Commit Date  
Bug fix retrieving Verification data
[d4fba3] by svoorakk svoorakk
2014-09-09 Tree
pve jars
[93fdec] by Perumal Perumal
2014-09-09 Tree
updated redeploy.
[2df6ef] by Perumal Perumal
2014-09-09 Tree
Merge remote-tracking branch 'origin/master'
[92358a] by svoorakk svoorakk
2014-09-08 Tree
CRUD Methods added for BP_VM table
[5e09fd] by svoorakk svoorakk
2014-09-08 Tree
Adding table for VM provisioning
[2c1aaf] by svoorakk svoorakk
2014-09-08 Tree
updated on redeply
[559a3c] by Perumal Perumal
2014-09-08 Tree
updated redeployment
[6e22fb] by Perumal Perumal
2014-08-28 Tree
updated with redeployment nodes
[d441b5] by Perumal Perumal
2014-08-26 Tree
update on redeployment
[21b6d5] by Perumal Perumal
2014-08-26 Tree
config file updated.
[abfbcc] by Perumal Perumal
2014-08-22 Tree
adding redeployment server credentials
[79ccb8] by Perumal Perumal
2014-08-22 Tree
adding proxmox 3rd party mvn lib
[d22a28] by Perumal Perumal
2014-08-21 Tree
changes to DB initialization
[b0f90d] by svoorakk svoorakk
2014-08-02 Tree
bp summary
[30888f] by svoorakk svoorakk
2014-08-01 Tree
user management bug fixes
[08cc40] by svoorakk svoorakk
2014-07-31 Tree
changes to cost analytics json data structure.
[2e3c7f] by svoorakk svoorakk
2014-07-28 Tree
removing sensitive info
[725906] by svoorakk svoorakk
2014-07-28 Tree
removing sensitive info
[5b29c5] by svoorakk svoorakk
2014-07-28 Tree
Merge branch 'master' of https://pkudaiyar@open...
[63c9b4] by Perumal Perumal
2014-07-09 Tree
Merge branch 'master' of
[33e899] by Perumal Perumal
2014-07-09 Tree
removing .svn svn generated folders
[b624d6] by Perumal Perumal
2014-07-09 Tree
removing build created lib contents.
[8cc833] by Perumal Perumal
2014-07-09 Tree
adding 3rd party mvn dependency
[250248] by Perumal Perumal
2014-07-09 Tree
Changes for management ui
[40882e] by svoorakk svoorakk
2014-06-27 Tree
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Showing results of 34