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OSWF.xml.svn-base    80 lines (78 with data), 3.5 kB

<?xml version="1.0" encoding="UTF-8"?>

      <name>Workflow execution failure due to application dependency fault</name>
      <name>Workflow execution failure due to application dependency unavailability</name>
      <name>Workflow execution failure due to application or library dependency incompatibility</name>
      <name>Workflow execution failure due to library dependency faults</name>
      <name>Workflow execution failure due to library dependency unavailability</name>
      <name>Workflow execution failure due to library dependency unavailability</name>
      <name>Workflow execution failure due to supporting hardware faults</name>
      <name>Workflow execution failure due to supporting hardware obsolescence</name>
      <name>Workflow execution failure due to unavailability of data dependencies</name>
      <name>Workflow execution failure due to web service dependency fault</name>
      <name>Workflow execution failure due to web service dependency unavailability</name>
      <name>Workflow execution failure due to workflow engine fault</name>
      <name>Workflow execution failure due to workflow engine unavailability</name>