after upgrading my Fedora from 24 to 25, Recoll doesn't open anymore!
I submitted the problem to Fedora forum, but during the summer it's slower than it uses to be along the rest of the year.
If I try to launch it from command line that is what's going on:
libpng warning: iCCP: known incorrect sRGB profile
Segmentation fault (core dump creato)
Any suggestion?
Many thanks,
2017-07-29Did you try to remove recoll (dnf remove recoll) and reinstall it ? (dnf install recoll)
Maybe your recoll rpm initially came from the web site, not the Fedora repo, and it was not updated during the upgrade ?
Here follows what the package should look like:
fed25-64$ rpm -q recoll
2017-07-29Thanks for the suggestion,
I did it a few days ago, and I just did it again now, but recoll still doesn't start!
The package, however, is the right one: recoll-1.23.2-1.fc25.i686
2017-07-29Actually, I think that the libpng warning is a red herring, I get the same warning without a crash.
We need to see a stack trace. Doing this under Fedora is unnecessarily complicated. You will probably have to install the debuginfo packages (I renounced because it was announcing a 3 hours download for me...). This page may help:
After spending half an hour trying to map capslock and ctl on my Fedora VM I begin to wonder if Gnome and Fedora developers actually hate their software's users.
2017-07-29Also, a common cause of recoll startup issues is the gui preferences file. Could you please try to move it aside: it's in ~/.config/Recoll.org/recoll.conf
2017-07-29Thanks you a lot for your attention.
You're right, "no coredumps found"...
I'm not on Gnome, but on Xfce - but it's the same.
About removing .conf: it's one of the first things I tried, with no results! And I re-tried a few seconds ago...
2017-07-29- summary: Fedora 25: libpng warning --> Fedora 25: GUI startup crash
- milestone: -->
2017-07-29Ok, if it's not ~/.config/Recoll.org/recoll.conf (note: this is the GUI config, not the indexing one in ~/.recoll/recoll.conf), then there is no other possible approach than to follow the indication of the link:
ulimit -c unlimited sudo systemctl disable --now abrt-ccpp coredumpctl gdb
gdb will probably complain about missing debug packages, which you will have to install. In the end we should be able to get a stack trace...
Last edit: medoc 2017-07-29
2017-07-30Sorry, reading fast I was working on the wrong one configuration file: but there's no "Recoll.org" directory!
[root@localhost .config]# dir
autostart gconf gtk-3.0 nautilus Unknown\ Organization.conf
bleachbit gedit ibus oxygen-gtk xfce4
dconf goa-1.0 libreoffice Thunar yelp
enchant gtk-2.0 menus Trolltech.conf yumex[root@localhost .config]# dir
kdebugrc Trolltech.conf
2017-07-30This is weird. It's a bad idea to run as root by the way. But anyway, I tried as root, and here is how it looks for me:
[root@fed25-64 .config]# ls
abrt gconf goa-1.0 nautilus user-dirs.locale
dconf gnome-boxes gtk-3.0 Recoll.org
evolution gnome-session ibus user-dirs.dirsMaybe running strace on recoll (strace /usr/bin/recoll > /tmp/trace 2>&1) would give an indication about what happens with this Recoll.org directory.
2017-07-30I didn't run Recoll as root, I just searched for .conf files everywhere!
I ran strace as you suggested and then recoll started. I had to install ExifTool. Then it crashed again. I tried to run it again but it gave me a new "segmentation fault"...
Here you are the trace file, I don't understand anything at all!