Switch to side-by-side view

--- a/src/doc/user/usermanual.xml
+++ b/src/doc/user/usermanual.xml
@@ -6170,6 +6170,13 @@
       location upwards. Not all parameters can be meaningfully
       redefined, this is specified for each in the next
       section. </para>
+      <important>
+        <para>Global parameters <emphasis>must not</emphasis> be defined in
+        a directory subsection, else they will not be found at all by the
+        &RCL; code, which looks for them at the top level
+        (e.g. <literal>skippedPaths</literal>).</para> 
+      </important>
       <para>When found at the beginning of a file path, the tilde
       character (~) is expanded to the name of the user's home