/* Copyright (C) 2005 J.F.Dockes
* This program is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify
* it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by
* the Free Software Foundation; either version 2 of the License, or
* (at your option) any later version.
* This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful,
* but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of
* GNU General Public License for more details.
* You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License
* along with this program; if not, write to the
* Free Software Foundation, Inc.,
* 59 Temple Place - Suite 330, Boston, MA 02111-1307, USA.
#include "autoconfig.h"
#include <list>
#include <QMessageBox>
#include "debuglog.h"
#include "fileudi.h"
#include "execmd.h"
#include "transcode.h"
#include "docseqhist.h"
#include "docseqdb.h"
#include "internfile.h"
#include "rclmain_w.h"
#include "rclzg.h"
using namespace std;
// Start native viewer or preview for input Doc. This is used to allow
// using recoll from another app (e.g. Unity Scope) to view embedded
// result docs (docs with an ipath). . We act as a proxy to extract
// the data and start a viewer. The Url are encoded as
// file://path#ipath
void RclMain::viewUrl()
if (m_urltoview.isEmpty() || !rcldb)
QUrl qurl(m_urltoview);
LOGDEB(("RclMain::viewUrl: Path [%s] fragment [%s]\n",
(const char *)qurl.path().toLocal8Bit(),
(const char *)qurl.fragment().toLocal8Bit()));
/* In theory, the url might not be for a file managed by the fs
indexer so that the make_udi() call here would be
wrong(). When/if this happens we'll have to hide this part
inside internfile and have some url magic to indicate the
appropriate indexer/identification scheme */
string udi;
make_udi((const char *)qurl.path().toLocal8Bit(),
(const char *)qurl.fragment().toLocal8Bit(), udi);
Rcl::Doc doc;
Rcl::Doc idxdoc; // idxdoc.idxi == 0 -> works with base index only
if (!rcldb->getDoc(udi, idxdoc, doc) || doc.pc == -1)
// StartNativeViewer needs a db source to call getEnclosing() on.
Rcl::Query *query = new Rcl::Query(rcldb);
DocSequenceDb *src =
new DocSequenceDb(RefCntr<Rcl::Query>(query), "",
RefCntr<Rcl::SearchData>(new Rcl::SearchData));
m_source = RefCntr<DocSequence>(src);
// Start a native viewer if the mimetype has one defined, else a
// preview.
string apptag;
doc.getmeta(Rcl::Doc::keyapptg, &apptag);
string viewer = theconfig->getMimeViewerDef(doc.mimetype, apptag,
if (viewer.empty()) {
} else {
// We have a problem here because xdg-open will exit
// immediately after starting the command instead of waiting
// for it, so we can't wait either and we don't know when we
// can exit (deleting the temp file). As a bad workaround we
// sleep some time then exit. The alternative would be to just
// prevent the temp file deletion completely, leaving it
// around forever. Better to let the user save a copy if he
// wants I think.
/* Look for html browser. We make a special effort for html because it's
* used for reading help. This is only used if the normal approach
* (xdg-open etc.) failed */
static bool lookForHtmlBrowser(string &exefile)
static const char *htmlbrowserlist =
"opera google-chrome chromium-browser konqueror iceweasel firefox "
"mozilla netscape epiphany";
vector<string> blist;
stringToTokens(htmlbrowserlist, blist, " ");
const char *path = getenv("PATH");
if (path == 0)
path = "/bin:/usr/bin:/usr/bin/X11:/usr/X11R6/bin:/usr/local/bin";
// Look for each browser
for (vector<string>::const_iterator bit = blist.begin();
bit != blist.end(); bit++) {
if (ExecCmd::which(*bit, exefile, path))
return true;
return false;
void RclMain::openWith(Rcl::Doc doc, string cmdspec)
LOGDEB(("RclMain::openWith: %s\n", cmdspec.c_str()));
// Split the command line
vector<string> lcmd;
if (!stringToStrings(cmdspec, lcmd)) {
QMessageBox::warning(0, "Recoll",
tr("Bad desktop app spec for %1: [%2]\n"
"Please check the desktop file")
// Look for the command to execute in the exec path and the filters
// directory
string execname = lcmd.front();
string url = doc.url;
string fn = fileurltolocalpath(doc.url);
// Try to keep the letters used more or less consistent with the reslist
// paragraph format.
