* SPDXVersion: SPDX-1.1
* Creator: Person: Nuno Brito (nuno.brito@triplecheck.de)
* Creator: Organization: TripleCheck (http://triplecheck.de)
* Created: 2013-12-07T00:00:00Z
* LicenseName: NOASSERTION
* FileName: status.java
* FileType: SOURCE
* FileCopyrightText: <text> Copyright (c) 2013 Nuno Brito, TripleCheck </text>
* FileComment: <text> Shows the status of tasks that were processed or that
* are still running. </text>
package basic;
import definitions.Messages;
import definitions.is;
import main.core;
import script.Plugin;
import script.RunningTask;
import script.log;
import utils.html;
import www.Table;
import www.WebRequest;
* @author Nuno Brito, 21st of December 2013 in Darsmtadt, Germany
public class status extends Plugin{
String id = "Task status";
public void startup(){
// add our node to the tree right after the "Tools" node is added
log.hooks.addAction(Messages.AddingTools, thisFile, "addNode");
* Add our toolbox node to the treeview.
public void addNode(){
addTreeNode(id, "application-monitor.png", "main");
* Display the current list of tasks
* @param request the request for this method
public void main(WebRequest request){
// are there any tasks happening right now?
// do we mention any task to see in special?
String ID = request.getParameter(is.ID);
// let's show more details about a specific task
if(ID != null){
processId(ID, request);
String result =
+ html.h2("Tasks")
+ html._div;
String[] line = new String[]{
"%" ,
Table table = new Table(line);
// list all the tasks
for(RunningTask task : core.runningTasks){
// gather the details
line[0] = task.getPercentage() + "%";
line[1] = task.getTitle();
line[2] = "<a href=\"status?id="
+ task.getUID() + "\">read</a>";
line[3] = "" + task.getUID();
line[4] = task.getStatus();
// add the new line
// all done, output the results
result += html.div(20)
+ table.output()
+ html._div
* This method shows the details for a given task
* @param ID The number ID of task
* @param request where the reply is placed
private void processId(String ID, WebRequest request) {
RunningTask task = null;
long UID;
// convert the text id onto a number that we can use
UID = Long.parseLong(ID);
// if something goes wrong, mark it here
} catch (NumberFormatException e){
UID = -1;
// something went wrong, fail here
request.setAnswer("Invalid ID number");
// go through all the tasks, try to find the one that is intended
for(RunningTask thisTask : core.runningTasks){
if(thisTask.getUID() == UID){
task = thisTask;
// have we found the task?
if(task == null){
// nope, time to fail here
request.setAnswer("Task "+UID+" was not found");
// only now we are sure to have the task and be able of showing it
displayStatus(task, request);
* Display the current status of the selected task
* @param UID
* @param request
private void displayStatus(RunningTask task, WebRequest request) {
// placeholder for the meta tag
String meta = "";
// add a page refresh in case the task is still processing
meta = utils.html.redirectMetaTag("/basic/status?id="
+ task.getUID(), 3);
// include the log history so far
String logHistory = "";
if(task.getLogHistory().size() > 1){
logHistory = html.h3("Log");
String lastItem = "";
for(String logItem : task.getLogHistory()){
lastItem = "- " + logItem + html.br;
logHistory += lastItem;
// remove the last log line, it is repeated on the "current status"
if(lastItem.isEmpty() == false){
logHistory = logHistory.substring
(0, logHistory.lastIndexOf(lastItem));
// get the next step to show users what to do
String nextStep = "";
if((task.isProcessing() == false)&&(task.nextStep.isEmpty()==false)){
nextStep = html.h3("Next steps")
+ task.nextStep
+ html.br;
// do the status when not emoty
String status = "";
if(task.getStatus().isEmpty() == false){
status = html.h3("Current status")
+ task.getStatus()
+ html.br+ html.br;
// prepare the output
String result = ""
+ "<html><head>"
+ meta
+ "</head><body>"
+ html.div(10)
+ html.h2(
//html.getIcon("gear.png", request)
//+ ""
+ "Started in " + utils.time.getTimeFromLong(task.getUID())
+ html.br
+ "Temporary Id number: " + task.getUID()
+ html.br
+ "Percentage complete: " + task.getPercentage() + "%"
+ html.br
+ html.br
+ status
+ nextStep
+ logHistory
+ html._div
+ "</body></html>";