Parent: [d17ae1] (diff)

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CHANGES    212 lines (157 with data), 7.8 kB

*** 1.1.12->1.2.1
- Added support for SQLite and cleaned up the config script to use modern
  tools (e.g. mysql_config). Converted doc for an xml toolchain.

*** 1.1.11->1.1.12
- Installation change: we used to always create sqlsc/ in /usr/lib, but
  this is now sometimes not in the auto_path. Use a script to walk the
  auto_path instead, and select the "best" place (ie: /usr/lib/tcl, or
  /usr/lib/, or /usr/lib/tcl8.x or whatever is at the top of the

*** 1.1.10->1.1.11
- Added code to better manage fonts
- Made sgml the master documentation version (dropped lyx). Added font
*** 1.1.9->1.1.10
- Fixed the configure code to work on 64bits systems ( and locations) 

*** 1.1.8->1.1.9
- Merged code from Mathieu Belleville to use Tix for graphical buttons and
  choices with many entries

*** 1.1.7->1.1.8
- Install everything relative to TK_PREFIX (avoid having to set both prefix
  and TK_PREFIX to change the install target).
- Add possibility to have a label for 'text' fields
- Add max entry width validation for normal entry fields (can't enter more
  data than database field will accept). This only activates if the tcl
  version is >= 8.3

*** 1.1.6->1.1.7
- Removed reference to mysql_connect for compatibility with mysql 4.0

*** 1.1.5->1.1.6
- Handle (at least partially) conversion between tcl's utf8 and mysql's charset
  (iso8859-1 for now). This fixes a bug which had us insert utf data in
  the database (on inserts and updates).

*** 1.1.4->1.1.5
- Autoconf again, aargh. Why does it have to be so difficult ?

*** 1.1.2->1.1.3
- Very small changes in the 'updateindex' handling code. Released mostly 
  to get rid of all mentions of the 'dockes@musicmaker' address.

*** 1.1.1->1.1.2
- Test for mysql in /usr in addition to /usr/local, for rpm
  installations. Also let the user explicitely specify where MySQL
  libs and includes are to be found.
- Don't use both TK_LIBS and TCL_LIBS. This was wrong and now
  sometimes fails because of libiee
- Automatic reconnection of timed-out connections in mysqltcl.c

*** 1.0.1->1.1.1

- Implemented odbc support (using the tclodbc package by  Roy Nurmi, 

- Improved the configure/make scripts for Solaris, the shared object
  should cause no more linking problems.

*** 0.5.1->1.0.1

- Bug fix: the db handle was not properly released in case of a
  catched tcsqexec error.

- It is now possible to connect simultaneously to several hosts and/or 

- mysqltcl.c now shares actual MySQL handles as much as possible
  between upper-level connections. A typical sqlscreens application
  will now only use one MySQL connection.

- mysqltcl.c now retries connections twice before failing, to allow
  for transient errors.

- tcsqexec now returns the number of affected rows, as returned by the 
  underlying database.

*** 0.4.1->0.5.1

- Bug fix: the headings in the list window were badly aligned.

- Automatically create a menu for 'enum' columns (no need to do the
  'choice' thing explicitely). See the manual.

- Added the sqlscreendelete routine to delete a screen and free the

- Automatically build an updateindex if possible even if the columns
  are specified (Ie: you'll get an update button in the case where you 
  specify the column list, but no updateindex list, and we have a
  primary key inside the column list. The screen used to be queryonly
  in this case).

- Add sqlsc_entrywidget and sqlsc_labelwidget to retrieve the internal 
  widget names, in case the application wants to change some attribute 
  or whatever.

- Document the sqlscquery, sqlscadd, etc... calls.

- For MySQL, We know retrieve the column description through "show
  columns" instead of the C interface. We had to use it anyway to
  retrieve the "auto_increment" attribute. The big change that
  justifies the '5', because the data is not so easy to parse.

*** 0.3.2->0.4.1

- New features for the list window: columns now are aligned and have
  headings. It is possible for the application to set line attributes
  (such as the color) according to the columns' values. See the

- Bug fix: tcsq.tcl would loose a MySQL handle for every insert (in

- The INFORMIX TCL code was externalized in a separate file. No need
  to load this for MySQL applications.

- MSQL support was reintegrated (in a separate file).

- Sample programs:
  Now executed by mysqlwish by default. Too much trouble with the
    shared libraries.
    variables to set the connection parameters. 
  wines.tcl makes use of the new list window features
   (list_lineproc, list_colwidths).
  The wines database structure changed a little (new columns). You'll need
   to either drop/recreate it or add the missing columns (tel/fax in
   producers and providers), and change column names 'provid' and
   'prodid' to 'id'.

*** 0.3.1->0.3.2
- Typo in sqlscreens.tcl would prevent passwords from working
*** 0.3->0.3.1
- There was a bug in 0.3 resulting in a potentially wrong updateindex
  list, with potentially nasty effects when running an update.
- Fixed tcsq to retrieve the auto_increment field attribute instead of
  trying to guess
*** 0.2->0.3
- Use autoconf. Works under solaris, linux, freebsd
- Be a better TCL package (using package provide/package require)
- Modified mysqltcl so that connection error message are printed.
- Improve statement logging. Allow logging to a file by specifying the
SQLSCLOG environment variable
- Enable using  several tables in a single screen and specifying the
join clause. 
- Enable using fully qualified column names (tabname.colname)
- Use the grid geometry manager to allow for row-column screen setups
- Fixed a number of small bugs 
- Warn when an update would do nothing

*** 0.2->0.2.1
- Add quotes for datetime fields
*** 0.1->0.2
- INCOMPATIBLE CHANGE: changed the name of array entries derived from
column names to avoid conflicts. Ex: for column name "custno", the old
and new array entries are:
    custno     -> sqlsc_custno_value
    custno_len -> sqlsc_custno_len
    custno_typ -> sqlsc_custno_typ
Compatibility code has been added to avoid breaking applications: if
the global variable sqlsc_names_compat_old is set to a non-zero value
before the first call to sqlscreen, entries are created in the array 
for the old names. The new and old names are aliased through tcl traces.

- Added options for Linux and FreeBSD in the Makefile.

- Added a chapter about how the SQL is generated to the documentation.

- Save all column values to shadow entries after select/next/rew. This
permits avoiding updating values that don't change (mainly for the
case where they are part of a unique index)

- Support multi-column primary keys. updateindex becomes a column list
(compatible change)

- Added a more complete sample application: managing a wine list

- Use TCL's auto_path in tablescreen.tcl

- Changed the method used to link screens. No more using TCL traces,
which will suppress annoying queries while typing in a link field.

- Set a default max field width to avoid monster screens

- Add "nobuttons" attribute.

- Test for order by clause being ""

- Set noentry and nodisplay serial fields to "" before inserting.

- Implemented the DELETE functionality

- Properly handle date fields for mysql (they were not flagged as "date",
and not quoted in queries)

- Properly handle varchar fields for mysql (they were not detected as being
char-type fields, because of a mismatch between what mysqlshow prints
and what mysqltcl returns)

- Added the texts list to display text blobs.

- Added the auxiliary list screen (list_window, list_columns).

- Handle <,>,<> at the beginning of non-char fields.