--- a/src/qtgui/reslistb.ui.h
+++ b/src/qtgui/reslistb.ui.h
@@ -10,44 +10,310 @@
** destructor.
-void resListBase::doubleClicked( int, int )
-void resListBase::clicked( int, int )
-void resListBase::delayedClick()
-void resListBase::resPageUpOrBack()
-void resListBase::resPageDownOrNext()
-void resListBase::resultPageBack()
-void resListBase::showResultPage()
+#include <qtimer.h>
+#include <qmessagebox.h>
+#include <qimage.h>
+#include "debuglog.h"
+#include "recoll.h"
+#include "pathut.h"
+#include "docseq.h"
+#include "reslistb.h"
+#ifndef MIN
+#define MIN(A,B) ((A) < (B) ? (A) : (B))
+void ResListBase::init()
+ m_winfirst = -1;
+ m_mouseDrag = false;
+ m_mouseDown = false;
+ m_par = -1;
+ m_car = -1;
+ m_waitingdbl = false;
+ m_dblclck = false;
+// how we format the title etc..
+int ResListBase::reldocnumfromparnum(int par)
+ std::map<int,int>::iterator it = m_pageParaToReldocnums.find(par);
+ int rdn;
+ if (it != m_pageParaToReldocnums.end()) {
+ rdn = it->second;
+ } else {
+ rdn = -1;
+ }
+ LOGDEB1(("reldocnumfromparnum: par %d reldoc %d\n", par, rdn));
+ return rdn;
+// Double click in result list: use external viewer to display file
+void ResListBase::doubleClicked(int par, int )
+ LOGDEB(("RclMain::reslist::doubleClicked: par %d\n", par));
+ m_dblclck = true;
+ int reldocnum = reldocnumfromparnum(par);
+ if (reldocnum < 0)
+ return;
+ emit docDoubleClicked(m_winfirst + reldocnum);
+// Display preview for the selected document, and highlight entry. The
+// paragraph number is doc number in window + 1
+// We don't actually do anything but start a timer because we want to
+// check first if this might be a double click
+void ResListBase::clicked(int par, int car)
+ if (m_waitingdbl)
+ return;
+ LOGDEB(("RclMain::reslistTE_clicked:wfirst %d par %d char %d drg %d\n",
+ m_winfirst, par, car, m_mouseDrag));
+ if (m_winfirst == -1 || m_mouseDrag)
+ return;
+ // remember par and car
+ m_par = par;
+ m_car = car;
+ m_waitingdbl = true;
+ m_dblclck = false;
+ // Wait to see if there's going to be a dblclck
+ QTimer::singleShot(150, this, SLOT(reslistTE_delayedclick()) );
+// This gets called by a timer 100mS after a single click in the
+// result list. We don't want to start a preview if the user has
+// requested a native viewer by double-clicking
+void ResListBase::delayedClick()
+ LOGDEB(("RclMain::reslistTE_delayedclick:\n"));
+ m_waitingdbl = false;
+ if (m_dblclck) {
+ LOGDEB1(("RclMain::reslistTE_delayedclick: dbleclick\n"));
+ m_dblclck = false;
+ return;
+ }
+ int par = m_par;
+ // Erase everything back to white
+ {
+ QColor color("white");
+ for (int i = 1; i < reslistTE->paragraphs(); i++)
+ reslistTE->setParagraphBackgroundColor(i, color);
+ }
+ // Color the new active paragraph
+ QColor color("lightblue");
+ reslistTE->setParagraphBackgroundColor(par, color);
+ // Document number
+ int reldocnum = reldocnumfromparnum(par);
+ if (reldocnum < 0) {
+ emit headerClicked();
+ } else {
+ emit docClicked(m_winfirst + reldocnum);
+ }
+// Page Up/Down: we don't try to check if current paragraph is last or
+// first. We just page up/down and check if viewport moved. If it did,
+// fair enough, else we go to next/previous result page.
+void ResListBase::resPageUpOrBack()
+ int vpos = reslistTE->contentsY();
+ reslistTE->moveCursor(QTextEdit::MovePgUp, false);
+ if (vpos == reslistTE->contentsY())
+ resultPageBack();
+void ResListBase::resPageDownOrNext()
+ int vpos = reslistTE->contentsY();
+ reslistTE->moveCursor(QTextEdit::MovePgDown, false);
+ LOGDEB(("RclMain::resPageDownOrNext: vpos before %d, after %d\n",
+ vpos, reslistTE->contentsY()));
+ if (vpos == reslistTE->contentsY())
+ showResultPage();
+// Show previous page of results. We just set the current number back
+// 2 pages and show next page.
