* SPDXVersion: SPDX-1.1
* Creator: Person: Nuno Brito (nuno.brito@triplecheck.de)
* Creator: Organization: TripleCheck (contact@triplecheck.de)
* Created: 2013-09-01T00:00:00Z
* LicenseName: NOASSERTION
* FileName: swingUtils.java
* FileType: SOURCE
* FileCopyrightText: <text> Copyright 2013 Nuno Brito, TripleCheck </text>
* FileComment: <text> Fast access to common GUI swingUtils </text>
package GUI;
import definitions.Messages;
import definitions.is;
import java.io.File;
import java.util.ArrayList;
import java.util.Enumeration;
import java.util.List;
import javax.swing.*;
import javax.swing.text.Element;
import javax.swing.tree.DefaultTreeModel;
import javax.swing.tree.TreeNode;
import javax.swing.tree.TreePath;
import javax.swing.tree.TreeSelectionModel;
import script.RunPlugins;
import script.log;
import spdxlib.FileInfo;
import spdxlib.Person;
import spdxlib.SPDXfile;
import spdxlib.TagValue;
import main.actions;
import main.core;
import net.htmlparser.jericho.HTMLElementName;
import net.htmlparser.jericho.Source;
import utils.html;
public class swingUtils {
* Allows setting a text field with a given value after
* selecting a folder. The field value represent the key that
* is stored on the settings.
* @param textField the field that is updated with the folder path
* @param field title under which the path is kept on the settings
public static void chooseFolder(JTextField textField, String field) {
String sourceFolder = core.settings.read(field);
File result;
if((sourceFolder != null)&&(!sourceFolder.isEmpty())){
File oldFolder = new File(core.settings.read(field));
result = swingUtils.chooseFolder(oldFolder);
result = swingUtils.chooseFolder(null);
// if empty, just exit here
if(result == null){
// write up the new path
core.settings.write(field, result.getAbsolutePath());
* Shows the dialog to allow selecting a folder
* @param startInFolder
* @return
public static File chooseFolder(File startInFolder){
JFileChooser fc = new JFileChooser();
// only show directories
// check if the last used folder still exists
// start from the previous folder if possible
fc.setDialogTitle("Open directory");
// open up the dialog
if (fc.showOpenDialog(null) != JFileChooser.APPROVE_OPTION) {
return null;
// grab the file
return fc.getSelectedFile();
* Get the currently selected node from a given tree using the default
* UI as model
* @return the currently selected tree node or null if nothing is selected
public static TreeNodeSPDX getSelectedNode(){
JTree tree = core.studio.getTree();
return swingUtils.getSelectedNode(tree);
* Get the currently selected node from a given tree
* @param tree The tree box on the left side of the default UI
* @return The currently selected node or null if nothing selected
public static TreeNodeSPDX getSelectedNode(JTree tree){
// preflight checks
TreeNodeSPDX result;
result =
(TreeNodeSPDX) tree.getSelectionPath().getLastPathComponent();
}catch (Exception e){
return null;
return result;
* Creates a new under under a given root node.
* The new node contains the details about a person
* @param root the parent of the new node
* @param person the object that will be used to populate the new node
* @return The node with the person details
static public TreeNodeSPDX addNodePerson(TreeNodeSPDX root, Person person){
TreeNodeSPDX nodePerson =
// add the object
nodePerson.nodeType = NodeType.person;
nodePerson.id = person.getTitle();
return nodePerson;
* Method to ease the creation of new nodes on the tree list
* @param title the title of this node that is present to the public
* @param root the parent of the new node to be created
* @return the new node
static public TreeNodeSPDX createNodeChild(String title, TreeNodeSPDX root){
TreeNodeSPDX node =
new TreeNodeSPDX(title);
return node;
* Adds the output when the given tag is not null
* @param title the title of this entry
* @param tag the value of this entry
* @return a printable string using the format "key: value"
static public String addIfNotEmpty(String title, String text){
// preflight checks
return "";
return "";
String result = ""
+ "<b>"
+ title
+ "</b>"
+ ": "
//+ "<pre>"
+ text
//+ "</pre>"
//+ "</PLAINTEXT>"
//+ "<br>"
//+ "<br>"
+ html.br;
return result;
* Adds the output when the given tag is not null
* @param title the title of this entry
* @param tag the value of this entry
* @return a printable string using the format "key: value"
static public String addIfNotEmpty(String title, TagValue tag){
// preflight checks
if(tag == null){
return "";
return addIfNotEmpty(title, tag.toString());
public static void runDemo(FileInfo file) {
* Creates a new node on our tree list
* @param title the readable title of this node
* @param nodeType category of this node
* @param root the node where all other nodes will created as child
* @return a node fully configured
public static TreeNodeSPDX nodeCreate(String title, NodeType nodeType,
TreeNodeSPDX root){
TreeNodeSPDX node = swingUtils.createNodeChild(title,root);
node.nodeType = nodeType;
node.id = title;
return node;
* Add the basic root node to a treeview
* @param tree The treeview that we want to target
public static void nodeAddRoot(JTree tree){
// tree hook
tree.setCellRenderer(new TreeRenderer());
//Create the nodes.
