Switch to side-by-side view

--- a/tool/src/www/Table.java
+++ b/tool/src/www/Table.java
@@ -11,8 +11,6 @@
 package www;
-import java.util.ArrayList;
@@ -59,6 +57,59 @@
         headerData = "<tr>"
                 + result
                 + "</tr>";
+    }
+       /**
+     * Public constructor, important to define the array
+     * @param header 
+     * @param length 
+     */
+    public Table(String[] header, int[] length){
+        size = header.length;
+        String result = "";
+        int i = -1;
+        for(String item : header){
+            i++;
+            result += //"<th>"
+                    "<th style=\"text-align: left; color: rgb(31, 73, 125); "
+                    + "width: " + length[i] + "px; "
+                    + "font-family: Arial;\">"
+                    + item 
+                    + "</th>";
+        }
+        // do the header
+        headerData = "<tr>"
+                + result
+                + "</tr>";
+    }
+    /**
+     * Creates single table fully aligned horizontally with a single line
+     * @param params an array with text values
+     * @param size the size for each column
+     * @return the text in HTML format
+     */
+    public static String alignedTable(String[] params, int[] size){
+        // add the header
+        String result = "<table style=\"text-align: left;\" border=\"0\"\n" +
+" cellpadding=\"0\" cellspacing=\"0\"><tbody><tr>";
+        int i = -1;
+        for(String param : params){
+            i++;
+            result += "<td style=\"width: "
+                    + size[i]
+                    + "px;\">"
+                    + param
+                    + "</td>"
+                    ;
+        }
+        // add the footer
+        result += "</tr></tbody></table>";
+        return result;