Switch to side-by-side view

--- a/tool/run/plugins/basic/frontPage.java
+++ b/tool/run/plugins/basic/frontPage.java
@@ -14,10 +14,14 @@
 import definitions.Messages;
 import definitions.is;
-import main.core;
+import main.controller;
 import script.Plugin;
 import script.log;
 import utils.html;
+import www.RequestOrigin;
+import www.WebRequest;
@@ -31,19 +35,35 @@
         log.hooks.addAction(Messages.CallFrontScreen, thisFile, "doScreen");
+    void doScreen(){
+       WebRequest request = new WebRequest();
+            // signal that this request is coming from the user interface
+            request.requestOrigin = RequestOrigin.GUI;
+            request.BaseFolder = thisFile.getParentFile();
+            request.scriptFile = thisFile;
+            request.scriptMethod = is.methodDefault;
+            // submit the request to be executed
+            controller.process(request); 
+    }
-     * Do the front screen that is displayed to users on startup
+     * A wrapper for the doScreen method when requested from the web
+     * @param request the request for this method
-    void doScreen() {
-        String timeLine = www.twitter.getTimeLine("@triplechecked");
-        // did we got anything from the web?
-        if(timeLine == null){
-            // nothing, just return without further action
-            return;
-        }
+    @Override
+    public void main(WebRequest request){
+//        doScreen();
+//        // our answer from doScreen is saved to "output"
+//        request.setAnswer(output);
+//    }
+//    /**
+//     * Do the front screen that is displayed to users on startup
+//     */
+//    void doScreen() {
         String navigation = ""
                 //+ html.br
@@ -51,21 +71,38 @@
                 + html.link("Create a new SPDX", "/spdx/create.java?x=main")
                 + html.br
                 + html.br
-                + "View SPDX archive"
+                + html.link("View SPDX files", "/spdx/show.java?x=main")
+                + html.br
                 + html.br
                 + html.br
                 + "";
+        // get twitter new if available
+        String timeLine = www.twitter.getTimeLine("@triplechecked");
+        String newsLine =  
+                html.h2("Share your open source news "
+                        + html.link("@triplechecked", "http://twitter.com/triplechecked")
+                        + "!") 
+                + timeLine;
+        // did we got anything from the web?
+        if(timeLine == null){
+            // nothing, just return without further action
+            newsLine = "Interested in licensing compliance? Follow us "
+                        + html.link("@triplechecked", "http://twitter.com/triplechecked")
+            ;
+            //return;
+        }
         String result = ""
                 + html.div()
                 + navigation
-                + html.h2("Share your open source news "
-                        + html.link("@triplechecked", "http://twitter.com/triplechecked")
-                        + "!") 
-                + timeLine
+                + newsLine
                 + html._div
-        core.studio.editorPane(is.contentHTML, false, 0, result);
+        request.setAnswer(result);