Commit Date  
fix abstract parameters
[8fe791] by koniu koniu
2012-12-19 Tree
normalise page titles
[414583] by koniu koniu
2012-12-18 Tree
use positional args where possible
[3a1892] by koniu koniu
2012-12-18 Tree
make 'maxchars' configurable
[bddbc0] by koniu koniu
2012-12-18 Tree
whitespace/linebreak cleanup
[813304] by koniu koniu
2012-12-18 Tree
remove a stray pprint
[43500e] by koniu koniu
2012-12-18 Tree
import bottle
[f8d0a3] by koniu koniu
2012-12-18 Tree
[70ad85] by koniu koniu
2012-12-18 Tree
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