--- a/tool/docs/features.txt
+++ b/tool/docs/features.txt
@@ -1,7 +1,8 @@
What do I need right now?
-- SPDX needs to be created using an asychronous method
+~- Saving an empty value is not working (for .e.g on the company name)
+- Changing the name of the author is not updated on the tree view
+- Saving takes too long (maybe this should become a task on its own?)
@@ -15,20 +16,21 @@
-- allow sorting SPDX documents according to physical folders (to ease organization)
-- sort files on nodes according to folders?
- import new versions from a web server?
- organize folders according to group/organization/product
- open file in explorer
- count number of files/SPDX added
- drag and drop
-- option to ignore .svn files
- option for end-users to submit an SPDX
- option for end-users to download SPDX's
- chat box?
+x option to ignore .svn files
+x sort files on nodes according to folders?
+x allow sorting SPDX documents according to physical folders (to ease organization)
+x SPDX needs to be created using an asychronous method
x Access from a web browser
x SPDX create box needs more options as an HTML form
x support for recognizing new file extensions and index them