/* Copyright (C) 2006 J.F.Dockes
* This program is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify
* it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by
* the Free Software Foundation; either version 2 of the License, or
* (at your option) any later version.
* This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful,
* but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of
* GNU General Public License for more details.
* You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License
* along with this program; if not, write to the
* Free Software Foundation, Inc.,
* 59 Temple Place - Suite 330, Boston, MA 02111-1307, USA.
// Takes a query and run it, no gui, results to stdout
#include <stdio.h>
#include <stdlib.h>
#include <errno.h>
#include <string.h>
#include <limits.h>
#include <iostream>
#include <list>
#include <string>
#include "rcldb.h"
#include "rclquery.h"
#include "rclconfig.h"
#include "pathut.h"
#include "rclinit.h"
#include "debuglog.h"
#include "wasatorcl.h"
#include "internfile.h"
#include "wipedir.h"
#include "transcode.h"
#include "textsplit.h"
#include "smallut.h"
#include "chrono.h"
#include "base64.h"
using namespace std;
bool dump_contents(RclConfig *rclconfig, Rcl::Doc& idoc)
FileInterner interner(idoc, rclconfig, FileInterner::FIF_forPreview);
Rcl::Doc fdoc;
string ipath = idoc.ipath;
if (interner.internfile(fdoc, ipath)) {
cout << fdoc.text << endl;
} else {
cout << "Cant turn to text:" << idoc.url << " | " << idoc.ipath << endl;
return true;
void output_fields(vector<string> fields, Rcl::Doc& doc,
Rcl::Query& query, Rcl::Db& rcldb, bool printnames)
if (fields.empty()) {
map<string,string>::const_iterator it;
for (it = doc.meta.begin();it != doc.meta.end(); it++) {
for (vector<string>::const_iterator it = fields.begin();
it != fields.end(); it++) {
string out;
if (!it->compare("abstract")) {
string abstract;
query.makeDocAbstract(doc, abstract);
base64_encode(abstract, out);
} else if (!it->compare("xdocid")) {
char cdocid[30];
sprintf(cdocid, "%lu", (unsigned long)doc.xdocid);
base64_encode(cdocid, out);
} else {
base64_encode(doc.meta[*it], out);
// Before printnames existed, recollq printed a single blank for empty
// fields. This is a problem when printing names and using strtok, but
// have to keep the old behaviour when printnames is not set.
if (!(out.empty() && printnames)) {
if (printnames)
cout << *it << " ";
cout << out << " ";
cout << endl;
static char *thisprog;
static char usage [] =
" -P: Show the date span for all the documents present in the index\n"
" [-o|-a|-f] [-q] <query string>\n"
" Runs a recoll query and displays result lines. \n"
" Default: will interpret the argument(s) as a xesam query string\n"
" Query elements: \n"
" * Implicit AND, exclusion, field spec: t1 -t2 title:t3\n"
" * OR has priority: t1 OR t2 t3 OR t4 means (t1 OR t2) AND (t3 OR t4)\n"
" * Phrase: \"t1 t2\" (needs additional quoting on cmd line)\n"
" -o Emulate the GUI simple search in ANY TERM mode\n"
" -a Emulate the GUI simple search in ALL TERMS mode\n"
" -f Emulate the GUI simple search in filename mode\n"
" -q is just ignored (compatibility with the recoll GUI command line)\n"
"Common options:\n"
" -c <configdir> : specify config directory, overriding $RECOLL_CONFDIR\n"
" -d also dump file contents\n"
" -n [first-]<cnt> define the result slice. The default value for [first]\n"
" is 0. Without the option, the default max count is 2000.\n"
" Use n=0 for no limit\n"
