* SPDXVersion: SPDX-1.1
* Creator: Person: Nuno Brito (nuno.brito@triplecheck.de)
* Creator: Organization: TripleCheck (contact@triplecheck.de)
* Created: 2013-11-16T00:00:00Z
* LicenseName: NOASSERTION
* FileName: pluginCreateSPDX.java
* FileType: SOURCE
* FileCopyrightText: <text> Copyright 2013 Nuno Brito, TripleCheck </text>
* FileComment: <text> Add the node of tools inside the tree view. </text>
package spdx;
import GUI.swingUtils;
import spdxlib.DocumentCreate;
import definitions.Messages;
import definitions.is;
import java.io.File;
import java.io.IOException;
import java.util.logging.Level;
import java.util.logging.Logger;
import script.Plugin;
import script.log;
import main.core;
import main.param;
import org.rauschig.jarchivelib.ArchiveFormat;
import org.rauschig.jarchivelib.Archiver;
import org.rauschig.jarchivelib.ArchiverFactory;
import org.rauschig.jarchivelib.CompressionType;
import script.DownloadBigFile;
import script.RunningTask;
import utils.html;
import www.RequestOrigin;
import www.WebRequest;
* @author Nuno Brito, 16th of November 2013 in Darmstadt, Germany.
* nuno.brito@triplecheck.de | http://nunobrito.eu
public class create extends Plugin{
final String
id = "Create SPDX",
LastFolderNewSPDX = "LastFolderNewSPDX";
final String acceptedExtension =
+ ">>"
+ "zip",
templateFolderHTML = "spdxFolder.html";
int interval = 3;
public void startup(){
// add our node to the tree right after the "Tools" node is added
log.hooks.addAction(Messages.AddingTools, thisFile, "addNode");
* Add our toolbox node to the treeview.
public void addNode(){
addTreeNode(id, "box--plus.png", "main");
addChildNode("from web", "application-dock-270.png", "mainWeb");
addChildNode("from folder", "folder-smiley.png", "mainFolder");
* Displays the menu for creating new SPDX documents
* @param request the request for this method
public void main(WebRequest request){
// String result = "<html>\n" +
//// "<head>\n" +
//// "<style type=\"text/css\">body {font-family:verdana,arial,"
//// + "sans-serif;font-size:10pt;margin:30px;}</style>"
//// + "</head>\n" +
//// "\n" +
// "<body>"
// + ""
// + "Testing stuff!"
// + ""
// + "</body>"
// + "</html>";
// request.setAnswer(result);
public void mainWeb(WebRequest request){
public void mainZip(WebRequest request){
String result = "Hello there Zip!";
* Dialog for creating a new SPDX document from a folder on disk
* @param request
public void mainFolder(WebRequest request){
// load our template
// get the value used before
String selectedFolder = settings.read(LastFolderNewSPDX, "");
// if nothign is chosen, just show it as "none"
selectedFolder = "NONE";
// add the value of our directory
request.changeTemplate("none-template", selectedFolder);
// all done
// String result =
// html.div()
// + html.h2("Create a new SPDX from folder on disk")
// + "Use this page to choose a folder and create an SPDX document"
// + html.br
// + html.br
// + html.h3("Selected Folder")
// + selectedFolder
// + html.br
// + html.br
// + html.link("Choose a folder", "create?x=folder")
// + html.br
// + html.br
// + html.link("Start", "create?x=foldercreate")
// + html._div
// ;
// request.setAnswer(result);
* Chooses a folder to be used as source for creating a new SPDX
* @param request
public void foldercreate(WebRequest request){
// what should we use as source?
String selectedFolder = settings.read(LastFolderNewSPDX);
// start our action
log.write(is.INFO, "Creating an SPDX document using as source: %1",
selectedFolder );
// transform the thing into a file pointer
final File source = new File(selectedFolder);
if(source.exists() == false){
// we have a problem, exit here
log.write(is.ERROR, "SPDX create - Source folder doesn't exist: %1",
final WebRequest what = request;
RunningTask task = new RunningTask(){
public void doTask(){
setTitle("Creating SPDX from source folder");
// start the SPDX class
final DocumentCreate newSPDX = new DocumentCreate();
// launch a small thread to keep the progress updated
Thread thread = new Thread(){
public void run(){
// wait a little bit for things to start
// keep repearing while things are being processed
setStatus("%1 files processed out of %1",
"" + newSPDX.filesProcessed,
"" + newSPDX.files.size());
// third step, create the SPDX document from the extracted files
String result = createDocument(source, this, newSPDX);
// all done here, explain where the SPDX document can be found
nextStep =
html.link("SPDX summary",
+ param.spdx + "=" + result)
+ " | " +
html.link("Show full text",
+ param.spdx + "=" + result)
//request.setAnswer("Process launched as " + task.getUID());
+ "?ID=" + task.getUID(), 0, ""));
* Chooses a folder to be used as source for creating a new SPDX
* @param request
public void folder(WebRequest request){
// no support for requests from the browser
if(request.requestOrigin == RequestOrigin.BROWSER){
log.write(is.ERROR, "Support to SPDX creation from folder on disk "
+ "is not yet implemented");
request.setAnswer("Not supported from browser");
// do we want an older located defined?