TreeNodeSPDX nodeRoot =
new TreeNodeSPDX("root");
nodeRoot.id = "Root";
DefaultTreeModel treeModel = new DefaultTreeModel(nodeRoot);
* List all the indexed SPDX documents on the tree view
* @param tree where all items are listed
public static void populateTree(JTree tree){
// tree hook
tree.setCellRenderer(new TreeRenderer());
//Create the nodes.
TreeNodeSPDX nodeRoot =
new TreeNodeSPDX("root");
nodeRoot.id = "Root";
//createNode("Home", NodeType.home, nodeRoot);
// create the node for hosting our products
TreeNodeSPDX productNode = nodeCreate(
"Products (" + core.products.size() + ")"
, NodeType.other, nodeRoot);
productNode.id = "Products";
// add all SPDX documents that were found
for(SPDXfile spdx : core.products){
addNodeSPDX(productNode, spdx);
// // now create our library node with all found components
// TreeNodeSPDX libraryNode = nodeCreate(
// "Library (" + core.components.size() + ")"
// , NodeType.other, nodeRoot);
// libraryNode.id = "Library";
// // add all SPDX documents that were found
// for(SPDXfile spdx : core.components){
// addNodeSPDX(libraryNode, spdx);
// }
// all finished, write this data on GUI tree list
DefaultTreeModel treeModel = new DefaultTreeModel(nodeRoot);
* Given an SPDX object, create the tree nodes with information
* @param root where the SPDX tree will be built upon
* @param spdx the object with relevant SPDX information
public static void addNodeSPDX(TreeNodeSPDX root, SPDXfile spdx){
// create the new node that is used as base, choose an ID
TreeNodeSPDX node = swingUtils.createNodeChild("",root);
node.nodeType = NodeType.sectionPackage;
node.id = spdx.getId();
// add the full object to ease representation
// create the subnodes for creation information
doNodeCreationInfo(node, spdx);
// add up all the fileSection
doNodeFileInfo(node, spdx);
// now we add the dependencies node
doNodeDependencies(node, spdx);
// TreeNodeSPDX nodeReviews = swingUtils.nodeCreate("Review",node);
// nodeReviews.nodeType = NodeType.sectionReview;
// all done, add this node on the tree structure
* Adds the details of the creation info
static void doNodeCreationInfo(TreeNodeSPDX root, SPDXfile spdx){
TreeNodeSPDX node = swingUtils.createNodeChild("",root);
node.nodeType = NodeType.sectionCreator;
node.id = "Creator";
// now, create a node for each author
for(Person person : spdx.creatorSection.people){
swingUtils.addNodePerson(node, person);
* Add the node of files if there are any available
static void doNodeFileInfo(TreeNodeSPDX root, SPDXfile spdx){
int fileCount = spdx.fileSection.files.size();
String counter = (fileCount > 0) ? " (" + fileCount + ")" : "";
TreeNodeSPDX node = swingUtils.createNodeChild("Files" + counter,root);
node.nodeType = NodeType.sectionFile;
node.id = "Files";
for(FileInfo file : spdx.fileSection.files){
TreeNodeSPDX fileNode
= swingUtils.createNodeChild(
"" // name is inherited from toString() of the file object
, node);
// define this node as a normal file
fileNode.nodeType = NodeType.file;
fileNode.id = file.getName();
* Add nodes with the dependencies required for the SPDX package
static void doNodeDependencies(TreeNodeSPDX root, SPDXfile spdx){
TreeNodeSPDX node = swingUtils.createNodeChild(
"Dependencies ("
+ spdx.packageSection.dependencies.size()
+ ")"
node.id = "Dependencies";
for(TagValue dep : spdx.packageSection.dependencies){
//System.err.println("FG09 - Added a dependency");
TreeNodeSPDX depNode
= swingUtils.createNodeChild(
dep.toString() // name is inherited from toString() of the file object
, node);
// define this node as a normal file
depNode.nodeType = NodeType.dependency;
depNode.id = dep.toString();
