* SPDXVersion: SPDX-1.1
* Creator: Person: Nuno Brito (nuno.brito@triplecheck.de)
* Creator: Organization: TripleCheck (contact@triplecheck.de)
* Created: 2013-11-12T00:00:00Z
* LicenseName: NOASSERTION
* FileName: showFileDetails.java
* FileType: SOURCE
* FileCopyrightText: <text> Copyright 2013 Nuno Brito, TripleCheck </text>
* FileComment: <text> This class displays the details about a given file that
* has been selected on the treeview or throught some similar manner </text>
package spdx;
import GUI.NodeType;
import GUI.TreeNodeSPDX;
import GUI.swingUtils;
import definitions.Messages;
import definitions.is;
import java.io.File;
import script.Plugin;
import script.log;
import spdxlib.FileInfo;
import main.core;
import main.param;
import spdxlib.SPDXfile;
import spdxlib.tools;
import utils.html;
import www.WebRequest;
* @author Nuno Brito, 12th of November 2013 in Darmstadt, Germany.
* nuno.brito@triplecheck.de | http://nunobrito.eu
public class showFileDetails extends Plugin{
public void startup(){
// react whenever a tree node is changed
log.hooks.addAction(Messages.TreeNodeChanged, thisFile, "processFile");
* list some information according to a filter
* @param request
public void specific(WebRequest request) {
// we need the "file" parameter to tell us what to detail
String spdxTarget = request.getParameter(param.spdx);
// does this file exists?
File spdxFile = tools.getFile(spdxTarget, request);
if(spdxFile == null){
// get what we want to show
String targetFile = request.getParameter(param.file);
// value can't be empty
if(targetFile == null){
request.setAnswer("No filter specified");
// start the processing
SPDXfile spdx = new SPDXfile(spdxFile);
// go through all files inside the document
for(FileInfo file : spdx.fileSection.files){
// have we (finally) found a match?
String result = showFileDetails(file);
request.setAnswer("Didn't found " + targetFile);
* Checks if the node of a file has been selected. If this is the case then
* show as much details as possible about the file
void processFile(){
// ensure we get to know which node is selected
TreeNodeSPDX node = swingUtils.getSelectedNode();
// no need to continue if there is nothing selected
if(node == null){
// process files
if(node.nodeType != NodeType.file){
// we're talking about tree nodes, get the respective information
FileInfo file = (FileInfo) node.getUserObject();
// create the summary for the requested file
String output = showFileDetails(file);
// this only applies to calls from the treeview
core.studio.editorPane(is.contentHTML, Boolean.FALSE, 0, output);
* Tries to discover the file extension based on the SPDX file name
* @return
String getFileExtension(String filename){
// preflight checks
return "";
return "";
int pos = filename.lastIndexOf(".");
String extension = "filetype:" + filename.substring(pos+1);
return extension;
* Do the actual part of showing the details for this file
* @param node
private String showFileDetails(FileInfo file) {
// where we store the end result
// FileInfo file = (FileInfo) node.getUserObject();
String googleTerm = "";
String filename = file.getName();
// get the file extension if available
//String extension = getFileExtension(filename);
// get the package name to narrow down the results
// TreeNodeSPDX parent = (TreeNodeSPDX) node.getParent();
// TreeNodeSPDX root = (TreeNodeSPDX) parent.getParent();
// we need to remove misleading terms from the filename
String filteredName = file.getName();
// root.id.toLowerCase();
filteredName = filteredName.replace(".tar.gz", "");
filteredName = filteredName.replace(".zip", "");
filteredName = filteredName.replace(".jar", "");
filteredName = filteredName.replace(".7z", "");
filteredName = filteredName.replace(".tar", "");
filteredName = filteredName.replace(".bz2", "");
// build up our google query
googleTerm = filteredName
+ " %22"
+ filename
+ "%22 "
//+ extension
} catch (Exception e){
log.write(is.ERROR, "SFD01 - Error occurred when trying to build"
+ " a search keyword for google");
// do the introduction of this file with a breadcrumb
// String[] fields = node.getUID().split(">>");
// String breadCrumb =
// fields[4]
// + ">"
// + fields[3]
// + ">"
// + fields[1]
// ;
// add a short summary about the file
String summary = "";
if(file.tagFileSize != null){
summary += "This file is sized in " + file.tagFileSize.toString();
if(file.tagFileLOC != null){
summary += " with " + file.tagFileLOC + " lines of code"
summary +=
+ html.br
+ "Applicable license(s): " + file.getLicense();
// do the date creation
//TODO We need to archive file date information
//summary += "Created in " + file.;
String resultIntroduction = ""
+ "<h2>"
+ filename
// + breadCrumb
+ "</h2>"
+ html.div()
+ summary
+ html._div
// + html.br
// Add links to find more info on the Internet about the file name
String resultFilename =
+ html.linkToSearchYandex("\"" + filename + "\"")
+ html.divider
+ html.linkToSearchGoogle(googleTerm)
// + html.divider
// + html.linkToSearchOhloh(file.tagFileName.toString())
+ html.divider
+ html.linkToSearchGitHub(file.tagFileName.toString())
+ html._div;
String resultSHA1 = "";
if(file.tagFileChecksumSHA1!= null){
resultSHA1 = file.tagFileChecksumSHA1.toString()
+ html.br
+ html.div()
+ html.linkSearch("Find duplicates", "SHA1: "
+ file.tagFileChecksumSHA1.toString())
+ html.divider
+ html.linkToSearchGoogle(
"%22"+ file.tagFileChecksumSHA1.toString() + "%22" )
+ html._div;
String resultSHA256 = "";
if(file.tagFileChecksumSHA256!= null){
resultSHA256 = file.tagFileChecksumSHA256.toString()
+ html.div()
// only possible when we have SHA256 hashes available
+ html.linkToSearchVirusTotal(file.tagFileChecksumSHA256.toString())
+ html.linkToSearchVirusTotal(file.tagFileChecksumSHA256.toString())
+ html._div;
String resultMD5 = "";
if(file.tagFileChecksumMD5!= null){
resultMD5 = file.tagFileChecksumMD5.toString()
+ html.div()
// We might be lucky and find an MD5 with info
+ html.linkToSearchGoogle(
"%22"+ file.tagFileChecksumMD5.toString() + "%22" )
+ html._div;
String resultSSDEEP = "";
if(file.tagFileChecksumSSDEEP!= null){
String text = file.tagFileChecksumSSDEEP.raw;
// remove the tag header
text = text.replace("FileChecksum: SSDEEP: ", "");
resultSSDEEP = text
+ html.div()
// only possible when we have SHA256 hashes available
+ html.linkSearch("Find similar files", "SSDEEP: "
+ text)
+ html._div;
String result = html.div()
+ resultIntroduction
+ html.br
+ html.br
+ swingUtils.addIfNotEmpty("SHA1", resultSHA1)
+ swingUtils.addIfNotEmpty("SHA256", resultSHA256)
+ swingUtils.addIfNotEmpty("MD5",resultMD5)
//+ html.br
+ swingUtils.addIfNotEmpty("SSDEEP", resultSSDEEP)
+ html.br
+ swingUtils.addIfNotEmpty("Look for \""
, resultFilename)
+ html._div
// + swingUtils.addSSDEEP("SSDEEP", file)
// + swingUtils.addIfNotEmpty("Copyright text",file.tagFileCopyrightText.toString())
/** missing to add:
* - File path
* - Applicable licenses (when available)
return result;