#!env python
#{{{ imports
import os
import bottle
import time
import sys
from recoll import recoll
from recoll import rclextract
hasrclextract = True
import recoll
hasrclextract = False
import datetime
import glob
import hashlib
import json
import csv
import StringIO
import ConfigParser
import string
import shlex
import urllib
from pprint import pprint
#{{{ settings
# recoll settings
RECOLL_CONFS = [ '$RECOLL_CONFDIR', '~/.recoll', '/usr/share/recoll/examples' ]
# settings defaults
'context': 30,
'stem': 1,
'timefmt': '%c',
'dirdepth': 3,
'maxchars': 500,
'maxresults': 0,
'perpage': 25,
# sort fields/labels
("relevancyrating", "Relevancy"),
("mtime", "Date",),
("url", "Path"),
("filename", "Filename"),
("fbytes", "Size"),
("author", "Author"),
# doc fields
# exposed by python api
# calculated
#{{{ functions
#{{{ helpers
def select(ls, invalid=[None]):
for value in ls:
if value not in invalid:
return value
def timestr(secs, fmt):
t = time.gmtime(int(secs))
return time.strftime(fmt, t)
def normalise_filename(fn):
valid_chars = "_-%s%s" % (string.ascii_letters, string.digits)
out = ""
for i in range(0,len(fn)):
if fn[i] in valid_chars:
out += fn[i]
out += "_"
return out
#{{{ recoll_get_config
def recoll_get_config():
# find recoll.conf
for d in RECOLL_CONFS:
d = os.path.expanduser(d)
d = os.path.expandvars(d)
if os.path.isdir(d):
confdir = d
# read recoll.conf
rc_ini_str = '[main]\n' + open(confdir + '/recoll.conf', 'r').read().replace('\\\n', '')
rc_ini_fp = StringIO.StringIO(rc_ini_str)
rc_ini = ConfigParser.RawConfigParser()
# parse recoll.conf
rc = {}
for s in rc_ini.sections():
rc[s] = {}
for k, v in rc_ini.items(s):
rc[s][k] = v
return confdir, rc
#{{{ get_config
def get_config():
config = {}
# get useful things from recoll.conf
config['confdir'], rc = recoll_get_config()
config['dirs'] = shlex.split(rc['main']['topdirs'])
# get config from cookies or defaults
for k, v in DEFAULTS.items():
value = select([bottle.request.get_cookie(k), v])
config[k] = type(v)(value)
# get mountpoints
config['mounts'] = {}
for d in config['dirs']:
name = 'mount_%s' % urllib.quote(d,'')
config['mounts'][d] = select([bottle.request.get_cookie(name), 'file://%s' % d], [None, ''])
return config
#{{{ get_dirs
def get_dirs(tops, depth):
v = []
for top in tops:
dirs = [top]
for d in range(1, depth+1):
dirs = dirs + glob.glob(top + '/*' * d)
dirs = filter(lambda f: os.path.isdir(f), dirs)
top_path = top.rsplit('/', 1)[0]
dirs = [w.replace(top_path+'/', '') for w in dirs]
v = v + dirs
return ['<all>'] + v
#{{{ get_query
def get_query():
query = {
'query': select([bottle.request.query.get('query'), '']),
'before': select([bottle.request.query.get('before'), '']),
'after': select([bottle.request.query.get('after'), '']),
'dir': select([bottle.request.query.get('dir'), '', '<all>'], [None, '']),
'sort': select([bottle.request.query.get('sort'), SORTS[0][0]]),
'ascending': int(select([bottle.request.query.get('ascending'), 0])),
'page': int(select([bottle.request.query.get('page'), 0])),
return query
#{{{ query_to_recoll_string
def query_to_recoll_string(q):
qs = q['query'].decode('utf-8')
if len(q['after']) > 0 or len(q['before']) > 0:
qs += " date:%s/%s" % (q['after'], q['before'])
if q['dir'] != '<all>':
qs += " dir:\"%s\" " % q['dir']
return qs
#{{{ recoll_initsearch
def recoll_initsearch(q):
config = get_config()
db = recoll.connect(config['confdir'])
db.setAbstractParams(config['maxchars'], config['context'])
query = db.query()
query.sortby(q['sort'], q['ascending'])
qs = query_to_recoll_string(q)
query.execute(qs, config['stem'])
return query
#{{{ recoll_search
def recoll_search(q):
config = get_config()
tstart = datetime.datetime.now()
results = []
query = recoll_initsearch(q)
nres = query.rowcount
if config['maxresults'] == 0:
config['maxresults'] = nres
if nres > config['maxresults']:
nres = config['maxresults']
if config['perpage'] == 0 or q['page'] == 0:
config['perpage'] = nres
q['page'] = 1
