* SPDXVersion: SPDX-1.1
* Person: Person: Nuno Brito (nuno.brito@triplecheck.de)
* Person: Organization: TripleCheck (contact@triplecheck.de)
* Created: 2013-08-29T00:00:00Z
* LicenseName: NOASSERTION
* FileName: Person.java
* FileType: SOURCE
* FileCopyrightText: <text> Copyright 2013 Nuno Brito, TripleCheck </text>
* FileComment: <text> Class defining the identity of a given person </text>
package spdxlib;
public class Person {
private String
person = "", // mandatory field
personEmail = "", // optional field
organization = "", // mandatory field
organizationEmail = "", // optional field
tool = "", // mandatory field
toolVersion = "" // mandatory field
private TagValue
* Provides a distinctive identifier title
* @return
public String getTitle(){
// if there is a name, use it
if(tagPerson != null){
return tagPerson.toString();
// or use the organization name if available
if(tagOrganization != null){
return tagOrganization.toString();
// or even use the tool name if available
if(tagTool != null){
return tagTool.toString();
// nothing good here, just return null..
return null;
public TagValue getTagPerson() {
return tagPerson;
public void setTagPerson(TagValue tagPerson) {
// do the basic handling
person = tagPerson.toString();
this.tagPerson = tagPerson;
// now do the more refined processing, try to extract values
String temp = tagPerson.toString();
// do we have an email address like: "(nuno.brito@triplecheck.de)"?
if(temp.contains(" (")&&temp.contains(")")){
int start = temp.indexOf("(");
int end = temp.lastIndexOf(")");
// something is wrong, just leave
if(start +1 > end){
// get the email address
String thisMail = temp.substring(start +1, end);
this.personEmail = thisMail;
this.person = temp.substring(0, start -1);
public TagValue getTagOrganization() {
return tagOrganization;
public void setTagOrganization(TagValue tagOrganization) {
// do the basic handling
organization = tagOrganization.toString();
this.tagOrganization = tagOrganization;
// now do the more refined processing, try to extract values
String temp = tagOrganization.toString();
// do we have an email address like: "(nuno.brito@triplecheck.de)"?
if(temp.contains(" (")&&temp.contains(")")){
int start = temp.indexOf("(");
int end = temp.lastIndexOf(")");
// something is wrong, just leave
if(start +1 > end){
// get the email address
String thisMail = temp.substring(start +1, end);
this.organizationEmail = thisMail;
this.organization = temp.substring(0, start -1);
public TagValue getTagTool() {
return tagTool;
public void setTagTool(TagValue tagTool) {
// basic handling
this.tagTool = tagTool;
tool = tagTool.toString();
// more refined search for the version number
int pos = tool.indexOf("-");
if(pos < 1){
// hopefully we get a nicely formatted string
toolVersion = tool.substring(pos+1);
tool = tool.substring(0, pos);
public String toString(){
return getTitle();
public String getPerson() {
return person;
public String getPersonEmail() {
return personEmail;
public String getOrganization() {
return organization;
public String getOrganizationEmail() {
return organizationEmail;
public String getTool() {
return tool;
public String getToolVersion() {
return toolVersion;
* Calculates what is the best place to add a new tag related to a Person
* @return the line number inside the SPDX document that should be used
public int getAnchor() {
// if there is a name, use it
if(tagPerson != null){
return tagPerson.linePosition;
// or use the organization name if available
if(tagOrganization != null){
return tagOrganization.linePosition;
// or even use the tool name if available
if(tagTool != null){
return tagTool.linePosition;
// nothing good here, just return 0 but this is not a goot thing..
return 0;