Switch to side-by-side view

--- a/tool/run/plugins/spdx/show.java
+++ b/tool/run/plugins/spdx/show.java
@@ -18,19 +18,23 @@
 import GUI.swingUtils;
 import definitions.Messages;
 import definitions.is;
+import java.awt.Desktop;
 import java.io.File;
-import www.Table;
+import java.io.IOException;
 import java.util.ArrayList;
-import utils.Graphs;
+import java.util.logging.Level;
+import java.util.logging.Logger;
+import main.core;
+import main.param;
 import script.Plugin;
-import spdxlib.tools;
+import script.log;
 import spdxlib.FileInfo;
 import spdxlib.SPDXfile;
-import main.core;
-import main.param;
-import script.log;
+import spdxlib.tools;
+import utils.Graphs;
 import utils.html;
 import www.RequestOrigin;
+import www.Table;
 import www.WebRequest;
@@ -385,6 +389,12 @@
+        // get the lines of code (LOC)
+        int countLOC = 0;
+        for(FileInfo fileInfo : spdx.fileSection.files){
+            countLOC += fileInfo.getLOC();
+        }
         // the header when showing summary about a specific SPDX file
         String summary = 
@@ -393,7 +403,9 @@
                 + counterFiles + " files inside the package" 
                 + html.br
                 //+ html.getCommonFolderIcon("calculator.png")
-                + counterLicensesDeclared + " files with declared licenses" 
+                + counterLicensesDeclared + " files with declared licenses"
+                + html.br
+                + countLOC + " lines of code (LOC)"
                 //+ percentage
                 + warnings
                 + evaluation
@@ -414,7 +426,21 @@
         summary = Table.alignedTable(header, values);
+        // if we are on Windows, permit to open the folder
+        String openFolder = "";
+        if(isWindows()){
+            openFolder = 
+                    html.br
+                    + html.link("Open folder in Windows explorer", 
+                        "?x=openFolder&"
+                        + param.file + "=" + file.getAbsolutePath())
+                    + html.br
+                    ;
+//            try {
+//                Desktop.getDesktop().open(file);
+//            } catch (IOException ex) {
+//            }
+        }
         // prepare the answer
         String result = ""
@@ -425,6 +451,8 @@
                 + html.div()
+                + openFolder
                 + html.br
                 + swingUtils.addIfNotEmpty(""
@@ -470,6 +498,28 @@
+    //           
+    /**
+     * The web link to show the folder where the SPDX document is located.
+     * @param request 
+     */
+    public void openFolder(WebRequest request) {
+        String param = request.getParameter("file");
+        File file = new File(param);
+         try {
+                Desktop.getDesktop().open(file.getParentFile());
+            } catch (IOException ex) {
+            }
+         String output = "A window showing the folder where the SPDX documents"
+                 + "are placed should now be visible. "
+                 + html.br
+                 + "Press the back button "
+                 + "to return on the previous page.";
+        request.setAnswer(output);
+    }
      * list some information according to a filter
@@ -613,4 +663,14 @@
         return result;
+    /**
+     * Are we running under a Windows machine or not?
+     */
+    public boolean isWindows(){
+            String os = System.getProperty("os.name").toLowerCase();
+            //windows
+        return (os.indexOf( "win" ) >= 0);
+    }