offset = (q['page'] - 1) * config['perpage']
if query.rowcount > 0:
if type(query.next) == int:
query.next = offset
query.scroll(offset, mode='absolute')
for i in range(config['perpage']):
doc = query.fetchone()
d = {}
for f in FIELDS:
v = getattr(doc, f)
if v is not None:
d[f] = v.encode('utf-8')
d[f] = ''
d['label'] = select([d['title'], d['filename'], '?'], [None, ''])
d['sha'] = hashlib.sha1(d['url']+d['ipath']).hexdigest()
d['time'] = timestr(d['mtime'], config['timefmt'])
d['snippet'] = query.makedocabstract(doc).encode('utf-8')
tend = datetime.datetime.now()
return results, nres, tend - tstart
#{{{ routes
#{{{ static
def server_static(path):
return bottle.static_file(path, root='./static')
#{{{ main
def main():
config = get_config()
return { 'dirs': get_dirs(config['dirs'], config['dirdepth']),
'query': get_query(), 'sorts': SORTS }
#{{{ results
def results():
config = get_config()
query = get_query()
qs = query_to_recoll_string(query)
res, nres, timer = recoll_search(query)
if config['maxresults'] == 0:
config['maxresults'] = nres
if config['perpage'] == 0:
config['perpage'] = nres
return { 'res': res, 'time': timer, 'query': query, 'dirs':
get_dirs(config['dirs'], config['dirdepth']),
'qs': qs, 'sorts': SORTS, 'config': config,
'query_string': bottle.request.query_string, 'nres': nres,
'hasrclextract': hasrclextract }
#{{{ preview
def preview(resnum):
if not hasrclextract:
return 'Sorry, needs recoll version 1.19 or later'
query = get_query()
qs = query_to_recoll_string(query)
rclq = recoll_initsearch(query)
if resnum > rclq.rowcount - 1:
return 'Bad result index %d' % resnum
doc = rclq.fetchone()
xt = rclextract.Extractor(doc)
tdoc = xt.textextract(doc.ipath)
if tdoc.mimetype == 'text/html':
bottle.response.content_type = 'text/html; charset=utf-8'
bottle.response.content_type = 'text/plain; charset=utf-8'
return tdoc.text
#{{{ edit
def edit(resnum):
if not hasrclextract:
return 'Sorry, needs recoll version 1.19 or later'
query = get_query()
qs = query_to_recoll_string(query)
rclq = recoll_initsearch(query)
if resnum > rclq.rowcount - 1:
return 'Bad result index %d' % resnum
doc = rclq.fetchone()
bottle.response.content_type = doc.mimetype
bottle.response.headers['Content-Disposition'] = \
'attachment; filename=%s' % doc.filename
# If ipath is null, we can just return the file
pathismine = False
if doc.ipath == '':
path = doc.url.replace('file://','')
xt = rclextract.Extractor(doc)
path = xt.idoctofile(doc.ipath, doc.mimetype)
pathismine = True
print >> sys.stderr, "Sending %s with mimetype %s" % (path, doc.mimetype)
f = open(path, 'r')
if pathismine:
return f
#{{{ json
def get_json():
query = get_query()
query['page'] = 0
qs = query_to_recoll_string(query)
bottle.response.headers['Content-Type'] = 'application/json'
bottle.response.headers['Content-Disposition'] = 'attachment; filename=recoll-%s.json' % normalise_filename(qs)
res, nres, timer = recoll_search(query)
return json.dumps({ 'query': query, 'results': res })
#{{{ csv
def get_csv():
query = get_query()
query['page'] = 0
qs = query_to_recoll_string(query)
bottle.response.headers['Content-Type'] = 'text/csv'
bottle.response.headers['Content-Disposition'] = 'attachment; filename=recoll-%s.csv' % normalise_filename(qs)
res, nres, timer = recoll_search(query)
si = StringIO.StringIO()
cw = csv.writer(si)
for doc in res:
row = []
for f in FIELDS:
return si.getvalue().strip("\r\n")
#{{{ settings/set
def settings():
return get_config()
def set():
config = get_config()
for k, v in DEFAULTS.items():
bottle.response.set_cookie(k, str(bottle.request.query.get(k)), max_age=3153600000)
for d in config['dirs']:
cookie_name = 'mount_%s' % urllib.quote(d, '')
bottle.response.set_cookie(cookie_name, str(bottle.request.query.get('mount_%s' % d)), max_age=3153600000)
#{{{ osd
def main():
#config = get_config()
url = bottle.request.urlparts
url = '%s://%s' % (url.scheme, url.netloc)
return {'url': url}
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