String selectedFolder = settings.read(LastFolderNewSPDX);
// show the dialog
File result = swingUtils.chooseFolder(new File(selectedFolder));
// place the result in our settings
if(result != null){
settings.write(LastFolderNewSPDX, result.getAbsolutePath());
String output = html.redirect("/spdx/create?x=mainFolder", 2,
" Returning to previous page..");
* The part where we create the SPDX document
* @param request
public void start(WebRequest request){
final WebRequest what = request;
RunningTask task = new RunningTask(){
public void doTask(){
setTitle("Creating an SPDX document");
// first step, download our file from the Internet (or wherever)
File downloadedFile = downloadFile(what, this);
if(downloadedFile == null){
// second step, decompress the downloaded archive
File extractedFolder = extractFile(downloadedFile, this);
if(extractedFolder == null){
final DocumentCreate newSPDX = new DocumentCreate();
// third step, create the SPDX document from the extracted files
String result = createDocument(extractedFolder, this, newSPDX);
//request.setAnswer("Process launched as " + task.getUID());
+ "?ID=" + task.getUID(), 0, ""));
* Creates the SPDX document from the folder of extracted source code files
* @param extractedFolder The folder where source code files are located
* @param task the running task that will hold the status update
private String createDocument(File extractedFolder, RunningTask task,
DocumentCreate newSPDX){
task.setStatus("Creating the SPDX document");
// do all the heavy work
String result = newSPDX.create(extractedFolder);
// count the time it took to run this task
long time = System.currentTimeMillis() - task.getUID();
String timeCount = utils.time.timeNumberToHumanReadable(time) + " were "
+ "necessary to complete this task";
// all done
task.setStatus("All done!");
// all done here, explain where the SPDX document can be found
task.nextStep =
html.link("SPDX summary",
+ param.spdx + "=" + result)
+ " | " +
html.link("Show full text",
+ param.spdx + "=" + result)
// when all things said and done
return result;
private File extractFile(File downloadedFile, RunningTask task){
String fileName = downloadedFile.getName().toLowerCase();
task.setStatus("Extracting files from %1", downloadedFile.getName());
// create an output folder
File mainFolder = new File(downloadedFile.getParentFile(), "extracted");
// create the specific folder for this file
File destination = new File(mainFolder, fileName);
// get the name portion
Archiver archiver = null;
// handle different compressed files
archiver = ArchiverFactory.createArchiver(ArchiveFormat.TAR,
archiver = ArchiverFactory.createArchiver(ArchiveFormat.ZIP);
archiver = ArchiverFactory.createArchiver(ArchiveFormat.JAR);
if(archiver == null){
task.setStatus("File %1 is not recognized as something that "
+ "we can decompress");
return null;
try {
// do the extraction of this file
archiver.extract(downloadedFile, destination);
archiver = null;
} catch (IOException ex) {
Logger.getLogger(create.class.getName()).log(Level.SEVERE, null, ex);
// all done
task.setStatus("All files from %1 have been extracted",
return destination;
* Downloads the file in case it hasn't been downloaded in the past
* @param request
private File downloadFile(WebRequest request, RunningTask task){
// get whatever we are supposed to download
String sourceURL = request.getParameter("source");
if(sourceURL == null){
return null;
File downloadFolder = new File(core.getWorkFolder(), "downloads");
// we might need to create this folder
if(downloadFolder.exists() == false){
// now, get the filename portion of this file
int lastSlash = sourceURL.lastIndexOf("/");
String targetFilename = sourceURL.substring(lastSlash + 1);
// we need files to have an extension
// nothing else to do, just leave
task.setStatus("Download file is not valid: %1", sourceURL);
return null;
// where will this downloaded file be placed?
File targetFile = new File(downloadFolder, targetFilename);
// get the big file
task.setStatus("Downloading the file from %1", sourceURL);
final DownloadBigFile download = new DownloadBigFile(sourceURL, targetFile);
// Thread thread = new Thread(){
// @Override
// public void run(){
// }
// };
// thread.start();
// // just wait while things are being downloaded
// while(download.getIsDownloading()){
// utils.time.wait(5);
// String targetSize = utils.files.humanReadableSize(targetFile.length());
// task.setStatus("Downloading %1, %2 have been downloaded",
// targetFilename, targetSize);
// }
// get the file size
String targetSize = utils.files.humanReadableSize(targetFile.length());
task.setStatus("File was downloaded as \"%1\" with an approximate"
+ " size of %2"
,targetFilename, targetSize);
// download part is done, increase to 10% of overall task
return targetFile;
* Do the things that are necessary after creating a new SPDX document, such as
* updating the tree view
private void concludeCreation(DocumentCreate newSPDX){
String UID = newSPDX.UID;
// refresh the tree
swingUtils.refreshAll(core.studio.getTree(), UID);
// /**
// * Opens the choose a folder dialog
// */
// public void chooseFolderNewSPDX(){
// String folderName = core.settings.read(LastFolderNewSPDX, "");
// File folder = null;
// if(folderName != null){
// folder = new File (folderName);
// }
// // open the folder choosing dialog
// File result = swingUtils.chooseFolder(folder);
// // was some folder selected?
