* SPDXVersion: SPDX-1.1
* Creator: Person: Nuno Brito (nuno.brito@triplecheck.de)
* Creator: Organization: TripleCheck (http://triplecheck.de)
* Created: 2013-12-14T00:00:00Z
* LicenseName: NOASSERTION
* FileName: twitter.java
* FileType: SOURCE
* FileCopyrightText: <text> Copyright (c) 2013 Nuno Brito, TripleCheck </text>
* FileComment: <text> Support for Twitter related actions </text>
package www;
//import com.colorfulsoftware.rss.RSS;
//import com.colorfulsoftware.rss.RSSDoc;
//import definitions.is;
//import java.io.File;
//import java.io.FileOutputStream;
//import java.io.IOException;
//import java.io.InputStream;
//import java.net.MalformedURLException;
//import java.net.URL;
//import java.net.URLConnection;
//import java.util.ArrayList;
//import java.util.logging.Level;
//import java.util.logging.Logger;
//import script.log;
//import twitter4j.Paging;
//import twitter4j.Status;
//import twitter4j.Twitter;
//import twitter4j.TwitterException;
//import twitter4j.TwitterFactory;
//import twitter4j.User;
//import twitter4j.conf.ConfigurationBuilder;
//import utils.html;
//import utils.vogella.Feed;
//import utils.vogella.FeedMessage;
//import utils.vogella.RSSFeedParser;
* @author Nuno Brito, 21st of December 2013 in Darsmtadt, Germany
public class twitter {
// // define where we store all cached files
// static File folderCache = new File("cache");
// /**
// * Downloads a file from the Internet straight onto the local disk
// * @param url The link to the web file
// * @param localFilename The file where the contents will be stored
// * @source on http://stackoverflow.com/questions/921262/how-to-download-and-save-a-file-from-internet-using-java
// * @author Muhammad Umair - http://stackoverflow.com/users/1749165/muhammad-umair
// * @retrieved 2013-12-14 by Nuno Brito
// */
// static void downloadFromUrl(String link, File localFilename) {
// InputStream is = null;
// FileOutputStream fos = null;
// try {
// URL url = new URL(link);
// URLConnection urlConn = url.openConnection();//connect
// is = urlConn.getInputStream(); //get connection inputstream
// fos = new FileOutputStream(localFilename); //open outputstream to local file
// byte[] buffer = new byte[4096]; //declare 4KB buffer
// int len;
// //while we have availble data, continue downloading and storing to local file
// while ((len = is.read(buffer)) > 0) {
// fos.write(buffer, 0, len);
// }
// } catch (IOException ex) {
// Logger.getLogger(twitter.class.getName()).log(Level.SEVERE, null, ex);
// } finally {
// try {
// if (is != null) {
// is.close();
// }
// } catch (IOException ex) {
// Logger.getLogger(twitter.class.getName()).log(Level.SEVERE, null, ex);
// } finally {
// if (fos != null) {
// try {
// fos.close();
// } catch (IOException ex) {
// Logger.getLogger(twitter.class.getName()).log(Level.SEVERE, null, ex);
// }
// }
// }
// }
// * When given an input, replace all http:// references on text with HTML link
// * representations.
// *
// * @param text the plain text containing the links to be converted
// * @return formatted HTML text, links are now clickable
// * @source on http://stackoverflow.com/questions/1909534/java-replacing-text-url-with-clickable-html-link
// * @author Paul Croarkin - http://stackoverflow.com/users/18995/paul-croarkin
// * @retrieved 2013-12-14 by Nuno Brito
// */
//public static String textToHtmlConvertingURLsToLinks(String text) {
// if (text == null) {
// return text;
// }
// return text.replaceAll("(\\A|\\s)((http|https|ftp|mailto):\\S+)(\\s|\\z)",
// "$1<a href=\"$2\">$2</a>$4");
// * When given an input, replace all http:// references on text with HTML link
// * representations.
// *
// * @param input the plain text containing the links to be converted
// * @return formatted HTML text, links are now clickable
// */
// public static String replaceTextWithURL(String input){
// String result = input;
// String temp = input;
// while(temp.contains("http://")){
// // get the beginning of the http tag
// int i = temp.indexOf("http://");
// temp = temp.substring(i);
// // get the first space
// int end = temp.indexOf(" ");
// // is the link on the end of text?
