--- a/website/release-1.19.html
+++ b/website/release-1.19.html
@@ -61,6 +61,13 @@
the list after installation . This can be done from the <em>Preferences->Gui
Configuration</em> menu.</p>
+<h2>Minor releases at a glance</h2>
+<li>1.19.1 was released 2 hours after 1.19.0 (book of records anyone?)
+ because of a bug in the advanced search history feature which crashed
+ the GUI as soon as a <i>filename</i> search was performed.</li>
<h2>Changes in Recoll 1.19.0</h2>
<li>Indexing can use multiple threads. This can be a major performance boost
@@ -79,7 +86,10 @@
<li>It is now possible to use OR with "dir:" clauses, and wildcards have been
<li>When the option to follow symbolic links is not set -which is the
- default- symbolic links are now indexed as such (name and content).</li>
+ default- symbolic links are now indexed as such (name and
+ content).</li>
+ <li>The advanced search panel now has a history feature. Use the
+ up/down arrows to walk the search history list.</li>
<li>There are new GUI configuration options to run in "search as you type"
mode (which I don't find useful at all...), and to disable the Qt
auto-completion inside the simple search string. The completion was often