Announcement to German market and presentation in Brussels
Recently, the TripleCheck software was featured on the German Linux Magazine [1] and this last weekend presented during a talk on FOSDEM in Belgium [2], the biggest open source European event.
There is still a long way to go in terms of what we'd like to achieve with this software but fortunately there has been a good interest from the audience in what is being done, this has been a great motivator to keep moving forward at fast pace.... read more
Hello World!
It is the first time that I'm using this platform. Quite impressive, when placing the code here for our software it is my hope that what we do can be used to help others.
There is plenty of work in progress on the current state, on the wiki page you'll soon find the instructions to compile and run the most recent version of the software on your machine.
If you need help, please use the "discussion" link on the bar at the left side, I will be glad to help as much as possible.... read more