconf->get(mtype, iconname, "icons");
if (iconname.empty())
iconname = "document";
string iconpath;
#if defined (__FreeBSD__) && __FreeBSD_version < 500000
// gcc 2.95 dies if we call getConfParam here ??
if (m_conf) m_conf->get(string("iconsdir"), iconpath, m_keydir);
getConfParam("iconsdir", iconpath);
if (iconpath.empty()) {
iconpath = path_cat(m_datadir, "images");
} else {
iconpath = path_tildexpand(iconpath);
return path_cat(iconpath, iconname) + ".png";
// Return path defined by varname. May be absolute or relative to
// confdir, with default in confdir
string RclConfig::getConfdirPath(const char *varname, const char *dflt) const
string result;
if (!getConfParam(varname, result)) {
result = path_cat(getConfDir(), dflt);
} else {
result = path_tildexpand(result);
// If not an absolute path, compute relative to config dir
if (!path_isabsolute(result)) {
result = path_cat(getConfDir(), result);
return path_canon(result);
string RclConfig::getCacheDir() const
return m_cachedir.empty() ? getConfDir() : m_cachedir;
// Return path defined by varname. May be absolute or relative to
// confdir, with default in confdir
string RclConfig::getCachedirPath(const char *varname, const char *dflt) const
string result;
if (!getConfParam(varname, result)) {
result = path_cat(getCacheDir(), dflt);
} else {
result = path_tildexpand(result);
// If not an absolute path, compute relative to cache dir
if (!path_isabsolute(result)) {
result = path_cat(getCacheDir(), result);
return path_canon(result);
string RclConfig::getDbDir() const
return getCachedirPath("dbdir", "xapiandb");
string RclConfig::getWebcacheDir() const
return getCachedirPath("webcachedir", "webcache");
string RclConfig::getMboxcacheDir() const
return getCachedirPath("mboxcachedir", "mboxcache");
string RclConfig::getAspellcacheDir() const
return getCachedirPath("aspellDicDir", "");
string RclConfig::getStopfile() const
return getConfdirPath("stoplistfile", "stoplist.txt");
string RclConfig::getSynGroupsFile() const
return getConfdirPath("syngroupsfile", "syngroups.txt");
// The index status file is fast changing, so it's possible to put it outside
// of the config directory (for ssds, not sure this is really useful).
// To enable being quite xdg-correct we should add a getRundirPath()
string RclConfig::getIdxStatusFile() const
return getCachedirPath("idxstatusfile", "idxstatus.txt");
string RclConfig::getPidfile() const
return path_cat(getCacheDir(), "index.pid");
void RclConfig::urlrewrite(const string& dbdir, string& url) const
LOGDEB2("RclConfig::urlrewrite: dbdir [" << (dbdir) << "] url [" << (url) << "]\n" );
// Do path translations exist for this index ?
if (m_ptrans == 0 || !m_ptrans->hasSubKey(dbdir)) {
LOGDEB2("RclConfig::urlrewrite: no paths translations (m_ptrans " << (m_ptrans) << ")\n" );
string path = fileurltolocalpath(url);
if (path.empty()) {
LOGDEB2("RclConfig::urlrewrite: not file url\n" );
// For each translation check if the prefix matches the input path,
// replace and return the result if it does.
vector<string> opaths = m_ptrans->getNames(dbdir);
for (vector<string>::const_iterator it = opaths.begin();
it != opaths.end(); it++) {
if (it->size() <= path.size() && !path.compare(0, it->size(), *it)) {
string npath;
// This call always succeeds because the key comes from getNames()
if (m_ptrans->get(*it, npath, dbdir)) {
path = path.replace(0, it->size(), npath);
url = path_pathtofileurl(path);
bool RclConfig::sourceChanged() const
if (m_conf && m_conf->sourceChanged())
return true;
if (mimemap && mimemap->sourceChanged())
return true;
if (mimeconf && mimeconf->sourceChanged())
return true;
if (mimeview && mimeview->sourceChanged())
return true;
if (m_fields && m_fields->sourceChanged())
return true;
if (m_ptrans && m_ptrans->sourceChanged())
return true;
return false;
string RclConfig::getWebQueueDir() const
string webqueuedir;
if (!getConfParam("webqueuedir", webqueuedir))
webqueuedir = "~/.recollweb/ToIndex/";
webqueuedir = path_tildexpand(webqueuedir);
return webqueuedir;
vector<string>& RclConfig::getSkippedNames()
if (m_skpnstate.needrecompute()) {
stringToStrings(m_skpnstate.savedvalue, m_skpnlist);
return m_skpnlist;
vector<string> RclConfig::getSkippedPaths() const
vector<string> skpl;
getConfParam("skippedPaths", &skpl);
// Always add the dbdir and confdir to the skipped paths. This is
// especially important for the rt monitor which will go into a loop if we
// don't do this.
