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mimeview.mac    164 lines (137 with data), 5.6 kB

# @(#$Id: mimeview,v 1.16 2008-09-15 08:03:37 dockes Exp $  (C) 2004 J.F.Dockes

## ##########################################
# External viewers, launched by the recoll GUI when you click on a result
# 'Open' link - MAC version
# On the MAC, we use "open" for everything...

# Mime types which we should not uncompress if they are found gzipped or
# bzipped because the native viewer knows how to handle. These would be
# exceptions and the list is normally empty
#nouncompforviewmts = 

# For releases 1.18 and later: exceptions when using the x-all entry: these
# types will use their local definition. This is useful, e.g.: 
#  - for pdf, where we can pass additional parameters like page to open and
#    search string
#  - For pages of CHM and EPUB documents where we can choose to open the 
#    parent document instead of a temporary html file.
#xallexcepts = application/pdf application/postscript application/x-dvi \
#            text/html|gnuinfo text/html|chm text/html|epub

# Pseudo entry used if the 'use desktop' preference is set in the GUI
application/x-all = open %f

application/epub+zip = ebook-viewer %f
# If you want to open the parent epub document for epub parts instead of
# opening them as html documents:
#text/html|epub = ebook-viewer %F;ignoreipath=1

application/x-mobipocket-ebook = ebook-viewer %f

application/x-kword = kword %f
application/x-abiword = abiword %f

application/pdf  = evince --page-index=%p --find=%s %f
application/postscript = evince --page-index=%p --find=%s %f
application/x-dvi = evince --page-index=%p --find=%s  %f

application/x-lyx = lyx %f
application/x-scribus = scribus %f

application/msword = libreoffice %f
application/ = libreoffice %f
application/ = libreoffice %f

application/vnd.oasis.opendocument.text = libreoffice %f
application/vnd.oasis.opendocument.presentation = libreoffice %f
application/vnd.oasis.opendocument.spreadsheet = libreoffice %f

application/vnd.openxmlformats-officedocument.wordprocessingml.document = \
 libreoffice %f
application/vnd.openxmlformats-officedocument.wordprocessingml.template = \
 libreoffice %f
application/vnd.openxmlformats-officedocument.presentationml.template = \
 libreoffice %f
application/vnd.openxmlformats-officedocument.presentationml.presentation = \
 libreoffice %f
application/vnd.openxmlformats-officedocument.spreadsheetml.sheet = \
 libreoffice %f
application/vnd.openxmlformats-officedocument.spreadsheetml.template =\
 libreoffice %f
application/vnd.sun.xml.calc = libreoffice %f
application/vnd.sun.xml.calc.template = libreoffice %f
application/vnd.sun.xml.draw = libreoffice %f
application/vnd.sun.xml.draw.template = libreoffice %f
application/vnd.sun.xml.impress = libreoffice %f
application/vnd.sun.xml.impress.template = libreoffice %f
application/vnd.sun.xml.math = libreoffice %f
application/vnd.sun.xml.writer = libreoffice %f
application/ = libreoffice %f
application/vnd.sun.xml.writer.template = libreoffice %f
application/vnd.wordperfect = libreoffice %f
text/rtf = libreoffice %f

application/x-chm = kchmviewer %f
application/x-dia-diagram = dia %f
application/x-fsdirectory = dolphin %f
application/x-gnuinfo = xterm -e "info -f %f"
application/x-gnumeric = gnumeric %f

application/x-flac = rhythmbox %f
audio/mpeg = rhythmbox %f
application/ogg = rhythmbox %f
audio/x-karaoke = kmid %f

image/jpeg = gwenview %f
image/png = gwenview %f
image/tiff = gwenview %f
image/gif  = gwenview %f
image/svg+xml = inkview %f
image/vnd.djvu = djview %f
image/x-xcf = gimp %f
image/bmp = gwenview %f
image/x-ms-bmp = gwenview %f
image/x-xpmi = gwenview %f

message/rfc822 = thunderbird -file %f
text/x-mail = thunderbird -file %f
application/x-mimehtml = thunderbird -file %f

text/calendar = evolution %f

application/x-okular-notes = okular %f

application/x-rar = ark %f
application/x-tar = ark %f
application/zip = ark %f
application/x-7z-compressed = ark %f

application/x-awk = emacsclient  %f
application/x-perl = emacsclient  %f
text/x-perl = emacsclient  %f
application/x-shellscript = emacsclient  %f
text/x-shellscript = emacsclient  %f

# Or firefox -remote "openFile(%u)"
text/html = firefox %u

# gnu info nodes are translated to html with a "gnuinfo"
# rclaptg. rclshowinfo knows how to start the info command on the right
# node
text/html|gnuinfo = rclshowinfo %F %(title);ignoreipath=1

application/x-webarchive = konqueror %f
text/x-fictionbook = ebook-viewer %f
application/x-tex = emacsclient  %f
application/xml = emacsclient  %f
text/xml = emacsclient  %f
text/x-tex = emacsclient  %f
text/plain = emacsclient  %f
text/x-awk = emacsclient  %f
text/x-c = emacsclient  %f
text/x-c+ = emacsclient  %f
text/x-c++ = emacsclient  %f
text/x-csv = libreoffice %f
text/x-html-sidux-man = konqueror %f
text/x-html-aptosid-man = iceweasel %f

# Html pages inside a chm have a chm rclaptg set by the filter. Kchmviewer
# knows how to use the ipath (which is the internal chm path) to open the
# file at the right place
text/html|chm = kchmviewer --url %i %F

text/x-ini = emacsclient %f
text/x-man = xterm -u8 -e "groff -T ascii -man %f | more"
text/x-python = idle %f
text/x-gaim-log = emacsclient  %f
text/x-purple-html-log = emacsclient  %f
text/x-purple-log = emacsclient  %f

# The video types will usually be handled by the desktop default, but they
# need entries here to get an "Open" link
video/3gpp = open %f
video/mp2p = open %f
video/mp2t = open %f
video/mp4 = open %f
video/mpeg = open %f
video/quicktime = open %f
video/x-matroska = open %f
video/x-ms-asf = open %f
video/x-msvideo = open %f