Commit | Date | |
kword support
[e4e3b8] by dockes |
2007-06-08 | Tree |
added config+filter for man pages
[faeb96] by dockes |
2007-02-06 | Tree |
scribus scd files
[7d17b6] by dockes |
2007-01-24 | Tree |
lyx filter
[2593ad] by dockes |
2007-01-23 | Tree |
added scribus support
[6d5b04] by dockes |
2007-01-22 | Tree |
always skip indexing of confdir and dbdir. star...
[4bce91] by dockes |
2006-12-21 | Tree |
added support for ppt and xls via catdoc
[e16ef6] by dockes |
2006-09-05 | Tree |
Allow ext edit for c/c++ files. 1.3.1 2?
[e5085a] by dockes |
2006-04-01 | Tree |
result list: show preview and edit links only w...
[b42df0] by dockes |
2006-03-29 | Tree |
filter for indexing mp3 tags
[abf02b] by dockes |
2006-03-28 | Tree |
add # to ignd suffixes
[84a01c] by dockes |
2006-03-20 | Tree |
added dvi and djvu support
[87216c] by dockes |
2006-02-03 | Tree |
add support for rtf
[dc67c3] by dockes |
2005-11-21 | Tree |
mimemap processing recentered in rclconfig. Han...
[ad67a6] by dockes |
2005-11-21 | Tree |
cleaned-up makes
[77e0ef] by dockes |
2005-11-12 | Tree |
add .Z compressed files
[52519d] by dockes |
2005-11-10 | Tree |
add .odt -> openoffice. Add .php and others to ...
[fc76c6] by dockes |
2005-11-09 | Tree |
replaced /usr/bin/file exec with internal code
[11bb23] by dockes |
2005-04-07 | Tree |
*** empty log message ***
[68fb37] by dockes |
2005-04-05 | Tree |
added support for openoffice and word + optimiz...
[152d47] by dockes |
2005-02-09 | Tree |
*** empty log message ***
[038205] by dockes |
2005-02-04 | Tree |
*** empty log message ***
[b79c14] by dockes |
2005-02-04 | Tree |