if (getCacheDir().compare(getConfDir())) {
// And the web queue dir
for (vector<string>::iterator it = skpl.begin(); it != skpl.end(); it++) {
*it = path_tildexpand(*it);
*it = path_canon(*it);
sort(skpl.begin(), skpl.end());
vector<string>::iterator uit = unique(skpl.begin(), skpl.end());
skpl.resize(uit - skpl.begin());
return skpl;
vector<string> RclConfig::getDaemSkippedPaths() const
vector<string> dskpl;
getConfParam("daemSkippedPaths", &dskpl);
for (vector<string>::iterator it = dskpl.begin(); it != dskpl.end(); it++) {
*it = path_tildexpand(*it);
*it = path_canon(*it);
vector<string> skpl1 = getSkippedPaths();
vector<string> skpl;
if (dskpl.empty()) {
skpl = skpl1;
} else {
sort(dskpl.begin(), dskpl.end());
merge(dskpl.begin(), dskpl.end(), skpl1.begin(), skpl1.end(),
vector<string>::iterator uit = unique(skpl.begin(), skpl.end());
skpl.resize(uit - skpl.begin());
return skpl;
// Look up an executable filter. We add $RECOLL_FILTERSDIR,
// and filtersdir from the config file to the PATH, then use execmd::which()
string RclConfig::findFilter(const string &icmd) const
// If the path is absolute, this is it
if (path_isabsolute(icmd))
return icmd;
const char *cp = getenv("PATH");
if (!cp) //??
cp = "";
string PATH(cp);
// For historical reasons: check in personal config directory
PATH = getConfDir() + path_PATHsep() + PATH;
string temp;
// Prepend $datadir/filters
temp = path_cat(m_datadir, "filters");
PATH = temp + path_PATHsep() + PATH;
// Prepend possible configuration parameter?
if (getConfParam(string("filtersdir"), temp)) {
temp = path_tildexpand(temp);
PATH = temp + path_PATHsep() + PATH;
// Prepend possible environment variable
if ((cp = getenv("RECOLL_FILTERSDIR"))) {
PATH = string(cp) + path_PATHsep() + PATH;
string cmd;
if (ExecCmd::which(icmd, cmd, PATH.c_str())) {
return cmd;
} else {
// Let the shell try to find it...
return icmd;
* Return decompression command line for given mime type
bool RclConfig::getUncompressor(const string &mtype, vector<string>& cmd) const
string hs;
mimeconf->get(mtype, hs, cstr_null);
if (hs.empty())
return false;
vector<string> tokens;
stringToStrings(hs, tokens);
if (tokens.empty()) {
LOGERR("getUncompressor: empty spec for mtype " << (mtype) << "\n" );
return false;
vector<string>::iterator it = tokens.begin();
if (tokens.size() < 2)
return false;
if (stringlowercmp("uncompress", *it++))
return false;
// Special-case python and perl on windows: we need to also locate the
// first argument which is the script name "python somescript.py".
// On Unix, thanks to #!, we usually just run "somescript.py", but need
// the same change if we ever want to use the same cmdling as windows
if (!stringlowercmp("python", *it) || !stringlowercmp("perl", *it)) {
if (tokens.size() < 3) {
LOGERR("getUncpressor: python/perl cmd: no script?. [" << (mtype) << "]\n" );
} else {
*it = findFilter(*it);
} else {
cmd.insert(cmd.end(), it, tokens.end());
return true;
static const char blurb0[] =
"# The system-wide configuration files for recoll are located in:\n"
"# %s\n"
"# The default configuration files are commented, you should take a look\n"
"# at them for an explanation of what can be set (you could also take a look\n"
"# at the manual instead).\n"
"# Values set in this file will override the system-wide values for the file\n"
"# with the same name in the central directory. The syntax for setting\n"
"# values is identical.\n"
// Use uni2ascii -a K to generate these from the utf-8 strings
// Swedish and Danish.