+void ResListBase::resultPageBack()
+ if (m_winfirst <= 0)
+ return;
+ m_winfirst -= 2 * prefs_respagesize;
+ showResultPage();
+// Fill up result list window with next screen of hits
+void ResListBase::showResultPage()
+ if (!m_docsource)
+ return;
+ int percent;
+ Rcl::Doc doc;
+ int resCnt = m_docsource->getResCnt();
+ LOGDEB(("showResultPage: rescnt %d, winfirst %d\n", resCnt,
+ m_winfirst));
+ m_pageParaToReldocnums.clear();
+ // If we are already on the last page, nothing to do:
+ if (m_winfirst >= 0 &&
+ (m_winfirst + prefs_respagesize > resCnt)) {
+ emit lastPageReached();
+ return;
+ }
+ if (m_winfirst < 0) {
+ m_winfirst = 0;
+ emit firstPageReached();
+ } else {
+ emit prevPageAvailable();
+ m_winfirst += prefs_respagesize;
+ }
+ bool gotone = false;
+ reslistTE->clear();
+ int last = MIN(resCnt-m_winfirst, prefs_respagesize);
+ // Insert results if any in result list window. We have to send
+ // the text to the widgets, because we need the paragraph number
+ // each time we add a result paragraph (its diffult and
+ // error-prone to compute the paragraph numbers in parallel. We
+ // would like to disable updates while we're doing this, but
+ // couldn't find a way to make it work, the widget seems to become
+ // confused if appended while updates are disabled
+ // reslistTE->setUpdatesEnabled(false);
+ for (int i = 0; i < last; i++) {
+ string sh;
+ doc.erase();
+ if (!m_docsource->getDoc(m_winfirst + i, doc, &percent, &sh)) {
+ // This may very well happen for history if the doc has
+ // been removed since. So don't treat it as fatal.
+ doc.abstract = string(tr("Unavailable document").utf8());
+ }
+ if (i == 0) {
+ // Display header
+ // We could use a <title> but the textedit doesnt display
+ // it prominently
+ reslistTE->append("<qt><head></head><body>");
+ QString line = "<p><font size=+1><b>";
+ line += m_docsource->title().c_str();
+ line += "</b></font><br>";
+ reslistTE->append(line);
+ line = tr("<b>Displaying results starting at index"
+ " %1 (maximum set size %2)</b></p>\n")
+ .arg(m_winfirst+1)
+ .arg(resCnt);
+ reslistTE->append(line);
+ }
+ gotone = true;
+ // Result list entry display: this must be exactly one paragraph
+ // We should probably display the size too - size ?
+ string result;
+ if (!sh.empty())
+ result += string("<p><b>") + sh + "</p>\n<p>";
+ else
+ result = "<p>";
+ string img_name;
+ if (prefs_showicons) {
+ string iconpath;
+ string iconname = rclconfig->getMimeIconName(doc.mimetype,
+ &iconpath);
+ LOGDEB1(("Img file; %s\n", iconpath.c_str()));
+ QImage image(iconpath.c_str());
+ if (!image.isNull()) {
+ img_name = string("img_") + iconname;
+ QMimeSourceFactory::defaultFactory()->
+ setImage(img_name.c_str(), image);
+ }
+ }
+ char perbuf[10];
+ sprintf(perbuf, "%3d%%", percent);
+ if (doc.title.empty())
+ doc.title = path_getsimple(doc.url);
+ char datebuf[100];
+ datebuf[0] = 0;
+ if (!doc.dmtime.empty() || !doc.fmtime.empty()) {
+ time_t mtime = doc.dmtime.empty() ?
+ atol(doc.fmtime.c_str()) : atol(doc.dmtime.c_str());
+ struct tm *tm = localtime(&mtime);
+ strftime(datebuf, 99,
+ "<i>Modified:</i> %Y-%m-%d %H:%M:%S", tm);
+ }
+ string abst = escapeHtml(doc.abstract);
+ LOGDEB1(("Abstract: {%s}\n", abst.c_str()));
+ if (!img_name.empty()) {
+ result += "<img source=\"" + img_name + "\" align=\"left\">";
+ }
+ result += string(perbuf) + " <b>" + doc.title + "</b><br>" +
+ doc.mimetype + " " +
+ (datebuf[0] ? string(datebuf) + "<br>" : string("<br>")) +
+ (!abst.empty() ? abst + "<br>" : string("")) +
+ (!doc.keywords.empty() ? doc.keywords + "<br>" : string("")) +
+ "<i>" + doc.url + +"</i><br></p>\n";
+ QString str = QString::fromUtf8(result.c_str(), result.length());
+ reslistTE->append(str);
+ m_pageParaToReldocnums[reslistTE->paragraphs()-1] = i;
+ }
+ if (gotone) {
+ reslistTE->append("</body></qt>");
+ reslistTE->setCursorPosition(0,0);
+ reslistTE->ensureCursorVisible();
+ } else {
+ // Restore first in win parameter that we shouln't have incremented
+ reslistTE->append(tr("<p>"
+ /*"<img align=\"left\" source=\"myimage\">"*/
+ "<b>No results found</b>"
+ "<br>"));
+ m_winfirst -= prefs_respagesize;
+ if (m_winfirst < 0)
+ m_winfirst = -1;
+ }
+ //reslistTE->setUpdatesEnabled(true);reslistTE->sync();reslistTE->repaint();
+#if 0
+ {
+ FILE *fp = fopen("/tmp/reslistdebug", "w");
+ if (fp) {
+ const char *text = (const char *)reslistTE->text().utf8();
+ //const char *text = alltext.c_str();
+ fwrite(text, 1, strlen(text), fp);
+ fclose(fp);
+ }
+ }
+ if (m_winfirst < 0 ||
+ (m_winfirst >= 0 &&
+ m_winfirst + prefs_respagesize >= resCnt)) {
+ emit lastPageReached();
+ } else {
+ emit nextPageAvailable();
+ }