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mysqlmksolib-solaris    35 lines (30 with data), 1.4 kB

# A small Makefile to make the mysql client shared library under freebsd
# Copy this file to the "client" directory in the mysql source tree
# and execute it by "make -f mysqlmksolib..."
# Tested with mysql-3.20.32a. Might not survive a mysql major release!
# Once the library is made, copy it to /usr/local/lib/mysql
# the 1.1 version number is bogus but needed for the linker to
# recognize the library

OBJS = libmysql.O net.O malloc.O password.O get_password.O \
strmov.O strxmov.O strnmov.O strmake.O strend.O \
strfill.O ct_init.O is_prefix.O \
int2str.O str2int.O strinstr.O strcont.O \
bchange.O bmove.O bmove_upp.O ctype-latin1.O \
dbug.O \
my_init.O my_static.O my_malloc.O my_realloc.O \
my_create.O my_delete.O my_tempnam.O my_open.O \
mf_casecnv.O my_read.O my_write.O errors.O \
my_error.O my_lib.O my_getwd.O my_div.O \
mf_pack.O my_messnc.O mf_dirname.O mf_wcomp.O \
typelib.O safemalloc.O getopt.O getopt1.O getvar.O \
mf_format.O mf_path.O my_fopen.O string.O \

CFLAGS = -DUNDEF_THREADS_HACK -I./../include -I../include \
	-I./.. -I.. -I..  -O3 -DDBUG_OFF

	gcc $(CFLAGS) -fPIC -c $*.c -o $*.O : $(OBJS)
	/usr/ccs/bin/ld -G -z text -o $(OBJS) 
	@echo " should now be copied to /usr/local/mysql/lib"
	@echo "I don't know the exact directory name so I'll let you do it"