Rich R

WHen I run this search, "Result count (est.): 0
Query details: Query(((accommodation OR accommodation#10) AND (XP PHRASE 6 XPhome PHRASE 6 XPrich PHRASE 6 XPDropbox PHRASE 6 XPPublications PHRASE 6 XPdigital humanities))) "

I do not get any results, although I know that the terms appear in many docs in the sub directory in question. This seems to be the case with any time I run a search constrained to a path. It might be a path that is N layers deep, because as I gradually remove the folders, at one point all of the results for the larger scope will appear.

Running manjaro linux, up to date, cinnamon 3.4.6. Linux kernel 4.9, deleted all config files, reinstalled recoll, reindexed.


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  • medoc

    Could you please attach a screenshot of the query screen (from what you write, I guess that you are using the advanced search dialog)?

  • medoc

    Thanks for the log. There does not appear to be something special in it though. This really looks like a query-time issue.

    The slowness of queries is probably due to the issue described in the following:

    There is a workaround in recoll 1.23.6. You can check that this is the issue that you are having by unchecking "Preferences->GUI Configuration->Search Parameters->Dynamically build abstracts"

    About the main issue of missing results: I installed Manjaro to be in the same configuration, and I just can't reproduce it: the directory filtering works as expected when I check or uncheck the "Invert" checkbox.

    Do you see the same issue if you use the 'simple search' entry (the default one) in 'Query language' with a search like:

     accommodation dir:"/home/rich/Dropbox/digital humanities"


     accommodation -dir:"/home/rich/Dropbox/digital humanities"
  • medoc

    Another thing which would be very interesting would be the log from the query session

  • Rich R
    Rich R

    The query speed issue went away when I unchecked "Dynamically build abstracts" thanks for that. Manjaro repo recoll is on 1.23.3, so 1.23.6 should drop soon. I am attaching two new screenshots (for the thunder" search) done with simple search. same results. The search +dir returns nothing and the -minus dir returns stuff in the inverted subtree. I am attaching the query log, made by setting the gui to verbosity 6 and renaming the log file to to recoll-qry.log and restarting the gui, running the searches, and closing the gui.LMK if I should generate some other way. doint the method on the debug page (recollindex > /tmp/myindexlog 2>&1) produces the huge log files.

  • Rich R
    Rich R

    thank you for taking the time to deal with this. I hope it is not some boneheaded thing on my part!

  • medoc

    It's either a bug or a usability issue, I would really like to get to the bottom of it.

    There was nothing in the query log.

    Maybe try like the following:

    In recoll.conf:

    logfilename = stderr
    loglevel = 6

    Then start the GUI from the command line as follows:

    recoll > /tmp/sometrace 2>&1

    Run the 2 queries, and attach the log.

    Also, if possible, attach the recoll.conf file.

  • Rich R
    Rich R


    Last edit: Rich R 2018-01-06
  • Rich R
    Rich R


    Last edit: Rich R 2018-01-06
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