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--- a/README.md
+++ b/README.md
@@ -9,9 +9,12 @@
 - run importWSDL.sh to generate the webservice client stubs
 - run PreservationIdentifierClient e.g. with "ant PreservationIdentifierClient"
-    - you can provide a parameter for an ontology to test, by default it will use the music classification scenario from http://timbus.teco.edu/ontologies (-o)
-    - you can provide a base url for the alternative ontologies, by default it will use http://testbed.timbusproject.net/test (-b)
-    - passing parameters with ant is done by using -Dargs="....", e.g. 'ant PreservationIdentifierClient -Dargs="-o file://someContextModelOntology.owl"'
+    There are two main modes:
+    a.) you can run a customised evaluation, by providing a risk document (-r <filename>)
+    b.) you can run the default tests, by not providing a risk document
+    a or b.) you can provide a parameter for an ontology to test, by default it will use the music classification scenario from http://timbus.teco.edu/ontologies (-o)
+    a or b.) you can provide a base url for the alternative ontologies, by default it will use http://testbed.timbusproject.net/test (-b)
+    - Note: passing parameters with ant is done by using -Dargs="....", e.g. 'ant PreservationIdentifierClient -Dargs="-o file://someContextModelOntology.owl"'