* SPDXVersion: SPDX-1.1
* Creator: Person: Nuno Brito (nuno.brito@triplecheck.de)
* Creator: Organization: TripleCheck (contact@triplecheck.de)
* Created: 2013-10-18T00:00:00Z
* LicenseName: NOASSERTION
* FileName: RightClicks.java
* FileType: SOURCE
* FileCopyrightText: <text> Copyright 2013 Nuno Brito, TripleCheck </text>
* FileComment: <text> The code written here is intended to later be
ported over to beanshell scripts </text>
package GUI;
import definitions.Messages;
import definitions.is;
import java.io.File;
import javax.swing.JEditorPane;
import javax.swing.JTree;
import script.log;
import spdxlib.FileInfo;
import spdxlib.Person;
import spdxlib.SPDXfile;
import main.core;
* @author Nuno Brito, 18th of October 2013 in Darmstadt, Germany.
public class RightClicks {
* Generic processing of clicks on the tree box
// static public void processClick(){
// JTree tree = core.studio.getTree();
// TreeNodeSPDX currentNode = swingUtils.getSelectedNode(tree);
// // if there is nothing selected, there is nothing to be done
// if(currentNode == null){
// return;
// }
// // remove all items from the right-column that are registered here
// removeTreeActions();
// // get some variables from our UI
// JEditorPane text = core.studio.getTextBox();
// // get the UID of the selected node
// String UID = currentNode.getUID();
// log.write(is.INFO, Messages.NodeSelected, UID);
// //System.err.println("RC01 - " + UID);
// // launch the trigger for clicking on library components
// if(UID.contains(" >> Library")){
// log.write(is.INFO, Messages.ClickedOnLibraryComponent);
// }
// // what kind of node have we clicked?
// if(currentNode.nodeType == NodeType.file){
// FileInfo file = (FileInfo) currentNode.getUserObject();
// int lineNumber = file.tagFileName.linePosition;
// // move to the specific line when possible
// swingUtils.moveToLine(lineNumber, text, core.studio);
// log.write(is.INFO,"File at line %1", lineNumber + "");
// //core.studio.writeBoxMessage(log.getLatest().getMessageSimple());
// return;
// }
// // handle the nodes of people
// if(currentNode.nodeType == NodeType.person){
// Person person = (Person) currentNode.getUserObject();
// //TODO this is not a good code, better have something generic
// int lineNumber;
// if(person.tagPerson == null){
// if(person.tagTool == null){
// return; // some weird exceptions happen here
// }else{
// // I've seen cases where only the tool is mentioned
// lineNumber = person.tagTool.linePosition;
// }
// }else{
// // default case, use the person name
// lineNumber = person.tagPerson.linePosition;
// }
// // move to the specific line when possible
// swingUtils.moveToLine(lineNumber, text, core.studio);
// // all done
// addPersonActions();
// log.write(is.INFO,"Person at line %1", lineNumber + "");
// //core.studio.writeBoxMessage(log.getLatest().getMessageSimple());
// }
// }
// /**
// * Remove all icons associated with "persons". This is necessary
// */
// static void removeTreeActions(){
// // we need to manually register here all the actions to remove
// RunPlugins.removeItem(Actions.personDelete);
// RunPlugins.removeItem(Actions.addComponentToProduct);
// }
* Add the typical icons that you would like to see when a person
* is selected on the tree box
// public static void addPersonActions(){
// // specify the action to delete the selected person
// ListItem item = new ListItem();
// item.title = Actions.personDelete;
// item.singleClick = true;
// File icon = core.getIcon("cross-script.png");
// item.setIcon(icon);
// RunPlugins.addItem(item);
// }
///////////////////////// ////////////////////////////
///////////////////////// Click on Library ////////////////////////////
///////////////////////// ////////////////////////////
* Shows the actions available when clicking at a component inside our
* common library. This is useful for actions such as adding the component
* to the currently selected product
// public static void processClickOnLibraryComponent(){
// TreeNodeSPDX currentNode = swingUtils.getSelectedNode();
// // if there is nothing selected, there is nothing to be done
// if(currentNode == null){
// return;
// }
// if(core.studio.productSelected == null){
// log.write(is.INFO,"No product is selected");
// return;
// }
// // specify the action to delete the selected person
// ListItem item = new ListItem();
// item.title = Actions.addComponentToProduct;
// item.singleClick = true;
// File icon = core.getIcon("box--plus.png");
// item.setIcon(icon);
// RunPlugins.addItem(item);
// // mention what is the selected product right now
// log.write(is.INFO,"Selected product is \"%1\"",
// core.studio.productSelected.getId());
// //core.studio.writeBoxMessage(log.getLatest().getMessageSimple());
// }
* Adds the currently selected component to the currently selected product
public static void addComponent(){
TreeNodeSPDX currentNode = swingUtils.getSelectedNode();
// avoid null cases
if(currentNode == null){
// get the SPDX file from the root node
SPDXfile component = (SPDXfile) swingUtils.getNodePackage
// if there is nothing selected, there is nothing to be done
if(currentNode == null){
// get the current UID of the selected node
String UID = currentNode.getUID();
// get the current selected SPDXfile
SPDXfile spdx = core.studio.productSelected;
// check if it exists
if(spdx == null){
log.write(is.ERROR, "No product selected, cannot add component!");
// add this SPDX component onto the SPDX product
// refresh all the user data
// get back to the parent node
// debug message
//System.err.println("RE76 - Hi Mom!");
* Adds the currently selected component to the currently selected product
public static void newSPDX(){
// instantiate the new SPDX document object
NewSPDX newSPDX = new NewSPDX();
// get the current UID of the selected node
TreeNodeSPDX currentNode = swingUtils.getSelectedNode();
if(currentNode == null){
// the ID of currently selected node
String UID = currentNode.getUID();
// refresh the data
// get back to the parent node