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--- a/src/sampleconf/recoll.conf.in
+++ b/src/sampleconf/recoll.conf.in
@@ -104,16 +104,16 @@
 # appartenance to the list will turn-off both standard accent and case
 # processing. Examples: 
 # Swedish:
-# unac_except_trans = ää Ää öö Öö üü Üü ßss œoe Œoe æae Æae fifi flfl åå Åå
+# unac_except_trans = ää Ää öö Öö üü Üü ßss œoe Œoe æae Æae ffff fifi flfl åå Åå
 # German:
-# unac_except_trans = ää Ää öö Öö üü Üü ßss œoe Œoe æae Æae fifi flfl
+# unac_except_trans = ää Ää öö Öö üü Üü ßss œoe Œoe æae Æae ffff fifi flfl
 # In French, you probably want to decompose oe and ae and nobody would type
 # a German ß
-# unac_except_trans = ßss œoe Œoe æae Æae fifi flfl
+# unac_except_trans = ßss œoe Œoe æae Æae ffff fifi flfl
 # Reasonable default for all until someone protests. These decompositions
 # are not performed by unac, but I cant imagine someone typing the composed
 # forms in a search.
-unac_except_trans = ßss œoe Œoe æae Æae fifi flfl
+unac_except_trans = ßss œoe Œoe æae Æae ffff fifi flfl
 # Maximum expansion count for a single term (ie: when using wildcards).
 # We used to not limit this at all (except for filenames where the limit