// if(end == -1){
// end = temp.length();
// }
// String url = temp.substring(0, end);
// // replace the URL with the HTML code
// result = result.replace(url, "<a href='"+url+"'>"+url+"</a>");
// // process the rest of the string
// temp = temp.substring(end);
// System.out.println(result);
// }
// return result;
// }
// /**
// * Provides an HTML formatted link to an image
// * @param url
// * @return
// */
// static String getImageHTML(String url){
// String temp = url.toLowerCase();
// // BMP files are not supported
// if(temp.endsWith(".bmp")){
// return "";
// }
// // first, we need to cache this image
// //String data = utils.internet.getTextFile(url);
// //String data = utils.internet.webget(url);
// int pos = url.lastIndexOf("/") + 1;
// String fileName = url.substring(pos);
// File imageFile = new File(folderCache, fileName);
// if(imageFile.exists() == false){
// downloadFromUrl(url,imageFile);
// }
// // second round
// if(imageFile.exists() == false){
// return "";
// }
// // do a web request to support both web browsers and desktop images
// WebRequest request = new WebRequest();
// request.BaseFolder = folderCache;
// request.requestOrigin = RequestOrigin.GUI;
// return html.getIcon(fileName, request);
// // return "<img style=\"width: 48px; height: 48px;\" src=\""+url+"\"'>";
// }
// static String doItem(String image, String text){
// return
// "<table style=\"text-align: left; width: 100%;\" border=\"0\""
// + "cellpadding=\"2\" cellspacing=\"2\">"
// + " <tbody>"
// + " <tr>"
// + " <td style=\"height: 50px; width: 50px; text-align: center; vertical-align: middle;\">"
// + getImageHTML(image)
// + "</td>"
// + " <td>"
// + text
// + " </td>"
// + " </tr>"
// + " </tbody>"
// + "</table>"
// ;
// }
////public static String getTimeLine(String userName){
//// String result = "";
//// RSSFeedParser parser = new RSSFeedParser("http://triplecheck.de/feed");
//// Feed feed = parser.readFeed();
//// //System.out.println(feed);
//// for (FeedMessage msg : feed.getMessages()) {
//// result +=
//// html.link(msg.getTitle(), msg.getLink())
//// + html.br
//// + msg.getDescription()
//// + html.br
//// + html.br
//// ;
//// System.out.println(msg);
//// }
//// return result;
// * Retrieves a list of tweet entries from a given username
// * @param userName The username from where the tweets are read
// * @return An HTML formated string
// */
//public static String getTimeLineOld(String userName){
// // the file where we cache our results
// File file = new File(folderCache, "twitter.html");
// // shall we provide the cached version instead?
// if(file.exists()){
// long lastModified = file.lastModified();
// // define cache time as 24 hours
// long cacheTime = 24 * 60 * 60 * 1000;
// long rightNow = System.currentTimeMillis();
// // have more than 24 hours passed?
// if(rightNow < (lastModified + cacheTime)){
// long inBetween = rightNow - lastModified;
// // use the cached file instead
// log.write(is.INFO, "Using the cached twitter page from %1 ago",
// utils.time.timeNumberToHumanReadable(inBetween));
// return utils.files.readAsString(file);
// }
// }
// String result = "";
// Paging pg = new Paging();
// ConfigurationBuilder cb = new ConfigurationBuilder();
// cb.setOAuthConsumerKey("hQzmMsrVRc8mnFrWuz4Fvg");
// cb.setOAuthConsumerSecret("jAbxaE9fiDQ4DjepmlOOspYCTyaKrrEYTB6h4R5dWY");
// cb.setOAuthAccessToken("2238936962-C5W622ue70tUMBwjefRPifhg9U2ReDhhOxC7EcK");
// cb.setOAuthAccessTokenSecret("lec0U1dbH7QRch73H9sxxtXD4JgUsec1iDNF2AHf6to4H");
// Twitter twitter = new TwitterFactory(cb.build()).getInstance();
// int numberOfTweets = 10;
// long lastID = Long.MAX_VALUE;
// ArrayList<Status> tweets = new ArrayList<Status>();
// while (tweets.size () < numberOfTweets) {
// try {
// tweets.addAll(twitter.getUserTimeline(userName,pg));
// System.out.println("Gathered " + tweets.size() + " tweets");
// for (Status t: tweets){
// if(t.getId() < lastID){
// lastID = t.getId();
// //System.out.println(t.getText());
// User user = t.getUser();
// if(t.isRetweeted()){
// Status retweetedStatus = t.getRetweetedStatus();
// User curRTUser = retweetedStatus.getUser();
// //long curRTUserID = curRTUser.getId();
// String convertedText =
// textToHtmlConvertingURLsToLinks(
// t.getText()
// );
// // needs to contain a link inside
// if(convertedText.contains("<a") == false){
// continue;
// }
// result += ""
// + doItem(
// curRTUser.getProfileImageURL(),
// "<b>" + curRTUser.getName() + "</b>"
// + html.br
// + convertedText
// + html.br )
// + "\n";
// }else{
// //result += t.getText() + "\n";
// String convertedText =
// textToHtmlConvertingURLsToLinks(
// t.getText()
// );
// result += ""
// + doItem(
// user.getProfileImageURL(),
// "<b>" + user.getName() + "</b>"
// + html.br
// + convertedText
// + html.br )
// + "\n";
// }
// }
// }
// }
// catch (TwitterException te) {
// System.out.println("Couldn't connect: " + te);
// return null;
// }
// }
// pg.setMaxId(lastID-1);
// // save the results to disk (ensure faster start within 24 hours)
// utils.files.SaveStringToFile(file, result);
// return result;