" -b : basic. Just output urls, no mime types or titles\n"
" -Q : no result lines, just the processed query and result count\n"
" -m : dump the whole document meta[] array for each result\n"
" -A : output the document abstracts\n"
" -S fld : sort by field <fld>\n"
" -D : sort descending\n"
" -s stemlang : set stemming language to use (must exist in index...)\n"
" Use -s \"\" to turn off stem expansion\n"
" -i <dbdir> : additional index, several can be given\n"
" -e use url encoding (%xx) for urls\n"
" -F <field name list> : output exactly these fields for each result.\n"
" The field values are encoded in base64, output in one line and \n"
" separated by one space character. This is the recommended format \n"
" for use by other programs. Use a normal query with option -m to \n"
" see the field names. Use -F '' to output all fields, but you probably\n"
" also want option -N in this case\n"
" -N : with -F, print the (plain text) field names before the field values\n"
static void
cerr << thisprog << ": usage:" << endl << usage;
// -q, -t and -l are accepted and ignored
// -a/f/o -c have the same meaning
// -h is not used
static int op_flags;
#define OPT_A 0x1
#define OPT_a 0x2
#define OPT_b 0x4
#define OPT_c 0x8
#define OPT_D 0x10
#define OPT_d 0x20
#define OPT_f 0x40
#define OPT_i 0x80
#define OPT_l 0x100
#define OPT_m 0x200
#define OPT_n 0x400
#define OPT_o 0x800
#define OPT_P 0x1000
#define OPT_Q 0x2000
#define OPT_q 0x4000
#define OPT_S 0x8000
#define OPT_s 0x10000
#define OPT_t 0x20000
#define OPT_e 0x40000
#define OPT_F 0x80000
#define OPT_N 0x100000
int recollq(RclConfig **cfp, int argc, char **argv)
string a_config;
string sortfield;
string stemlang("english");
list<string> extra_dbs;
string sf;
vector<string> fields;
int firstres = 0;
int maxcount = 2000;
thisprog = argv[0];
argc--; argv++;
while (argc > 0 && **argv == '-') {
if (!(**argv))
/* Cas du "adb - core" */
while (**argv)
switch (*(*argv)++) {
case '-':
// -- : end of options
if (*(*argv) != 0)
goto endopts;
case 'A': op_flags |= OPT_A; break;
case 'a': op_flags |= OPT_a; break;
case 'b': op_flags |= OPT_b; break;
case 'c': op_flags |= OPT_c; if (argc < 2) Usage();
a_config = *(++argv);
argc--; goto b1;
case 'd': op_flags |= OPT_d; break;
case 'D': op_flags |= OPT_D; break;
case 'e': op_flags |= OPT_e; break;
case 'f': op_flags |= OPT_f; break;
case 'F': op_flags |= OPT_F; if (argc < 2) Usage();
sf = *(++argv);
argc--; goto b1;
case 'i': op_flags |= OPT_i; if (argc < 2) Usage();
argc--; goto b1;
case 'l': op_flags |= OPT_l; break;
case 'm': op_flags |= OPT_m; break;
case 'N': op_flags |= OPT_N; break;
case 'n': op_flags |= OPT_n; if (argc < 2) Usage();
string rescnt = *(++argv);
string::size_type dash = rescnt.find("-");
if (dash != string::npos) {
firstres = atoi(rescnt.substr(0, dash).c_str());
if (dash < rescnt.size()-1) {
maxcount = atoi(rescnt.substr(dash+1).c_str());
} else {
maxcount = atoi(rescnt.c_str());
if (maxcount <= 0) maxcount = INT_MAX;
argc--; goto b1;
case 'o': op_flags |= OPT_o; break;
case 'P': op_flags |= OPT_P; break;
case 'q': op_flags |= OPT_q; break;
case 'Q': op_flags |= OPT_Q; break;
case 'S': op_flags |= OPT_S; if (argc < 2) Usage();
sortfield = *(++argv);
argc--; goto b1;
case 's': op_flags |= OPT_s; if (argc < 2) Usage();
stemlang = *(++argv);
argc--; goto b1;
case 't': op_flags |= OPT_t; break;
default: Usage(); break;
b1: argc--; argv++;
string reason;
*cfp = recollinit(0, 0, reason, &a_config);
RclConfig *rclconfig = *cfp;
if (!rclconfig || !rclconfig->ok()) {
