Switch to side-by-side view

--- a/samples/mysqldb.tcl
+++ b/samples/mysqldb.tcl
@@ -1,22 +1,4 @@
-# A script connecting to mysql's db table. This is just to show how
-# you can specify the field setup by listing the columns
-# You just need to change the database and table names and the list
-# of columns if you want to connect to another test table
-# The following nonsense is required because mysqlwish dumps core when 
-# SQLDBTYPE is ODBC, reason unknown.
-# The following lines are executed by sh, not by wish because of the
-# backslashes... Puke loudly
-case "A$SQLDBTYPE" in 
-  A|AMYSQL) exec mysqlwish "$0" "$@";;
-*) exec wish "$0" "$@";; 
+#!/usr/bin/env wish
 package require sqlsc
 # Things that you may want to change