git clone timbus-dpes-preservation-identifier-client

File Date Author Commit
.settings 2014-01-07 Carlos Coutinho Carlos Coutinho [287e85] First Version on Git, synchronised with TIMBUS ...
eclipse-launchers 2014-05-26 Johannes Binder Johannes Binder [8b5420] Merge remote-tracking branch 'origin/master'
lib 2014-01-07 Carlos Coutinho Carlos Coutinho [287e85] First Version on Git, synchronised with TIMBUS ...
lib-src 2014-01-07 Carlos Coutinho Carlos Coutinho [287e85] First Version on Git, synchronised with TIMBUS ...
src 2014-05-26 Johannes Binder Johannes Binder [a36980] Test data update
src-gen 2014-05-26 Johannes Binder Johannes Binder [8b5420] Merge remote-tracking branch 'origin/master'
testdata 2014-03-19 Johannes Binder Johannes Binder [8aa19c] Merge branch 'develop'
.classpath 2014-01-07 Carlos Coutinho Carlos Coutinho [287e85] First Version on Git, synchronised with TIMBUS ...
.gitignore 2014-01-14 Johannes Binder Johannes Binder [d60174] Reimport of the web service
.project 2014-03-19 Johannes Binder Johannes Binder [8aa19c] Merge branch 'develop' 2014-05-26 Johannes Binder Johannes Binder [8b5420] Merge remote-tracking branch 'origin/master'
build.xml 2014-05-26 Johannes Binder Johannes Binder [8b5420] Merge remote-tracking branch 'origin/master' 2014-05-26 Johannes Binder Johannes Binder [8b5420] Merge remote-tracking branch 'origin/master'

Read Me


Test client for the PreservationIdentifier-Server.


  • run to generate the webservice client stubs
  • run PreservationIdentifierClient e.g. with "ant PreservationIdentifierClient"
    There are two main modes:
    a.) you can run a customised evaluation, by providing a risk document (-r )
    b.) you can run the default tests, by not providing a risk document
    a or b.) you can provide a parameter for an ontology to test, by default it will use the music classification scenario from (-o)
    a or b.) you can provide a base url for the alternative ontologies, by default it will use (-b)
    • Note: passing parameters with ant is done by using -Dargs="....", e.g. 'ant PreservationIdentifierClient -Dargs="-o file://someContextModelOntology.owl"'


See the readme of the server for information about supported individuals.

Risks are silently skipped if the individual could not be found.

To resolve issues with SSL create a truststore for the involved hosts (see in the owl-api-facade project) and
pass it to the JVM (see


  • Test Replacements

    Pass any instance of SystemSoftware as affected resource to retrieve test replacements for a TIMBUS compliant ontology.

  • Internet Explorer (tool replacement)

    Pass the absolute path of testdata/MusicClassificationDSOs_withHtmlFormat.owl to the client (i.e. -o file:///tmp/MusicClassificationDSOs_withHtmlFormat.owl).
    In the client add a risk with the affected resource "InternetExplorer".
    This should return some alternatives with alternative browsers.

  • HTML File (format replacement)

    Using the same ontology as in the Internet Explorer scenario a risk with the affected resource "HTML_File" causes generating alternatives where the format
    of the affected resource is substituted.
    The file that should be replaced needs to specify an objectCharacteristics property, which is described by a Format that in turn is described by
    a FormatRegistry that contains the Pronom ID of the format.