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# (C) 2007-2011 J.F.Dockes
# License: GPL V2
# Field names configuration. This defines how one may search ie for:
#   author:Hemingway
# Important: 
#   - the field names MUST be all lowercase alphabetic ascii here. They can
#     be anycased in the documents.

# This section defines what prefix the terms inside named fields will be
# indexed with (in addition to prefix-less indexing for general search)
# ALL prefixes MUST be all UPPERCASE. Extension prefixes begin with X 
# The choice of field names is rather arbitrary. Use of any of the aliases
# defined in the following section will yield exactly the same results,
# (both for indexing and search).
# Fields can have two relevance boost factors defined, such as in:
# caption = S ; wdfinc=10
#  and/or
# caption = S ; boost = 10
# The first line would boost the xapian "within document frequency" of
# caption terms by a factor of 10 at indexing time. The second one (not
# currently implemented) would automatically boost the weight of a
# caption-based field query (ie: caption:mytitle or title:mytitle) at query
# time.


# Native fields matching omega uses, which we index without an X first
# letter. Don't change these. Caption is used for 'title' to keep a last
# remnant of omega compatibility inside the data record. 
# Also reserved/hardcoded: D(ate), M(onth), Y(ear), 
#           F(parentid), Q(uniqueid), T(mime type)
caption = S ; wdfinc = 10
author = A
keywords = K

# Extension examples. These are actually used by default by Recoll, you can
# add your own to search for fields produced by the filters and not handled
# by default. 
# Some values are internally reserved by recoll: 
#   XP (for path elements).
ext = XE
filename = XSFN
recipient = XTO

# Some fields are stored in the document data record inside the index and
# can be returned in result lists. There is no necessity that stored fields
# should be indexed (have a prefix in the preceding section) (example:
# "url", but this one doesn't need to be listed here, it's stored by hard
# code)
# Some fields are stored by default, don't add them here, else they will be
# stored twice: caption, keywords, abstract, mimetype, url
# Only canonical names should be used here, not aliases.
# "author" used to be stored by default, now set here as optional
# "rclaptg" is used for viewer specialization (depending on local config)
# "rclbes" defines the backend type (ie normal fs, firefox cache). Should
#   probably be hardcoded, don't remove it

# This section defines field names aliases or synonyms. Any right hand side
# value will be turned into the lhs canonic name before further treatment
# The left-hand values in the recoll distribution file are well known and
# must match names used in the c++ code, or even the index data
# record. They can't change! But you can add others.
# Filters should only add canonic names to the meta array when indexing,
# not aliases.

abstract = summary dc:summary description xesam:description
author = creator dc:creator xesam:author xesam:creator from
caption = title dc:title subject
# catg = dc:type contentCategory
dbytes = size xesam:size
dmtime = date dc:date dc:datemodified datemodified contentmodified \
ext = fileextension xesam:fileextension
# Don't add subject to keywords aliases, it's better to keep it for email
keywords = keyword xesam:keyword tag tags dc:subject xesam:subject \
mtype = mime mimetype xesam:mimetype contenttype xesam:contenttype dc:format
recipient = to xesam:recipient
url = dc:identifier xesam:url

# This section defines a hierarchy for field names. Searching for a lhs
# ancestor will be expanded to a search for itself and all rhs descendants
# This is not used for now
author = from

# Section to define translations from extended file attribute names to
# field names. xattr use must be enabled at compile time for this to be
# used. Enter translations as "xattrname = fieldname". Case matters.

# Sections reserved for specific filters follow

# Mail filter section. You can specify mail headers to be indexed 
# in addition to the standard ones: (To:, Cc:, From:, Subject:, Date, 
# Message-Id), along with the field name to be used. For this to be useful, 
# the field name should also be listed in the [prefixes] and possibly the
# [stored] sections.
# [mail]
# x-my-tag = mymailtag