// if(result == null){
// return;
// }
// // all done, let's write things up and then exit
// core.settings.write(LastFolderNewSPDX, result.getAbsolutePath());
// swingUtils.refreshTextBox();
// }
// /**
// * All set and done, let's create a new SPDX document!
// */
// public void doCreateSPDX(){
// final String folderName = core.settings.read(LastFolderNewSPDX, "");
// // is a folder selected?
// if(folderName.length() == 0){
// swingUtils.showMessage("You need to select a folder to use as source");
// return;
// }
// Thread thread = new Thread(){
// //@Override
// public void run(){
// // create the new SPDX object
// final File newDocument = new File(folderName);
// final DocumentCreate newSPDX = new spdx.DocumentCreate();
// Thread thread = new Thread(){
// @Override
// public void run(){
// newSPDX.create(newDocument);
// }
// };
// thread.start();
// utils.time.wait(1);
// while(newSPDX.isProcessing){
// // write our progress
// doProgressScreen(newSPDX);
// utils.time.wait(interval);
// }
// // all done
// String UID = newSPDX.UID;
// // if things have worked, reload all the scripts
// if(newSPDX.isOk()){
// //swingUtils.showMessage("Success, your document is found at "
// // + newSPDX.file.getAbsolutePath());
// swingUtils.refreshAll(core.studio.getTree(), UID);
// //swingUtils.setSelectedNode(UID);
// }else{
// swingUtils.showMessage("Sorry, something went wrong.");
// }
// }
// };
// thread.start();
// }
// /**
// * Writes a nice HTML screen with output of current progress
// * @param newSPDX
// */
// private void doProgressScreen(DocumentCreate newSPDX) {
// String textValue = "";
// // don't show progress if nothing was done yet
// if(newSPDX.filesToProcess != 0){
// int rate = newSPDX.filesProcessed - newSPDX.lastCounter;
// rate = rate / interval;
// String textRate = ""
// + html.getIcon("stickman-run.png")
// + "Running at a speed of " + rate + " files per second";
// // handle cases of zero
// if(rate == 0){
// textRate = ""
// + html.getIcon("stickman-smiley-angry.png")
// + "Turbulence. We're stuck on something"
// ;
// }
// if(rate > 150){
// textRate = ""
// + html.getIcon("stickman-smiley-love.png")
// + " Looking good at over " + rate + " files per second"
// ;
// }
// // how long?
//// int estimation =
//// (newSPDX.filesToProcess - newSPDX.filesProcessed) / rate;
// textValue = ""
// + html.getIcon("application-monitor.png")
// + " Processed "
// + newSPDX.filesProcessed
// + " out of "
// + newSPDX.filesToProcess
// + " files"
// + html.br
// + textRate
//// + html.br
//// + html.getIcon("stickman-smiley-question.png")
//// + "We estimate this it take some "
//// + estimation
//// + " seconds"
// ;
// // update the counter
// newSPDX.lastCounter = newSPDX.filesProcessed;
// }
// // Do the message
// String inProgress = ""
// + html.div()
// + "<h2>"
// + html.getIcon("wand.png")
// + "In progress!</h2>"
// + ""
// + "Your SPDX document will be ready soon, please wait.."
// + html.br
// + html.br
// //+ html.getIcon("stickman-run.png")
// + textValue
// + html._div;
// // update the text box
// core.studio.editorPane(is.contentHTML, false, 0, inProgress);
// }
//request.setAnswer("All done");
// // initially, we don't have a folder selected
// String folderLocation = ""
// + html.div()
// + html.linkScript("Choose", thisFile,
// "chooseFolderNewSPDX")
// + " a folder to use as source"
// //+ html.getIcon("folder-horizontal-open.png")
// + html._div
// ;
// // if we already have a previously selected folder, choose it here
// if(core.settings.hasKey(LastFolderNewSPDX)){
// folderLocation = ""
// + folderLocation
// + html.div(20)
// + " "
// + "<i>"
// + core.settings.read(LastFolderNewSPDX)
// + "</i>"
// + html._div
// //+ html.br
// ;
// }
// String description = "This tool allows you to create a new"
// + " SPDX document that will be available inside your"
// + " Products folder. The only required setting is"
// + " the folder where your source code files are"
// + " located";
// String result = ""
// + html.div()
// + "<h2>"
// + html.getIcon("wooden-box-label.png")
// + "Create a new SPDX</h2>"
// + description
// + html.br
// //+ "<b>"
// // + "Folder to use as source"
// //+ "</b>"
// + html.br
// + folderLocation
// + html.br
// + html.br
// + "Ready? After clicking on the link below you should"
// + " see available the new SPDX on the product list tree view "
// + html.br
// + html.br
// + html.getIcon("wand.png")
// + html.linkScript("Create SPDX", thisFile, "doCreateSPDX")
// + html._div
// + "";
// all done
// request.setAnswer(result);