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+*** Building: mvn package
+*** Virtual Package alternative identification:
+For the given system, this tool identifies the virtual packages available in the universe, and which actual packages provide an implementation.
+This is stored, using CUDF, in an ontology, and further used in the Preservation identifier
+-- How to run:
+java -jar dist/PreservationIdentifier-PackageKnowledgeBase-0.1-final.jar 
+-p,--providers <arg>   Load the providers from an XML seralised file
+(will be created in the first run)
+*** Package Universe extractor:
+-- How to run
+java -cp dist/PreservationIdentifier-PackageKnowledgeBase-0.1-final.jar net.timbusproject.dpes.alternative.kb.PackageUniverseBuilder 
+ -l,--loadPackages <arg>       Load package information from a serialised file
+ -j,--loadPackagesJSON <arg>   Load package information from a JSON serialised file
+ -x,--loadPackagesXML <arg>    Load package information from an XML serialised file
+These files will be created in the first run. Currently JSON and XML serialisation don't work, seems some content gets broken on (de)serialisation.