* SPDXVersion: SPDX-1.1
* DocumentCreate: Person: Nuno Brito (nuno.brito@triplecheck.de)
* DocumentCreate: Organization: TripleCheck (contact@triplecheck.de)
* Created: 2013-11-01T00:00:00Z
* LicenseName: NOASSERTION
* FileName: DocumentCreate.java
* FileType: SOURCE
* FileCopyrightText: <text> Copyright 2013 Nuno Brito, TripleCheck </text>
* FileComment: <text> Creates an SPDX document from a given source </text>
package spdxlib;
import java.io.File;
import java.io.IOException;
import java.text.DateFormat;
import java.text.SimpleDateFormat;
import java.util.ArrayList;
import java.util.Date;
import script.License;
import ssdeep.ssdeep;
import main.core;
* @author Nuno Brito, 1st of November 2013 in Darmstadt, Germany.
* nuno.brito@triplecheck.de | http://nunobrito.eu
public class DocumentCreate {
public String
// official field names
PackageName = null,
PackageLicenseConcluded = "NOASSERTION",
packageDownloadLocation = "NOASSERTION",
// other things
output, // where we store the content written to a text file
boolean isOk = false;
public boolean isProcessing;
public int
filesToProcess = 0,
filesProcessed = 0,
lastCounter = 0;
public File file;
* Has this document been correctly generated?
* @return Yes or No
public Boolean isOk(){
return isOk;
* Creates a new SPDX document based on a given source code folder
* @param folderSourceCode where the source code files are located
* @return the name of the resulting SPDX document. Null is this fails.
public String create(File folderSourceCode){
// signal our work start
isProcessing = true;
isOk = false;
// preflight checks
if(folderSourceCode == null){
System.err.println("ND01 - No folder defined as source for SPDX");
isProcessing = false;
return null;
// get the files from the target source code folder
ArrayList<File> files = utils.files.findFiles(folderSourceCode);
// no need to continue if no files were found
if((files == null) || (files.isEmpty())){
System.err.println("ND02 - No files were found for creating SPDX");
isProcessing = false;
return null;
// update our counter
filesToProcess = files.size();
// where we shall store this SPDX document
File folderProduct = core.getProductsFolder();
// assign the PackageName for this document
String filename = folderSourceCode.getName();
if(PackageName != null){
filename = PackageName;
String textDate = getDateSPDX();
// save this title as UID
UID = ">> " + filename + " >> Products ";
filename = filename + ".spdx";
output =
addParagraph("SPDX Document Information")
+ addText("SPDXVersion: SPDX-1.2")
+ addText("DataLicense: CC-BY-4.0")
+ "\n"
+ addParagraph("Creation Information")
+ addText("Creator: " + System.getProperty("user.name"))
+ addText("Creator: Tool: TripleCheck Studio " + core.version)
+ addText("Created: " + textDate)
+ "\n"
+ addParagraph("Package Information")
+ "PackageName: " + folderSourceCode.getName()
+ "\nPackageFileName: " + folderSourceCode.getName()
+ "\nPackageDownloadLocation: " + packageDownloadLocation
+ "\nPackageLicenseConcluded: " + PackageLicenseConcluded
+ "\n"
+ "\n"
+ addParagraph("File Information")
// iterate through each file
for(File thisFile : files){
// compute our SSDEEP hashes
ssdeep test = new ssdeep();
String ssdeep;
try {
ssdeep = test.fuzzy_hash_file(thisFile);
} catch (IOException ex) {
ssdeep = "NOASSERTION";
// path of this file
String filePath = thisFile.getAbsolutePath();
filePath = filePath.replace(folderSourceCode.getAbsolutePath(), "");
filePath = filePath.replace("\\", "/");
filePath = "." + filePath.replace(thisFile.getName(), "");
// the size of this file
String fileSize = utils.files.humanReadableSize(thisFile.length())
+ " ("+ thisFile.length() +" bytes)";
// do the file identification
String LOC = "";
FileId fileId = new FileId();
Boolean resulted = fileId.analyze(thisFile);
// get the value for lines of COD
if(fileId.LOC > 0){
LOC = "FileLOC: " + fileId.LOC;
//LOC = "FileLOC: N/A";
// add the licenseInfoInFile information in file
String licenseInfoInFile = "";
for(License licenseInfo : fileId.licenseInfoInFile)
licenseInfoInFile += addText(""
+ "LicenseInfoInFile: "
+ licenseInfo.getShortIdentifier()
//TODO There is no OS independent way to get date of file creation
// at least one Windows and Linux should be added when available
// String fileModified = utils.time.getTimeFromLong(file.lastModified());
String temp =
+ addText("FileName: "
// in my conscience, path has no place on file name
// and only makes difficult to identify the name
// uncomment for strict compatibility with SPDX
//+ filePath
+ thisFile.getName())
// not needed if standard is followed
+ addText("FilePath: " + filePath)
+ addText("FileType: OTHER")
+ addText("FileChecksum: SHA1: "
+ utils.Checksum.generateFileChecksum("SHA-1", thisFile))
+ addText("FileChecksum: SHA256: "
+ utils.Checksum.generateFileChecksum("SHA-256", thisFile))
+ addText("FileChecksum: MD5: "
+ utils.Checksum.generateFileChecksum("MD5", thisFile))
+ addText("FileChecksum: SSDEEP: " + ssdeep)
+ addText("FileSize: " + fileSize)
+ addText(LOC)
//+ addText("FileLastModified: " + fileModified)
+ licenseInfoInFile
//+ "\nLicenseConcluded: NOASSERTION"
//+ "\nLicenseInfoInFile: NONE"
//+ "\nFileCopyrightText: NONE"
output = output + temp;
// increase the counter
// create the file pointer
File document = new File(folderProduct, filename);
utils.files.SaveStringToFile(document, output);
file = document; // keep this around for future reference
// done
isProcessing = false;
isOk = true;
return filename;
* Provides an ASCII paragraph
* @param title the header text of the title
* @return the ASCII text to be included on the final output
private String addParagraph(String title){
return "##-------------------------\n"
+ "## " + title + "\n"
+ "##-------------------------\n"
+ "\n";
private String addSection(String title){
return "\n"
+ "## " + title + "\n"
+ "\n"
* Adds a simple line of text with a carriage return at the end
* @param text the text to be included
* @return a formatted string ready to be written at an ASCII file
private String addText(String text){
return "";
return text + "\n";
* Get the current time and date in SPDX format
* @return the properly formatted SPDX time format
public static String getDateSPDX() {
// do the time calculation such as 2012-09-03T13:32:12Z
DateFormat dateFormat = new SimpleDateFormat("yyyy-MM-dd HH:mm:ss");
Date date = new Date();
String textDate = dateFormat.format(date);
//TODO for some reason "T" and "Z" are not accepted as parameters
return textDate.replace(" ", "T") + "Z";