* Using the node currently selected on tree view, iterate
* each node one level below until a package node is found
* @param tree Where all the items are located on our UI
* @return The SPDXfile node object
public static TreeNodeSPDX getNodePackage(JTree tree){
TreeNodeSPDX node = swingUtils.getSelectedNode(tree);
// preflight check
if(node == null){
return null;
// get the root package node
while((node.getParent() != null)
&&(node.nodeType != NodeType.sectionPackage)){
node = (TreeNodeSPDX) node.getParent();
// extra safety check
if(node.nodeType != NodeType.sectionPackage){
return null;
return node;
* Displays a simple text box on the screen
* @param message
static public void showMessage(String message){
(core.studio, message);
* Mark a given line as selected on a text box
* @param lineNumber the line what we want to highlight
* @param text Where the text is located and where we want to move
* @param frame A specific UI where our approach is working
static public void moveToLine(int lineNumber, JEditorPane text,
StudioUI2 frame){
// do the selection part
Element selectedLine = text.getDocument()
if(selectedLine == null){
lineStart = selectedLine.getStartOffset(),
lineEnd = selectedLine.getEndOffset();
// jump to the desired line
// we need to temporarily disable focus messages
// to avoid false positive cases
//TODO for some reason this is not working
// frame.setDisableFocusMessages(true);
// frame.setDisableFocusMessages(false);
* Selects a node from the tree list based on a specific ID string
* @param UID the specific ID of the node to be selected
public static void setSelectedNode(String UID) {
TreeNodeSPDX rootNode = (TreeNodeSPDX)
Enumeration e = rootNode.preorderEnumeration();
TreeNodeSPDX selectedNode = null;
TreeNodeSPDX currentNode = (TreeNodeSPDX) e.nextElement();
String thisID = currentNode.getUID();//getId(currentNode);
selectedNode = currentNode;
if(selectedNode != null){
// make the node visible again on the tree
JTree m_tree = core.studio.getTree();
TreeSelectionModel model = m_tree.getSelectionModel();
TreePath path;
// we first select one of the children to ensure it gets expanded
TreeNodeSPDX child = (TreeNodeSPDX) selectedNode.getFirstChild();
if(child != null){
path = new TreePath(child.getPath());
// now out tree will expand the first child
// second wave
path = new TreePath(selectedNode.getPath());
// what we really wanted is to highligh the father, so, go back!
* Something changed on the disk, reload everything from start
* @param tree
public static void refreshAll(JTree tree, String UID){
// get back to the previoulsy selected node
// refresh things up
// // find all components inside our common library
// File baseFolder = new File(".");
//// core.components = actions.findSPDX(new File(baseFolder,
//// is.library));
// // now find our products
// core.products = actions.findSPDX(new File(baseFolder,
// is.products));
// // get the current UID of the selected node
// if(UID.isEmpty()){
// TreeNodeSPDX currentNode = swingUtils.getSelectedNode();
// if(currentNode != null){
// // the ID of currently selected node
// UID = currentNode.getUID();
// }
// }
// // write our results on the tree
// populateTree(tree);
// // get the list of RunPlugins going
// RunPlugins.listPlugins();
// log.write(is.INFO, Messages.ReadyToUse);
// // get back to the previoulsy selected node
// swingUtils.setSelectedNode(UID);
// // refresh things up
// tree.repaint();
// swingUtils.refreshTextBox();
* This method forces the node currently selected
* to be again re-selected, causing a page refresh
* on the text box. This is useful to update values.
