* This class allows running custom scripts using Beanshell as interpreter for
* the commands. The goal is to provide direct access to most of the features
* within the builder without need to implement them manually.
package main;
import bsh.EvalError;
import bsh.Interpreter;
import definitions.is;
import java.io.File;
import java.io.IOException;
import java.util.HashMap;
import java.util.Properties;
import script.FileExtension;
import script.License;
import script.Plugin;
//import script.log;
* @author Nuno Brito, 21st of December 2012 in Darmstadt, Germany.
public class Script {
// general place to hold to retrieve settings
HashMap<String, Object> settings = new HashMap<String, Object>();
// StudioUI2 UI = core.studio;
public Script(Properties settings){
public Script() {
* Runs a script from the disk, the script must be based on Beanshell
* syntax
* @param scriptFile File that contains the script instructions
* @param what Method that will be run inside the script
* @param className The type class that is expected on the script
public void run(File scriptFile, String what, String className){
// is this a java-like beanshell?
runJava(scriptFile, what, className);
// shall we interpret this file?
script.log.write(is.NOTFOUND, "Couldn't find the mentioned script"
+ " at %1", scriptFile.getAbsolutePath());
try {// let's start
// the bean shell instance with our settings
Interpreter runScript = new Interpreter();
// prepare the interpreted script with our imports and settings
addDefinitions(runScript, scriptFile);
// Interpret the settings file
// get the objects back from running
settings = (HashMap<String, Object>) runScript.get("settings");
//log = (Log) runScript.get("result");
// run the referred method at the settings file
if(what != null){
runScript.eval(what + "();");
} catch (EvalError e){
script.log.write(is.ERROR, "Error while interpreting %1, the "
+ "error message is: %2"
, scriptFile.getAbsolutePath(), e.getLocalizedMessage());
// e.printStackTrace();
} catch (IOException e) {
script.log.write(is.ERROR, "Error while interpreting %1, the "
+ "error message is: %2"
, scriptFile.getAbsolutePath(), e.getLocalizedMessage());
// e.printStackTrace();
// all done.
// all done.
* Run the beanshell script without specifying a method
// public void run(File Script){
// run(Script, null);
// }
* Get the general properties object. Useful for overriding the default
* settings with values added on the script
* @return
public HashMap<String, Object> getSettings() {
return settings;
public void setSettings(HashMap<String, Object> settings) {
this.settings = settings;
void addDefinitions(Interpreter runScript, File scriptFile)
throws EvalError{
// inject our parameters object
//runScript.set("log", log);
runScript.set("temp", core.temp);
runScript.set("settings", settings);
runScript.set("thisFile", scriptFile);
runScript.set("thisDir", scriptFile.getParentFile());
//runScript.set("list", core.studio.getList());
"import main.core;"
+ "import script.log;"
+ "import definitions.is;"
+ "import definitions.Messages;"
+ "import java.io.File;"
+ "import javax.swing.JEditorPane;"
+ "import javax.swing.JList;"
+ "import javax.swing.JTree;"
+ "import utils.SortedListModel;"
+ "import GUI.plugins;"
+ "import GUI.ListItem;"
+ "import GUI.swingUtils;"
+ "import GUI.StudioUI2;"
+ "import GUI.Actions;"
+ "import www.WebRequest;"
* A beanshell script adapted for being edited like a Java file
* @param scriptFile The file where the beanshell script is located
* @param methodName The method that we want to run
* @param className Java-like type of class used by the script
public void runJava(File scriptFile, String methodName, String className) {
// shall we interpret this file?
script.log.write(is.NOTFOUND, "SC23 - Couldn't find script file"
+ " %1", scriptFile.getAbsolutePath());
// read the text file
String rawText = utils.files.readAsString(scriptFile);
String[] lines = rawText.split("\n");
String codeText = "";
boolean // used for speeding up line interpretation
noPackage = true,
noClass = true;
// iterate each line
for(String line : lines){
// if(line.contains("//<---")){
// continue;
// }
// overrides are not accepted by beanshell language
codeText = codeText.concat("\n");
if(line.startsWith("package ")){
noPackage = false;
codeText = codeText.concat("\n");
// replace the class statement with an object statement
if((line.startsWith("public class "))){
line =
className +" plugin = new " + className + "(){"
+ "File thisFile = global.thisFile;"
+ "File thisFolder = global.thisFolder;"
noClass = false;
// add this line, along with a line break since they were removed
codeText = codeText.concat(line + "\n");
// need to add a ; in the end of this plugin object
codeText = codeText + ";";
try {// let's start
// the bean shell instance with our settings
Interpreter runScript = new Interpreter();
//core.thisFile = scriptFile;
addDefinitions(runScript, scriptFile);
runScript.set("global.thisFile", scriptFile);
runScript.set("global.thisFolder", scriptFile.getParentFile());
runScript.set("temp", core.temp);
runScript.set("settings", settings);
// runScript.set("thisFile", scriptFile);
// runScript.set("thisDir", scriptFile.getParentFile());
// do the intrepertation of our script
(codeText, className, scriptFile, methodName, runScript);
// // run our modified text
// runScript.eval(codeText);
// Plugin plugin = (Plugin) runScript.get("plugin");
// // if no method is specified, run the initial method
// if(methodName == null){
// plugin.startup();
// }else{
// // otherwise, run the requested method
// runScript.eval("plugin." + methodName + "();");
// }
} catch (Exception e){
script.log.write(is.ERROR, "Error while interpreting %1, the "
+ "error message is: %2"
, scriptFile.getAbsolutePath(), e.getLocalizedMessage());
// all done.
* This method is used by runJava() to ease the processing between different
* types of plugin, licenses and whatever else comes in the future
* @param className The type of class that we are processing
* @param runScript The instance of the script
void doInterpretation(String sourceCode, String className,
File scriptFile, String methodName, Interpreter runScript) throws Exception{
// run the code
// react to the case that this is a normal plugin
// extract the plugin object from the script
Plugin plugin = (Plugin) runScript.get("plugin");
// if no method is specified, run the initial method
if(methodName == null){
// special consideration for special commands
// run whatever is requested here
// otherwise, just run the requested method
runScript.eval("plugin." + methodName + "();");
// no need to continue
// are we processing a license?
// get the object
License plugin = (License) runScript.get("plugin");
// add it up
script.log.write(is.COMPLETED, "Added license plugin: %1",
// is this a file extension that we want to archive?
// get the object
FileExtension extension = (FileExtension) runScript.get("plugin");
// add it up
// all done