static const char swedish_ex[] = "unac_except_trans = \303\244\303\244 \303\204\303\244 \303\266\303\266 \303\226\303\266 \303\274\303\274 \303\234\303\274 \303\237ss \305\223oe \305\222oe \303\246ae \303\206ae \357\254\201fi \357\254\202fl \303\245\303\245 \303\205\303\245";
// German:
static const char german_ex[] = "unac_except_trans = \303\244\303\244 \303\204\303\244 \303\266\303\266 \303\226\303\266 \303\274\303\274 \303\234\303\274 \303\237ss \305\223oe \305\222oe \303\246ae \303\206ae \357\254\201fi \357\254\202fl";
// Create initial user config by creating commented empty files
static const char *configfiles[] = {"recoll.conf", "mimemap", "mimeconf",
static int ncffiles = sizeof(configfiles) / sizeof(char *);
bool RclConfig::initUserConfig()
// Explanatory text
const int bs = sizeof(blurb0)+PATH_MAX+1;
char blurb[bs];
string exdir = path_cat(m_datadir, "examples");
snprintf(blurb, bs, blurb0, exdir.c_str());
// Use protective 700 mode to create the top configuration
// directory: documents can be reconstructed from index data.
if (!path_exists(m_confdir) &&
mkdir(m_confdir.c_str(), 0700) < 0) {
m_reason += string("mkdir(") + m_confdir + ") failed: " +
return false;
string lang = localelang();
for (int i = 0; i < ncffiles; i++) {
string dst = path_cat(m_confdir, string(configfiles[i]));
if (!path_exists(dst)) {
FILE *fp = fopen(dst.c_str(), "w");
if (fp) {
fprintf(fp, "%s\n", blurb);
if (!strcmp(configfiles[i], "recoll.conf")) {
// Add improved unac_except_trans for some languages
if (lang == "se" || lang == "dk" || lang == "no" ||
lang == "fi") {
fprintf(fp, "%s\n", swedish_ex);
} else if (lang == "de") {
fprintf(fp, "%s\n", german_ex);
} else {
m_reason += string("fopen ") + dst + ": " + strerror(errno);
return false;
return true;
void RclConfig::freeAll()
delete m_conf;
delete mimemap;
delete mimeconf;
delete mimeview;
delete m_fields;
delete m_ptrans;
// just in case
void RclConfig::initFrom(const RclConfig& r)
if (!(m_ok = r.m_ok))
m_reason = r.m_reason;
m_confdir = r.m_confdir;
m_cachedir = r.m_cachedir;
m_datadir = r.m_datadir;
m_keydir = r.m_keydir;
m_cdirs = r.m_cdirs;
if (r.m_conf)
m_conf = new ConfStack<ConfTree>(*(r.m_conf));
if (r.mimemap)
mimemap = new ConfStack<ConfTree>(*(r.mimemap));
if (r.mimeconf)
mimeconf = new ConfStack<ConfSimple>(*(r.mimeconf));
if (r.mimeview)
mimeview = new ConfStack<ConfSimple>(*(r.mimeview));
if (r.m_fields)
m_fields = new ConfStack<ConfSimple>(*(r.m_fields));
if (r.m_ptrans)
m_ptrans = new ConfSimple(*(r.m_ptrans));
m_fldtotraits = r.m_fldtotraits;
m_aliastocanon = r.m_aliastocanon;
m_aliastoqcanon = r.m_aliastoqcanon;
m_storedFields = r.m_storedFields;
m_xattrtofld = r.m_xattrtofld;
if (r.m_stopsuffixes)
m_stopsuffixes = new SuffixStore(*((SuffixStore*)r.m_stopsuffixes));
m_maxsufflen = r.m_maxsufflen;
m_defcharset = r.m_defcharset;
initParamStale(m_conf, mimemap);
m_thrConf = r.m_thrConf;
void RclConfig::initParamStale(ConfNull *cnf, ConfNull *mimemap)
#else // -> Test
#include <stdio.h>
#include <signal.h>
#include <iostream>
#include <vector>
#include <string>
using namespace std;
#include "log.h"
#include "rclinit.h"
#include "rclconfig.h"
#include "cstr.h"
static char *thisprog;
static char usage [] = "\n"
"-c: check a few things in the configuration files\n"
"[-s subkey] -q param : query parameter value\n"
"-f : print some field data\n"
" : default: print parameters\n"
static void
fprintf(stderr, "%s: usage: %s\n", thisprog, usage);
static int op_flags;
#define OPT_MOINS 0x1
#define OPT_s 0x2
#define OPT_q 0x4
