git clone timbus-dpes-preservation-identifier-client

File Date Author Commit
.settings 2014-01-07 Carlos Coutinho Carlos Coutinho [287e85] First Version on Git, synchronised with TIMBUS ...
lib 2014-01-07 Carlos Coutinho Carlos Coutinho [287e85] First Version on Git, synchronised with TIMBUS ...
lib-src 2014-01-07 Carlos Coutinho Carlos Coutinho [287e85] First Version on Git, synchronised with TIMBUS ...
src 2014-01-14 Johannes Binder Johannes Binder [d60174] Reimport of the web service
src-gen 2014-01-14 Johannes Binder Johannes Binder [d60174] Reimport of the web service
testdata 2014-01-07 Carlos Coutinho Carlos Coutinho [287e85] First Version on Git, synchronised with TIMBUS ...
.classpath 2014-01-07 Carlos Coutinho Carlos Coutinho [287e85] First Version on Git, synchronised with TIMBUS ...
.gitignore 2014-01-14 Johannes Binder Johannes Binder [d60174] Reimport of the web service
.project 2014-01-07 Carlos Coutinho Carlos Coutinho [287e85] First Version on Git, synchronised with TIMBUS ... 2014-01-14 Johannes Binder Johannes Binder [d60174] Reimport of the web service
build.xml 2014-01-07 Carlos Coutinho Carlos Coutinho [287e85] First Version on Git, synchronised with TIMBUS ... 2014-01-14 Johannes Binder Johannes Binder [d60174] Reimport of the web service

Read Me


Test client for the PreservationIdentifier-Server.


  • run to generate the webservice client stubs
  • run PreservationIdentifierClient e.g. with "ant PreservationIdentifierClient"


See the readme of the server for information about supported individuals.

Risks are silently skipped if the individual could not be found.

To resolve issues with SSL create a truststore for the involved hosts (see in the owl-api-facade project) and
pass it to the JVM (see


  • Test Replacements

    Pass any instance of SystemSoftware as affected resource to retrieve test replacements for a TIMBUS compliant ontology.

  • Internet Explorer (tool replacement)

    Pass the absolute path of testdata/MusicClassificationDSOs_withHtmlFormat.owl to the client (i.e. -o file:///tmp/MusicClassificationDSOs_withHtmlFormat.owl).
    In the client add a risk with the affected resource "InternetExplorer".
    This should return some alternatives with alternative browsers.

  • HTML File (format replacement)

    Using the same ontology as in the Internet Explorer scenario a risk with the affected resource "HTML_File" causes generating alternatives where the format
    of the affected resource is substituted.
    The file that should be replaced needs to specify an objectCharacteristics property, which is described by a Format that in turn is described by
    a FormatRegistry that contains the Pronom ID of the format.