public static void refreshTextBox(){
// get the node currently selected on the tree view
TreeNodeSPDX node = getSelectedNode();
if(node == null){
// All done, let's leave
log.write(is.INFO, Messages.TreeNodeChanged, node.getUID());
// Things related to show the SPDX text on the text area
* Loads up the text for the currently selected package
private void showTextProductTabSPDX(JTree tree, JEditorPane text) {
// display the text from the original spdx document
TreeNodeSPDX node = swingUtils.getNodePackage(tree);
// preflight check
if(node == null){
// display our text file
SPDXfile spdx = (SPDXfile) node.getUserObject();
// all done
core.textWasModified = false;
log.write(is.COMMAND, Messages.TextWasLoaded);
* SSDEEP is an object that needs to be handled separately since it includes
* chars that confuse the interpreter
* @param title Title to be used on the text
* @param file The FileInfo object that contains SSDEEP information
* @return
public static String addSSDEEP(String title, FileInfo file) {
// get the raw contents of this tag
String text = file.tagFileChecksumSSDEEP.raw;
// remove the tag header
text = text.replace("FileChecksum: SSDEEP: ", "");
swingUtils.addIfNotEmpty(title, text);
return swingUtils.addIfNotEmpty(title, text);
* Adds a tree node on the Swing UI
* @param title Title that is read by the user
* @param iconImage Specify an icon image from our local archive
* @param nodeRoot The parent node where the new node will be attached
* @return The newly created tree node
public static TreeNodeSPDX addNode(String title, String iconImage,
TreeNodeSPDX nodeRoot) {
JTree tree = core.studio.getTree();
TreeNodeSPDX node = swingUtils.nodeCreate(title, NodeType.other, nodeRoot);
// all finished, write this data on GUI tree list
nodeRoot = (TreeNodeSPDX) tree.getModel().getRoot();
DefaultTreeModel treeModel = new DefaultTreeModel(nodeRoot);
return node;
* When given a node, provide an HTML breadcrumb to serve as navigation
* and title on the header of the page.
* @param node The target node at the end of the tree path
* @return HTML code showing the path to the curently selected node
public static String getBreadcrumb(TreeNodeSPDX node){
// preflight check
if(node == null){
return "";
// do the introduction of this file with a breadcrumb
String[] fields = node.getUID().split(">>");
String breadCrumb =
+ ">"
+ fields[1]
// prepare the result
String result =
+ "<h2>"
+ html.getCommonFolderIcon("wooden-box-label.png")
+ breadCrumb
+ "</h2>"
+ html._div
return result;
public static boolean hasSelectedNode(String title){
TreeNodeSPDX node = swingUtils.getSelectedNode();
// no need to continue if there is nothing selected
if(node == null){
return false;
// get the unique identifier
String nodeUID = node.getUID();
// are we clicking on the root of our intended node?
if(nodeUID.equals(title + " ")){
return true;
return false;
* A very tricky method that helps to extract the parameters from a META
* refresh tag inside an HTML page. This is used at the Swing container
* since JEditorPane does not support this kind of page refresh natively.
* @param textHTML
* @param delay
* @param URL
* @param parameters
* @return
public static MetaContainer getMetaRefresh(String textHTML, int delay,
String URL, ArrayList<String[]> parameters){
// process the source code from the HTML page
Source source=new Source(textHTML);
// get all the elements
List<net.htmlparser.jericho.Element> elements = source.getAllElements(HTMLElementName.META);
// how many elements were found?
//System.err.println("META 001, number of elements:" + elements.size());
// go through only the meta elements
for (net.htmlparser.jericho.Element element : elements) {
// get them to lower case, find ours that is a refresh type
String text = element.toString().toLowerCase();
// get specifically the time delay and URL
String content = element.getAttributeValue("content");
// this can't be empty
if(content == null){
System.err.println("META error 001: No content found");
// 5; URL=autoforward_target.html&id=1234
// we have some content, let's split this thing
if(content.contains("=") == false){
System.err.println("META error 002: No = symbol was found");
return null;
int pos = content.indexOf("=");
// filter our number from the rest of the text
delay = utils.text.justNumbers(content.substring(0,pos));
// we use -1 as indicator that something went wrong
if(delay == -1){
System.err.println("META error 003: No delay value was found");
return null;
// now go for the URL
String temp = content.substring(pos +1);
// if we have parameters to report, split them here
String[] portion = temp.split("\\?");
URL = portion[0];
String[] rawParameters = portion[1].split("&");
for(String rawParameter : rawParameters){
String[] param = rawParameter.split("=");
// no parameters, just get the full thing
URL = temp;
//System.err.println("delay=" + delay + "\n" + URL + "\n" + parameters.get(0)[1]);
// We have found a match (avoid duplicate entries after this one)
MetaContainer result = new MetaContainer();
result.delay = delay;
result.params = parameters;
result.url = URL;
// get the method that we want to run (if any)
for(String[] item : parameters){
result.scriptMethod = item[1];
return result;
// nothing was found
System.err.println("META error: Nothing was done");
return null;
* Returns the node that is the root of a given treeview
* @param tree JTree object where all nodes are placed
* @return the root node or null if it does not exist
public static TreeNodeSPDX getRootNode(JTree tree){
// avoid empty null objects when there is nothing on the tree
return null;
TreeNodeSPDX nodeRoot = (TreeNodeSPDX) tree.getModel().getRoot();
return nodeRoot;