map<string, string> subs;
subs["F"] = fn;
subs["f"] = fn;
subs["U"] = url;
subs["u"] = url;
execViewer(subs, false, execname, lcmd, cmdspec, doc);
void RclMain::startNativeViewer(Rcl::Doc doc, int pagenum, QString term)
string apptag;
doc.getmeta(Rcl::Doc::keyapptg, &apptag);
LOGDEB(("RclMain::startNativeViewer: mtype [%s] apptag [%s] page %d "
"term [%s] url [%s] ipath [%s]\n",
doc.mimetype.c_str(), apptag.c_str(), pagenum,
(const char *)(term.toUtf8()), doc.url.c_str(), doc.ipath.c_str()
// Look for appropriate viewer
string cmdplusattr = theconfig->getMimeViewerDef(doc.mimetype, apptag,
if (cmdplusattr.empty()) {
QMessageBox::warning(0, "Recoll",
tr("No external viewer configured for mime type [")
+ doc.mimetype.c_str() + "]");
// Separate command string and viewer attributes (if any)
ConfSimple viewerattrs;
string cmd;
theconfig->valueSplitAttributes(cmdplusattr, cmd, viewerattrs);
bool ignoreipath = false;
if (viewerattrs.get("ignoreipath", cmdplusattr))
ignoreipath = stringToBool(cmdplusattr);
// Split the command line
vector<string> lcmd;
if (!stringToStrings(cmd, lcmd)) {
QMessageBox::warning(0, "Recoll",
tr("Bad viewer command line for %1: [%2]\n"
"Please check the mimeview file")
// Look for the command to execute in the exec path and the filters
// directory
string execpath;
if (!ExecCmd::which(lcmd.front(), execpath)) {
execpath = theconfig->findFilter(lcmd.front());
// findFilter returns its input param if the filter is not in
// the normal places. As we already looked in the path, we
// have no use for a simple command name here (as opposed to
// mimehandler which will just let execvp do its thing). Erase
// execpath so that the user dialog will be started further
// down.
if (!execpath.compare(lcmd.front()))
// Specialcase text/html because of the help browser need
if (execpath.empty() && !doc.mimetype.compare("text/html") &&
apptag.empty()) {
if (lookForHtmlBrowser(execpath)) {
// Command not found: start the user dialog to help find another one:
if (execpath.empty()) {
QString mt = QString::fromUtf8(doc.mimetype.c_str());
QString message = tr("The viewer specified in mimeview for %1: %2"
" is not found.\nDo you want to start the "
" preferences dialog ?")
switch(QMessageBox::warning(0, "Recoll", message,
"Yes", "No", 0, 0, 1)) {
case 0:
if (uiprefs)
case 1:
// The user will have to click on the link again to try the
// new command.
// Get rid of the command name. lcmd is now argv[1...n]
// Process the command arguments to determine if we need to create
// a temporary file.
// If the command has a %i parameter it will manage the
// un-embedding. Else if ipath is not empty, we need a temp file.
// This can be overridden with the "ignoreipath" attribute
bool groksipath = (cmd.find("%i") != string::npos) || ignoreipath;
// wantsfile: do we actually need a local file ? The only other
// case here is an url %u (ie: for web history).
bool wantsfile = cmd.find("%f") != string::npos && urlisfileurl(doc.url);
bool wantsparentfile = cmd.find("%F") != string::npos &&
if (wantsfile && wantsparentfile) {
QMessageBox::warning(0, "Recoll",
tr("Viewer command line for %1 specifies both "
"file and parent file value: unsupported")
string url = doc.url;
string fn = fileurltolocalpath(doc.url);
Rcl::Doc pdoc;
if (wantsparentfile) {
// We want the path for the parent document. For example to
// open the chm file, not the internal page. Note that we just
// override the other file name in this case.
if (m_source.isNull() || !m_source->getEnclosing(doc, pdoc)) {
QMessageBox::warning(0, "Recoll",
tr("Cannot find parent document"));
// Override fn with the parent's :
fn = fileurltolocalpath(pdoc.url);
// If the parent document has an ipath too, we need to create
// a temp file even if the command takes an ipath
// parameter. We have no viewer which could handle a double
// embedding. Will have to change if such a one appears.
