Carlos Coutinho

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  • Perumal.k

    1 Building, Deploying and Testing DPES application
    This chapter provides updated instructions for accessing the sources code, developing, building and deploying the DPES application in the user environment. DPES development environment is split into two part 1. Backend DPES webserver – Maven Java Project and 2. DPES Frontend Adobe Flash UI project using flex 3 SDK. The following instruction covers both development environments.
    1.1 Development Environment
    This section is useful for developers who wants to develop the DPES tools by extending some features which are already exists in the project or create some additional new features based users need. Source codes are freely available to the developer community at TIMBUS open source repository . It is assumed that the developer would have sufficient knowledge on Java, Maven, Eclipse, Version controls such as Git and eGit and flex development. Hence the scope of this document is restricted to detailing DPES application only rather than providing information for setting up the above said technologies.
    1.1.1 DPES Webserver System Requirements
    • Java Development Kit (JDK) (version 1.7_17 or above)
    • Apache Maven plugin for Eclipse (version – 3.2.3)
    • Eclipse IDE for Java EE Developers (version – Juno or later)
    • Tomcat Web Servlet Container ( version – 7 or above)
    • EGit plugin for eclipse
    • H2 data base for DPES registry (version – 1.3.173)
    1.1.2 DPES UI application System Requirements
    Adobe Flex Development Tools
    • Flex builder 3 standalone or plugin to eclipse
    • Flex SDK 3.2
    Supported Operating Systems
    • Microsoft® Windows® 7/8 (32/64 bit), Windows Vista® (32 bit), or Windows XP Professional with Service Pack 2 or 3
    • Mac OS X v10.5.6–10.6 (Intel® only)
    Java Virtual Machine
    • Java™ Virtual Machine (32 bit), IBM® JRE 1.5, IBM JRE 1.6, Sun™ JRE 1.5, Sun JRE 1.6
    Supported Runtimes
    • Adobe® Flash® Player 11 – Web browser plugin
    • Adobe AIR® 3 – standalone UI application
    1.2 Requirement for Deploying DPES application
    The following software packages, services and resources are needed for successfully deploying and testing of DPES application. DPES is integrated with other TIMBUS tools such as PI Preservation Identifier, iERM/Risk Management tools, Ontologies and Context Model Instances, In order for DPES to function properly the following resources and services must be available on the service end point described in the API implementation section (reference-add all the ontology lo curls, PI service url).
    1.2.1 TIMBUS Services requirements
    • iERM Service or Risk Management Tools - to Invoke preservation action by sending Risk docs
    • PI – Preservation Identifier Service to provide alternate preservation recommendation.
    • Ontologies for business process, DIO, DSO, CUDF, etc.
    • Context Model Instances for the specific business process that are to be preserved.
    1.2.2 DPES Runtime Environment Requirement
    • Java Run Time JRE-JVM ( version - 1.7 or above)
    • Apache Tomcat Server (version – 7 or above)
    1.2.3 DPES Application Bundles
    • DPES Webserver War bundles file
    • DPES Flash UI Deployment package
    1.2.4 DPES Infrastructures Services
    • H2 Database embedded server
    • Amazon AWS S3 account to configure storage credentials
    • Network connectivity to access to TIMBUS Services and Ontology
    • KVM+QEMU Virtualisation Server (PROXMOX)
    1.3 Building of DPES Application, Installation and Testing
    Follow the attached pdf file instruction to download DPES source code, compile and deploy them into your own test environment.
