/* Copyright (C) 2011 J.F.Dockes
* This program is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify
* it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by
* the Free Software Foundation; either version 2 of the License, or
* (at your option) any later version.
* This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful,
* but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of
* GNU General Public License for more details.
* You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License
* along with this program; if not, write to the
* Free Software Foundation, Inc.,
* 59 Temple Place - Suite 330, Boston, MA 02111-1307, USA.
#include "textsplit.h"
#include "stoplist.h"
namespace Rcl {
* Termproc objects take term tokens as input and do something
* with them: transform to lowercase, filter out stop words, generate n-grams,
* finally index or generate search clauses, etc. They are chained and can
* be arranged to form different pipelines depending on the desired processing
* steps: for example, optional stoplist or commongram processing.
* Shared processing steps are defined in this file. The first and last steps
* are usually defined in the specific module.
* - The front TermProc is typically chained from a TextSplit object
* which generates the original terms, and calls takeword() from its
* own takeword() method.
* - The last TermProc does something with the finalized terms, e.g. adds
* them to the index.
* The base class takes care of chaining: all derived classes call its
* takeword() and flush() methods to ensure that terms go through the pipe.
class TermProc {
TermProc(TermProc* next) : m_next(next) {}
virtual ~TermProc() {}
virtual bool takeword(const string &term, int pos, int bs, int be)
if (m_next)
return m_next->takeword(term, pos, bs, be);
return true;
// newpage() is like takeword(), but for page breaks.
virtual void newpage(int pos)
if (m_next)
virtual bool flush()
if (m_next)
return m_next->flush();
return true;
TermProc *m_next;
/* Copyconst and assignment private and forbidden */
TermProc(const TermProc &) {}
TermProc& operator=(const TermProc &) {
return *this;
* Helper specialized TextSplit class, feeds the pipeline:
* - The takeword() method calls a TermProc->takeword().
* - The text_to_words() method also takes care of flushing.
* Both methods can be further specialized by the user (they should then call
* the base methods when they've done the local processing).
class TextSplitP : public TextSplit {
TextSplitP(TermProc *prc, Flags flags = Flags(TXTS_NONE))
: TextSplit(flags), m_prc(prc) {}
virtual bool text_to_words(const string &in) {
bool ret = TextSplit::text_to_words(in);
if (m_prc && !m_prc->flush())
return false;
return ret;
virtual bool takeword(const string& term, int pos, int bs, int be) {
if (m_prc)
return m_prc->takeword(term, pos, bs, be);
return true;
virtual void newpage(int pos) {
if (m_prc)
return m_prc->newpage(pos);
TermProc *m_prc;
/** Unaccent and lowercase term. If the index is
* not case/diac-sensitive, this is usually the first step in the pipeline
class TermProcPrep : public TermProc {
TermProcPrep(TermProc *nxt)
: TermProc(nxt), m_totalterms(0), m_unacerrors(0)
virtual bool takeword(const string& itrm, int pos, int bs, int be)
string otrm;
if (!unacmaybefold(itrm, otrm, "UTF-8", UNACOP_UNACFOLD)) {
LOGDEB(("splitter::takeword: unac [%s] failed\n", itrm.c_str()));
// We don't generate a fatal error because of a bad term,
// but one has to put the limit somewhere
if (m_unacerrors > 500 &&
(double(m_totalterms) / double(m_unacerrors)) < 2.0) {
// More than 1 error for every other term
LOGERR(("splitter::takeword: too many unac errors %d/%d\n",
m_unacerrors, m_totalterms));
return false;
return true;
// It may happen in some weird cases that the output from unac is
// empty (if the word actually consisted entirely of diacritics ...)
// The consequence is that a phrase search won't work without addional
// slack.
if (otrm.empty())
return true;
return TermProc::takeword(otrm, pos, bs, be);
virtual bool flush()
m_totalterms = m_unacerrors = 0;
return TermProc::flush();
int m_totalterms;
int m_unacerrors;
/** Compare to stop words list and discard if match found */
class TermProcStop : public TermProc {
TermProcStop(TermProc *nxt, const Rcl::StopList& stops)
: TermProc(nxt), m_stops(stops)
virtual bool takeword(const string& term, int pos, int bs, int be)
if (m_stops.isStop(term)) {
return true;
return TermProc::takeword(term, pos, bs, be);
const Rcl::StopList& m_stops;
/** Handle common-gram generation: combine frequent terms with neighbours to
* shorten the positions lists for phrase searches.
* NOTE: This does not currently work because of bad interaction with the
* spans (ie john@domain.com) generation in textsplit. Not used, kept for
* testing only
class TermProcCommongrams : public TermProc {
TermProcCommongrams(TermProc *nxt, const Rcl::StopList& stops)
: TermProc(nxt), m_stops(stops), m_onlygrams(false)
virtual bool takeword(const string& term, int pos, int bs, int be)
LOGDEB1(("TermProcCom::takeword: pos %d %d %d [%s]\n",
pos, bs, be, term.c_str()));
bool isstop = m_stops.isStop(term);
bool twogramemit = false;
if (!m_prevterm.empty() && (m_prevstop || isstop)) {
// create 2-gram. space unnecessary but improves
// the readability of queries
string twogram;
twogram.append(1, ' ');
twogram += term;
// When emitting a complex term we set the bps to 0. This may
// be used by our clients
if (!TermProc::takeword(twogram, m_prevpos, 0, 0))
return false;
twogramemit = true;
#if 0
if (m_stops.isStop(twogram)) {
firstword = twogram;
isstop = false;
m_prevterm = term;
m_prevstop = isstop;
m_prevpos = pos;
m_prevsent = false;
m_prevbs = bs;
m_prevbe = be;
// If flags allow, emit the bare term at the current pos.
if (!m_onlygrams || (!isstop && !twogramemit)) {
if (!TermProc::takeword(term, pos, bs, be))
return false;
m_prevsent = true;
return true;
virtual bool flush()
if (!m_prevsent && !m_prevterm.empty())
if (!TermProc::takeword(m_prevterm, m_prevpos, m_prevbs, m_prevbe))
return false;
m_prevsent = true;
return TermProc::flush();
void onlygrams(bool on)
m_onlygrams = on;
// The stoplist we're using
const Rcl::StopList& m_stops;
// Remembered data for the last processed term
string m_prevterm;
bool m_prevstop;
int m_prevpos;
int m_prevbs;
int m_prevbe;
bool m_prevsent;
// If this is set, we only emit longest grams
bool m_onlygrams;
} // End namespace Rcl
#endif /* _TERMPROC_H_INCLUDED_ */