#define OPT_c 0x8
#define OPT_f 0x10
int main(int argc, char **argv)
string pname, skey;
thisprog = argv[0];
argc--; argv++;
while (argc > 0 && **argv == '-') {
if (!(**argv))
/* Cas du "adb - core" */
while (**argv)
switch (*(*argv)++) {
case 'c': op_flags |= OPT_c; break;
case 'f': op_flags |= OPT_f; break;
case 's': op_flags |= OPT_s; if (argc < 2) Usage();
skey = *(++argv);
goto b1;
case 'q': op_flags |= OPT_q; if (argc < 2) Usage();
pname = *(++argv);
goto b1;
default: Usage(); break;
b1: argc--; argv++;
if (argc != 0)
string reason;
RclConfig *config = recollinit(0, 0, reason);
if (config == 0 || !config->ok()) {
cerr << "Configuration problem: " << reason << endl;
if (op_flags & OPT_s)
if (op_flags & OPT_q) {
string value;
if (!config->getConfParam(pname, value)) {
fprintf(stderr, "getConfParam failed for [%s]\n", pname.c_str());
printf("[%s] -> [%s]\n", pname.c_str(), value.c_str());
} else if (op_flags & OPT_f) {
set<string> stored = config->getStoredFields();
set<string> indexed = config->getIndexedFields();
cout << "Stored fields: ";
for (set<string>::const_iterator it = stored.begin();
it != stored.end(); it++) {
cout << "[" << *it << "] ";
cout << endl;
cout << "Indexed fields: ";
for (set<string>::const_iterator it = indexed.begin();
it != indexed.end(); it++) {
const FieldTraits *ftp;
config->getFieldTraits(*it, &ftp);
if (ftp)
cout << "[" << *it << "]" << " -> [" << ftp->pfx << "] ";
cout << "[" << *it << "]" << " -> [" << "(none)" << "] ";
cout << endl;
} else if (op_flags & OPT_c) {
// Checking the configuration consistency
// Find and display category names
vector<string> catnames;
cout << "Categories: ";
for (vector<string>::const_iterator it = catnames.begin();
it != catnames.end(); it++) {
cout << *it << " ";
cout << endl;
// Compute union of all types from each category. Check that there
// are no duplicates while we are at it.
set<string> allmtsfromcats;
for (vector<string>::const_iterator it = catnames.begin();
it != catnames.end(); it++) {
vector<string> cts;
config->getMimeCatTypes(*it, cts);
for (vector<string>::const_iterator it1 = cts.begin();
it1 != cts.end(); it1++) {
// Already in map -> duplicate
if (allmtsfromcats.find(*it1) != allmtsfromcats.end()) {
cout << "Duplicate: [" << *it1 << "]" << endl;
// Retrieve complete list of mime types
vector<string> mtypes = config->getAllMimeTypes();
// And check that each mime type is found in exactly one category
for (vector<string>::const_iterator it = mtypes.begin();
it != mtypes.end(); it++) {
if (allmtsfromcats.find(*it) == allmtsfromcats.end()) {
cout << "Not found in catgs: [" << *it << "]" << endl;
// List mime types not in mimeview
for (vector<string>::const_iterator it = mtypes.begin();
it != mtypes.end(); it++) {
if (config->getMimeViewerDef(*it, "", false).empty()) {
cout << "No viewer: [" << *it << "]" << endl;
// Check that each mime type has an indexer
for (vector<string>::const_iterator it = mtypes.begin();
it != mtypes.end(); it++) {
if (config->getMimeHandlerDef(*it, false).empty()) {
cout << "No filter: [" << *it << "]" << endl;
// Check that each mime type has a defined icon
for (vector<string>::const_iterator it = mtypes.begin();
it != mtypes.end(); it++) {
if (config->getMimeIconPath(*it, "") == "document") {
cout << "No or generic icon: [" << *it << "]" << endl;
} else {
vector<string> names = config->getConfNames();
for (vector<string>::iterator it = names.begin();
it != names.end();it++) {
string value;
config->getConfParam(*it, value);
cout << *it << " -> [" << value << "]" << endl;