if (!pdoc.ipath.empty()) {
groksipath = false;
bool istempfile = false;
LOGDEB(("RclMain::startNV: groksipath %d wantsf %d wantsparentf %d\n",
groksipath, wantsfile, wantsparentfile));
// If the command wants a file but this is not a file url, or
// there is an ipath that it won't understand, we need a temp file:
if (!doc.isFsFile() ||
((wantsfile || wantsparentfile) && fn.empty()) ||
(!groksipath && !doc.ipath.empty()) ) {
TempFile temp;
Rcl::Doc& thedoc = wantsparentfile ? pdoc : doc;
if (!FileInterner::idocToFile(temp, string(), theconfig, thedoc)) {
QMessageBox::warning(0, "Recoll",
tr("Cannot extract document or create "
"temporary file"));
istempfile = true;
fn = temp->filename();
url = string("file://") + fn;
// If using an actual file, check that it exists, and if it is
// compressed, we may need an uncompressed version
if (!fn.empty() && theconfig->mimeViewerNeedsUncomp(doc.mimetype)) {
if (access(fn.c_str(), R_OK) != 0) {
QMessageBox::warning(0, "Recoll",
tr("Can't access file: ") +
TempFile temp;
if (FileInterner::isCompressed(fn, theconfig)) {
if (!FileInterner::maybeUncompressToTemp(temp, fn, theconfig,
doc)) {
QMessageBox::warning(0, "Recoll",
tr("Can't uncompress file: ") +
if (!temp.isNull()) {
fn = temp->filename();
url = string("file://") + fn;
// If we are not called with a page number (which would happen for a call
// from the snippets window), see if we can compute a page number anyway.
if (pagenum == -1) {
pagenum = 1;
string lterm;
if (m_source.isNotNull())
pagenum = m_source->getFirstMatchPage(doc, lterm);
if (pagenum == -1)
pagenum = 1;
else // We get the match term used to compute the page
term = QString::fromUtf8(lterm.c_str());
char cpagenum[20];
sprintf(cpagenum, "%d", pagenum);
// Substitute %xx inside arguments
string efftime;
if (!doc.dmtime.empty() || !doc.fmtime.empty()) {
efftime = doc.dmtime.empty() ? doc.fmtime : doc.dmtime;
} else {
efftime = "0";
// Try to keep the letters used more or less consistent with the reslist
// paragraph format.
map<string, string> subs;
subs["D"] = efftime;
subs["f"] = fn;
subs["F"] = fn;
subs["i"] = FileInterner::getLastIpathElt(doc.ipath);
subs["M"] = doc.mimetype;
subs["p"] = cpagenum;
subs["s"] = (const char*)term.toLocal8Bit();
subs["U"] = url;
subs["u"] = url;
// Let %(xx) access all metadata.
for (map<string,string>::const_iterator it = doc.meta.begin();
it != doc.meta.end(); it++) {
subs[it->first] = it->second;
execViewer(subs, istempfile, execpath, lcmd, cmd, doc);
void RclMain::execViewer(const map<string, string>& subs, bool istempfile,
const string& execpath,
const vector<string>& _lcmd, const string& cmd,
Rcl::Doc doc)
string ncmd;
vector<string> lcmd;
for (vector<string>::const_iterator it = _lcmd.begin();
it != _lcmd.end(); it++) {
pcSubst(*it, ncmd, subs);
LOGDEB(("%s->%s\n", it->c_str(), ncmd.c_str()));
// Also substitute inside the unsplitted command line and display
// in status bar
pcSubst(cmd, ncmd, subs);
ncmd += " &";
QStatusBar *stb = statusBar();
if (stb) {
string fcharset = theconfig->getDefCharset(true);
string prcmd;
transcode(ncmd, prcmd, fcharset, "UTF-8");
QString msg = tr("Executing: [") +
QString::fromUtf8(prcmd.c_str()) + "]";
stb->showMessage(msg, 10000);
if (!istempfile)
historyEnterDoc(g_dynconf, doc.meta[Rcl::Doc::keyudi]);
// Do the zeitgeist thing
zg_send_event(ZGSEND_OPEN, doc);
// We keep pushing back and never deleting. This can't be good...
ExecCmd *ecmd = new ExecCmd;
ecmd->startExec(execpath, lcmd, false, false);
void RclMain::startManual()
void RclMain::startManual(const string& index)
Rcl::Doc doc;
doc.url = "file://";
doc.url = path_cat(doc.url, theconfig->getDatadir());
doc.url = path_cat(doc.url, "doc");
doc.url = path_cat(doc.url, "usermanual.html");
LOGDEB(("RclMain::startManual: help index is %s\n",
if (!index.empty()) {
doc.url += "#";
doc.url += index;
doc.mimetype = "text/html";