fprintf(stderr, "Recoll init failed: %s\n", reason.c_str());
if (argc < 1 && !(op_flags & OPT_P)) {
if (op_flags & OPT_F) {
if (op_flags & (OPT_b|OPT_d|OPT_b|OPT_Q|OPT_m|OPT_A))
stringToStrings(sf, fields);
Rcl::Db rcldb(rclconfig);
if (!extra_dbs.empty()) {
for (list<string>::iterator it = extra_dbs.begin();
it != extra_dbs.end(); it++) {
if (!rcldb.addQueryDb(*it)) {
cerr << "Can't add index: " << *it << endl;
if (!rcldb.open(Rcl::Db::DbRO)) {
cerr << "Cant open database in " << rclconfig->getDbDir() <<
" reason: " << rcldb.getReason() << endl;
if (op_flags & OPT_P) {
int minyear, maxyear;
if (!rcldb.maxYearSpan(&minyear, &maxyear)) {
cerr << "maxYearSpan failed: " << rcldb.getReason() << endl;
} else {
cout << "Min year " << minyear << " Max year " << maxyear << endl;
if (argc < 1) {
string qs = *argv++;argc--;
while (argc > 0) {
qs += string(" ") + *argv++;argc--;
string uq;
string charset = rclconfig->getDefCharset(true);
int ercnt;
if (!transcode(qs, uq, charset, "UTF-8", &ercnt)) {
fprintf(stderr, "Can't convert command line args to utf-8\n");
} else if (ercnt) {
fprintf(stderr, "%d errors while converting arguments from %s "
"to utf-8\n", ercnt, charset.c_str());
qs = uq;
Rcl::SearchData *sd = 0;
if (op_flags & (OPT_a|OPT_o|OPT_f)) {
sd = new Rcl::SearchData(Rcl::SCLT_OR, stemlang);
Rcl::SearchDataClause *clp = 0;
if (op_flags & OPT_f) {
clp = new Rcl::SearchDataClauseFilename(qs);
} else {
clp = new Rcl::SearchDataClauseSimple((op_flags & OPT_o)?
if (sd)
} else {
sd = wasaStringToRcl(rclconfig, stemlang, qs, reason);
if (!sd) {
cerr << "Query string interpretation failed: " << reason << endl;
return 1;
STD_SHARED_PTR<Rcl::SearchData> rq(sd);
Rcl::Query query(&rcldb);
if (op_flags & OPT_S) {
query.setSortBy(sortfield, (op_flags & OPT_D) ? false : true);
Chrono chron;
if (!query.setQuery(rq)) {
cerr << "Query setup failed: " << query.getReason() << endl;
int cnt = query.getResCnt();
if (!(op_flags & OPT_b)) {
cout << "Recoll query: " << rq->getDescription() << endl;
if (firstres == 0) {
if (cnt <= maxcount)
cout << cnt << " results" << endl;
cout << cnt << " results (printing " << maxcount << " max):"
<< endl;
} else {
cout << "Printing at most " << cnt - (firstres+maxcount) <<
" results from first " << firstres << endl;
if (op_flags & OPT_Q)
cout << "Query setup took " << chron.millis() << " mS" << endl;
if (op_flags & OPT_Q)
for (int i = firstres; i < firstres + maxcount; i++) {
Rcl::Doc doc;
if (!query.getDoc(i, doc))
if (op_flags & OPT_F) {
output_fields(fields, doc, query, rcldb, op_flags & OPT_N);
if (op_flags & OPT_e)
doc.url = url_encode(doc.url);
if (op_flags & OPT_b) {
cout << doc.url << endl;
} else {
string titleorfn = doc.meta[Rcl::Doc::keytt];
if (titleorfn.empty())
titleorfn = doc.meta[Rcl::Doc::keyfn];
if (titleorfn.empty()) {
string url;
printableUrl(rclconfig->getDefCharset(), doc.url, url);
titleorfn = path_getsimple(url);
char cpc[20];
sprintf(cpc, "%d", doc.pc);
<< doc.mimetype << "\t"
<< "[" << doc.url << "]" << "\t"
<< "[" << titleorfn << "]" << "\t"
<< doc.fbytes << "\tbytes" << "\t"
<< endl;
if (op_flags & OPT_m) {
for (map<string,string>::const_iterator it = doc.meta.begin();
it != doc.meta.end(); it++) {
cout << it->first << " = " << it->second << endl;
if (op_flags & OPT_A) {
string abstract;
if (query.makeDocAbstract(doc, abstract)) {
cout << "ABSTRACT" << endl;
cout << abstract << endl;
cout << "/ABSTRACT" << endl;
if (op_flags & OPT_d) {
dump_contents(rclconfig, doc);
return 0;