git clone timbus-dpes-preservation-manager

File Date Author Commit
usecases 2014-10-23 Perumal Perumal [c63c57] adding merged owl 2014-07-28 svoorakk svoorakk [5b29c5] removing sensitive info
DPSuite-to-iERM.xml 2014-06-04 Perumal Perumal [4eeb54] Initial commit
MIME_Types.csv 2014-06-04 Perumal Perumal [4eeb54] Initial commit
MIME_Types.xlsm 2014-06-04 Perumal Perumal [4eeb54] Initial commit
UIApi.html 2014-06-27 svoorakk svoorakk [40882e] Changes for management ui
alternate.json 2014-06-04 Perumal Perumal [4eeb54] Initial commit
alternatelist.json 2014-06-04 Perumal Perumal [4eeb54] Initial commit
artifactlist.json 2014-06-04 Perumal Perumal [4eeb54] Initial commit
artifactmetadata.json 2014-06-04 Perumal Perumal [4eeb54] Initial commit
businessprocesslist.json 2014-06-04 Perumal Perumal [4eeb54] Initial commit 2014-09-29 Perumal Perumal [0b0b4f] updated.
costanalysis.json 2014-06-04 Perumal Perumal [4eeb54] Initial commit
costinputs.json 2014-06-04 Perumal Perumal [4eeb54] Initial commit
coststats.json 2014-10-06 svoorakk svoorakk [a88a60] Adding methods to get preservation document url...
createbp.json 2014-06-04 Perumal Perumal [4eeb54] Initial commit
events.json 2014-06-04 Perumal Perumal [4eeb54] Initial commit
gui_design.xlsx 2014-06-04 Perumal Perumal [4eeb54] Initial commit
iERM-WP8.xml 2014-06-04 Perumal Perumal [4eeb54] Initial commit
iERM-to-DPSuite.xml 2014-06-04 Perumal Perumal [4eeb54] Initial commit
iERM-to-DPSuite_new.xml 2014-06-04 Perumal Perumal [4eeb54] Initial commit
package_sample.owl 2014-06-04 Perumal Perumal [4eeb54] Initial commit
premis-v2.xsd 2014-06-04 Perumal Perumal [4eeb54] Initial commit
premis_v2.xsd 2014-06-04 Perumal Perumal [4eeb54] Initial commit
projectmetadata.json 2014-06-04 Perumal Perumal [4eeb54] Initial commit
resourcelist.json 2014-06-04 Perumal Perumal [4eeb54] Initial commit
risk-WP9-2014-04-04.xml 2014-06-04 Perumal Perumal [4eeb54] Initial commit
roles.json 2014-10-06 svoorakk svoorakk [a88a60] Adding methods to get preservation document url...
status.json 2014-06-04 Perumal Perumal [4eeb54] Initial commit
statuslist.json 2014-06-04 Perumal Perumal [4eeb54] Initial commit
storage_contenttype.json 2014-10-06 svoorakk svoorakk [a88a60] Adding methods to get preservation document url...
storage_resourcetype.json 2014-10-06 svoorakk svoorakk [a88a60] Adding methods to get preservation document url...
test.xsd 2014-06-04 Perumal Perumal [4eeb54] Initial commit
users.json 2014-10-06 svoorakk svoorakk [a88a60] Adding methods to get preservation document url...
userstats.json 2014-10-06 svoorakk svoorakk [a88a60] Adding methods to get preservation document url...